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(Group chat: ShadowCast)

Dum-dum🗿 has added you to the chat
Dum-dum has changed your name to "Baby Ash🍼" in the group chat

Baby Ash🍼:
I stg Dominic. You know I hate when you do this to me

These are my cast mate's.
They were asking about you since I commented on your picture

Baby Ash🍼:
Oh lol
But that's still a you problem
Anyway, hello Dominic's cast mate's

Unknown number 1:
Explain yourself Dom

Unknown number 2:
We're waiting.

Unknown number 3:

Unknown number 4:

Unknown number 5:
^^^ please

Unknown number 6:
I'm not that nosy but since everyone else is making a big deal out of it ^^^^

Okay, I'm getting to it
So, everyone, this is the girl Em saw me commenting on a picture of
Before anyone jumps to any conclusions, she's my cousin. We're not that far apart in age and we've always been really close

Unknown number 1:
Thank God you're related otherwise I was about to drag one of you for being a homewrecker or cheating

Baby Ash🍼:
Even if I wasn't related to him, I wouldn't date him

That was rude
But I know why so... 😝

Baby Ash🍼:
Can everybody introduce yourselves because you're all unknowns right now and it's going to get confusing.
Plus Dom hasn't told me much about anyone on here so I just have random names in my head and no idea if they're any of you or not

Unknown number 1:
Oh, sorry
I'm Emeraude

Unknown number 2:
I'm Harry

Unknown number 3:
Matthew Daddario

Baby Ash🍼:
Oh, I've definitely heard of you

Unknown number 4:
My name is Alberto

Unknown number 5:
I'm Katherine, but literally everyone calls me Kat

Unknown number 6:
My name is David

Do you watch the show?
Since you didn't know our names, I'm guessing you don't

Baby Ash🍼:
Never seen a single episode.
I've seen most of the stuff that Dom has been in but I sort of have a rule that has meant I am unable to watch the show

What rule?

"If the film or tv series has been adapted from a book then I must read the book first before seeing the visual. That way I get no spoilers and I can form my own perceptions and opinions before viewing someone else's."

Baby Ash🍼:
Yeah, that
Well remembered

You've said it so many times it's imprinted on my brain

It's a fair point
I could never stick to it but it's fair

Matt Dadd🐄:
No judging the new girl
How come you've heard of me but nobody else?

Baby Ash🍼:
Dom has talked about you once or twice (or a million times, but who's counting) during our calls - talking about filming and what we've both been up to lately, etc
I've also seen you in movies before
And I've seen you on Dom's instagram as well
It's not that I've never heard of you guys, Dom has mentioned his cast mate's by name a billion times, but I just don't know anyone in terms of putting a name to a face. Or, in this case, a number

I guess that's fair since he's never mentioned you at all to us

I said I was sorry

Okay, I just saw Dom's contact name for you and the name he set you as in the chat. It is honestly adorable
But why "baby ash"?

Baby Ash🍼:
Oh yeah, I forgot that is what he changed it to that in his phone a while ago
It's because I'm the youngest out of the three of us - me, dom and my brother

That's cute, I'm not going to deny it

Baby Ash🍼:
Who needs masculinity points when you can be the all-round nice guy and have the ladies wishing all guys were like that 😉

Honestly though

(Baby Ash🍼 has saved all contacts)

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