Aries Evil Plan

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Aries POV
I knew Scorpio would get pissed off about me being her boyfriend. In the end this was all her fault. She was too weak. It's pathetic, she is the weakest out of all the zodiacs, but it worked out for me. After school I was going to ' invite ' her to the mall. I put a letter in Scorpio's locker telling him to meet me at the mall, but he didn't know who sent the letter or that I was going to be at the mall. I was going to take Cancer there and make out with her right in front of Scorpio then walk away like I didn't even realize he was there. It would work out great just as long as Scorpio showed up and I knew he would. I walked over to Cancer and slammed her locker shut and grinned at her. She smiled and said,"Oh, hi Aries. How are you?"She remembered what I told her, but I knew she would.  "I'm doing great. How would you like to go to the mall today?"I asked casually. "Sure."she said. I wasn't sure if she actually wanted to go to mall or she was just listening to me. Either way the plan was going according to plan. Thanks google! She grabbed her bag and we walked out to my sports car. I walked around to the front seat and got in. Cancer sat in the passenger seat and we drove out of the parking lot. We didn't talk the whole way. I got out and so did she. She still held onto her schoolbag though. "Why did you take me here?"she asked. "You don't need to know why. Just do what I say and be quiet."I said harshly. I didn't need her meddling in my plan. I grabbed her hand and held it gently to not attract attention and in case anyone else I knew was here. I spotted the alley way that I was supposed to meet Scorpio in two minutes. I knew one thing, Scorpio was never late to the sort of thing that I wrote on the letter. I walked into the alley way still holding Cancer's hand, but her footsteps had slowed. She stopped walking. I kept walking and she stumbled forward, but stopped again and held her ground. I looked back at her, but her expression was blank. I never could read her."Why are you taking me back here... away from everything?"She asked, but I figured she already knew the answer. "It doesn't matter why or what is going to happen. You will find out once it happens."I said sternly. She still didn't move I pulled her arm gently to give her one last chance. She stayed put. Then I yanked her arm and walked a few steps forward. She tripped over her feet and fell to the ground. I let go of her wrist and looked down at her. She looked up at me with her innocent eyes and I felt a wave of regret and guilt wash over me. I came back to my senses and she was sitting up. She stood back up slowly. "Sorry."she whispered. I cleared my head and grabbed her wrist, but this time she followed and I walked slower. "I don't care what happens. You are not to utter a single word. Noise, that's fine as long as it's not screams."I said and gave a big grin. Fear washed over her face and she moved one of her feet back a bit." It also can't be too loud. If you disobey me. I will punish you... severely. You can pull away if it gets to much for you, but if I direct you, I don't care what you want you listen to me. Okay?"I said. Fear was clearly visible on her face. "Yes."she whispered and nodded her head a bit. I pushed her against the wall. I took her hand and moved it up against the wall. I lifted her hands so they were pressed against the wall next to her head. I kissed her passionately on the lips. I let go of one if her hands, but she didn't push me away. I took her bag off her shoulder just as Scorpio walked around the corner. She still didn't notice. Her eyes were shut. I didn't show any sign that I saw him either. I pulled her hand back against the wall. I stopped kissing her, but quickly licked her cheek. Then kissed her on the neck. Her eyes were wrenched shut. I knew she wanted to pretend none of this was happening. "Keep your eyes shut until I say."I whispered so only she could here. I kissed her quickly on the lips. "How about we have a bit more fun sweetie? Can you handle that?"I asked kindly. She nodded her head. I moved her hands back by her side and kneeled down and gently tugged her towards the ground. I caught her gingerly. Her eyes were still shut and Scorpio was still intently watching. He was furious, but curious. I directed her hands behind my neck and set her in my lap. I wrapped her legs around my waist. I held on to the back of her head, but secretly I also held onto some of her hair so Scorpio wouldn't know. I yanked her head back. I kissed her on the lips. She didn't move a muscle as I kissed her. She then started to slip her hands off my neck and press gently on my chest. I ignored her pressing and kept kissing. I tightened my grip on her hair and saw a tear trickle down her cheek, but Scorpio didn't notice. I pulled her hair even harder. She stopped pushing on my chest and wrapped her hands back around my neck, but her her body was a little limp. Her lips quivered and moved. She tried to stop kissing me. I bit her lip gently and stopped kissing her. She gasped for air quietly. She steadied her breath as I pressed her up against my chest."You okay sweetie?"I asked. "Yes."she stuttered. Scorpio still hadn't interjected. I thought about stopping, but kissing wasn't enough. I thought, what could I do to get him angry without going too far. I stopped pressing her against my chest, but she still leaned up against it. I unwrapped her hands from my neck and her legs from my waist. In one motion I slipped my hand behind her head, so she wouldn't hit her head. Shoved her back towards the ground, and towered over her. When she fell back her eyes flashed open for a second, but she shut them quickly. Luckily she didn't see Scorpio. I grabbed her hands and pressed them to the ground. I licked her lips. Her eyes shut tighter, but she didn't do anything. I laid my body directly on top of her's and rested my head on top of her chest. I let go of her arms, but she left them just where they were. My fingers grabbed the tip of the bottom of her shirt and pulled them up past her stomach. She squirmed, but couldn't do much because she was supporting my body weight too. I reached one hand up to hold her hands in place and stopped my head at her ear and whispered so Scorpio wouldn't hear. "Don't you dare open your eyes. Don't make a sound and do not resist. I don't care if you don't like it. Too bad. There is no point to try and resist or fight me because I am way stronger than you. So put a sweet smile on your face and act like you are enjoying this. Cause in 2 seconds you are going to hate me even more, but shut your eyes, smile, and don't squirm. If you do I will HURT you."I growled slightly, but Scorpio didn't here any of that. I slipped my hand around her shirt and pulled it up all the way, but not completely off. I pressed my chest against her. I looked at her. I whispered"smile now!" She smiled slightly. "Good girl"I whispered again. I wanted her to feel insignificant. I kissed her for ten seconds than I stopped. I just remembered the fabric I had in my pocket. I pulled it out and wrapped it around her eyes so she couldn't see. "Take iff my shirt and smile while doing it or you will regret it later."I threatened her. She hesitated, but reached down and found the bottom of my shirt. I was still on top of her I just lifted my chest and stomach off her a bit so she could take it off. She slowly while smiling pulled off my shirt."You naughty girl."I said out loud so Scorpio could hear. She just kept smiling and taking my shirt off. She stopped at my arms. I sat up and removed my shirt completely."Is that what you wanted?"I said out loud again as I leaned my bare chest against her body. She smiled and nodded her head. This was perfect. I grabbed her hands and made a clicking noise behind her back. Her bra didn't come undone, but the noise was enough to trick Scorpio. I was wondering when he would step in. I started kissing her again. After a while she was squirming again, but I knew it was because she couldn't breath. She was squirming more. I stopped kissing her. "If you want more just say so silly girl." I said. She squirmed even more. "Say yes to what I say next no matter what. And act happy."I whispered to her. "You can take my clothes off if you want. You don't have to be so shy. If you do that. I will take off the rest of the clothes separating you from me."I said outside. "Yes."she said quietly, but Scorpio heard and left. I watched him turn the corner. I smiled and kissed Cancer. I held her like that. She started to squirm, now that Scorpio was gone I could test her limits. She started to really squirm and press against my arm which was holding her hands against the ground. She stopped when she realized she wasn't strong enough. Then she started to kick her legs. It wasn't painful. I just felt weird. She quickly stopped. She squirmed even more and then stopped. She didn't move again. I sucked air out of her mouth. Waited a second and stopped kissing her. She started gasping for air and coughing. She whispered,"Please aries stop." I smirked. "The pathetic, blindfolded and defenseless  person is the one trying to give me orders?"I asked. "No, I, I didn't mean, I'm sorry, you can do whatever, I , just was, just was suggesting, but you do whatever, I, I, I am sorry, sorry Aries"she stuttered quietly, but I cut her off with a quick kiss. "Let's go I've had enough." I said. I stood up and put on my shirt that I had forced her to take off. I pulled her into a seating position with ease. I slipped her shirt back over her stomach. I pulled her to standing then removed the blindfold and handed her bag to her."Thanks."she muttered. I held her hand and led her to my car. I saw Scorpio in his car staring straight at us, but I acted like I didn't notice him. Cancer was so focused and shaken up by the whole thing that she didn't notice either. "I wanted to have a bit more privacy that's why I stopped us. So you want to come over to my house and continue?"I asked out loud. I dug my nails into her skin and stared into her eyes. "Yes."she said simply and smiled. Perfect I thought as I nodded my head and drove the car to my house. I grabbed her bag and walked her into my house. I shoved her onto the couch.  I walked into the kitchen and made some tea. And sat back down on the couch with her. I couldn't help it anymore, at first it was a means of revenge, but than I realized she was a fun toy and I should keep her around for a while, at least until I found someone I actually liked. "Do you want to play a game." I asked and smirked. "Umm.. Not really Aries." I pushed her off the couch. "Wrong answer." I growled.

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