Chapter 1

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Theodosia Elizabeth Bellavance.

Yup, my dad was a history buff. I never liked my name growing up. It was long, I couldn't find any keychains or souvenirs with my name on them. My mom always bought me ones that said Theo but it wasn't ever good enough. It had to be Theodosia because that's my name. I really didn't like my name.

Until I met Ethan.

That hazel-eyed beauty showed me how meaningful my name could be if I gave it meaning. The way he said my name rolled off of his tongue so easily. Like there was nothing to it.

I met Ethan in third grade. We were outside on the first day of school waiting to go inside, and there was a little brown-haired boy standing by himself. He seemed content to stand by himself, so even though I was lonely, I didn't want to bother him. He noticed that I was lonely and happily waltzed over to me, his hazel eyes brighter than any light on the highway. He stuck out his hand for me to shake, and I reluctantly took it.

"I'm Ethan," he stated, eagerly. "What's your name?"

"Theodosia..." I shyly muttered, already knowing what he'd say. Except that's not what he said.

"That's a pretty name, Tiodsha," he complimented me confidently. I giggled at his attempt to say my name.

"No, it's Theodosia." I spelled for him. I sighed, knowing already that I was going to be getting that for a long time.

"That's hard to say, sorry." He apologized with no real need to. "Can I give you a nickname?"

"I don't really want everyone to call me nicknames, just because my name is hard to say."

"Then it'll only be me that calls you that. Until I can learn to say your real name. Deal?" He asked me with the biggest grin on his face.

"Deal." I saluted, after shaking his hand, causing him to giggle.

"I like Daisy. What do you think?" He asked me, hope evident in his eyes.

"But that's not my name?" I replied.

"So? Daisies are my favorite flowers because they're pretty. Like you are." I blushed and pushed around pebbles with the tip of my shoe.

"I think I like that name too." I finally said, and we went inside together to start our first day of third grade.

Ever since that day, he never called me Theodosia, unless he was upset or there was something wrong. And I let him.

Time skip to high school and Ethan and I were still outcasts. We weren't bullied, but we weren't necessarily liked either. Regardless of anything, Ethan was always there for me. I was always there for him too. We never had a fight until our junior year of high school, when I met my other best friend, Annabella. We hung out a lot, but not as much as Ethan and I did. I wasn't favoring anybody, Ethan moved next door to me in fifth grade, and it was hard to get away from him, even if I wanted to. Annabella understood, which made her such an amazing best friend to me. Ethan didn't like how much time I was spending with Annabella, because sometimes I couldn't make plans with Ethan because I already had plans with Annabella. Sometimes I would invite Annabella over when Ethan was there because I wanted to hang out with all my friends. The entire time, Ethan would get moody while Annabella and I would cackle over really stupid things.

"I still can't believe how absolutely awkward that car ride was. Of all the things you could've said, you chose clown school?!" I laughed with tears streaming down my face. Annabella was laughing so hard she was wheezing.

"I don't wanna hear it. You followed it up with 'clown scholarship'. You also started it all by asking if I had asthma because every time I whispered you could hear me breathing." She stumbled through her words, her face was red and there were tears coming out of her eyes, and a huge-ass grin on her face. Her comment made me laugh so hard, that I went silent, my nostrils flaring violently.

"It wasn't that funny, guys," Ethan said, but there was a slight smile on his face. "Daisy, can I talk to you alone?"

He didn't give me a chance to answer before dragging me out of the room, interrupting my good mood. I knew that this was going to be another one of his moments where he ruins my night with his jealousy and I wasn't going to stand for it anymore. He was becoming a toxic friend and I was done catering to his every need.

'"Ethan, what's your problem?!" I exclaimed, my temper quickly rising.

"I really hate how much time you spend with Annabella. Why can't it just be me and you anymore? It's not fair. You're my best friend too!" He shouted, looking almost like he was near tears.

"You live next door to me, Ethan! I see you all the damn time! I just wanna spend time with two of my best friends but you have to turn it into a pity party every time I start laughing along with Annabella! What's your problem with her anyway?! Am I not allowed to have two best friends?!" I completely ripped into him. You could see the hurt and rage in his eyes but I didn't care anymore. I was done trying to stick up for him anymore.

"I've been there for everything for you but you still choose her! That's what my problem is! I'm jealous, okay?! Are you pleased now?!" His emotions were about as raw as his voice was. His eyes were watering but I felt nothing. I didn't feel bad like I used to. I didn't go to comfort him like I always do. I just stood there.

"Yes, actually I am. Jealousy is a pretty big sign of a toxic friendship. It's a friendship that I don't want to be a part of anymore. Please leave." I didn't like it, but I was crying too. I didn't want to feel anything anymore. I lost my best friend, my brother, for a really stupid reason. I was crushed and there was no doubt in my mind that he was too.

"Daisy..." His voice broke. I almost immediately regretted my next words.

"My name is Theodosia." His eyes glassed over. I heard him sob as he ran out of the house, and I heard the door slam before I fell to the ground and sobbed as well.

"Hey..." Annabella came over and sat next to me. She didn't do well when people cried but she tried her best to cheer anybody up, which always worked for me. "I heard what happened."


"Everything." I sighed at her response and put my head against my knees. "I'm really sorry if I caused you guys to stop being friends."

"You didn't do anything, he's just being an ass." I giggled, my good mood slowly coming back.

"The thiccest ass of them all." I laughed really hard, my full smile coming back, and spent the rest of the night laughing and watching movies with Annabella.

It took over four months for Ethan and I to make up, and it wasn't until graduation that he called me 'Daisy' again.

"I can't believe we did it! We actually graduated!" I exclaimed, tears of relief, joy, and slight sadness coming out of my eyes. Ethan smirked while reaching over to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna cry, Daisy."  His words made me stop. He was insistent on not calling me Daisy, even when I told him that it was fine.

"What did you call me?" Ethan laughed.

"I called you Daisy. A long time ago, there was this really pretty girl, and her name was Theodosia, but I couldn't--" I cut him off before he could finish.

"I know that, doofus. I thought you didn't want to call me that anymore?" I said it, but it sounded more like a question.

"Of course I'm still gonna call you that. That's your name." He said finally.

"It's not--"

"Look, don't worry about it, Daisy, let's just enjoy our day while it lasts. We don't get another high school graduation." He looked at me and ran his hand through his slightly faded, baby-blue hair. He died his hair for charity on a live stream for his channel on YouTube.

"You're right, Blue. Let's go." I gave him the nickname a while ago to try to encourage him to call me Daisy again. I guess it worked.

After that, Ethan, Annabella, and I had become three peas in a pod. Ethan and I decided to move in together, after graduation and Annabella moved in with Gabriel, her high school sweetheart. Ethan and I were happy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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