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Beau double checks her phone again to make sure that she's at the right address before knocking on the door. She moves back a bit as she waits before smiling when it is pulled open.

"Did you get lost or something?" Matt quips as he lets her in.

Beau laughs, hugging him before pulling back. "No, I was out when you texted so I had to drop off my stuff at Dom's before walking here."

They head further into the house, Beau looking around and noting that it's not as messy as she expected Matt's place to be. The pair sit in the living room as they chat about what they can do before Matt brings up a club not far from his place.

"Trying to get me drunk, Daddario?" Beau laughs and nudges him.

"No, I just don't want to go on my own." He sticks his tongue out at her, before shrugging. "I still have filming tomorrow so I won't be drinking much - if anything. You can if you want - I won't let anything happen to you if you do."

Beau smiles, "I don't really drink that often so I'm just going for the experience more than the alcohol. I might have a drink but nothing that will give me a hangover in the morning."

With them in agreement that they will go to the club, the pair set off on foot. Matt doesn't like to drive if there is a possibility that he might end up drinking, she learns. Matt points out that they can just get a taxi back if they need to, which is true.

They get let into the club pretty quickly and Matt holds onto her hand as they make their way through the crowd to a free booth a short distance from the entrance/exit. Beau looks around the club, squinting when one of the lights moves across the crowd and nearly hits her but smiles in satisfaction at the song choice.

"I think we got lucky - I've seen it way busier in here." Matt comments, leaning forward into her space so that she can hear him instead of having to shout.

Beau smiles before nodding when Matt offers to get them something to drink - nothing too adventurous considering tomorrow's schedule, he assures her. She watches him go to the bar before pulling out her phone when she feels it vibrate.


(Private chat: He's fast💨)

He's fast💨:
Where are you?
Your stuff is at Dom's but you're not 😑

She's weird🔮:
I'm out with a friend
Chill out
Tell Dom I might be back late, otherwise I'll see him tomorrow

He's fast💨:

He's fast💨 is calling...

He's fast💨:
Answer your phone, brat 😠😡

She's weird🔮:
Goodnight Flynn 😉👋



Beau looks up from her phone, taking her drink from Matt as he sits back down across from her. "No, my brother. I guess he went back to Dom's and noticed that I'm not there."

"Did I get you in trouble?" Matt crosses his arms on the table and leans forward.

Beau laughs, winking at him. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Matt laughs, sipping at his drink as Beau does the same. "No, I just said that I'd be back late and that I'm out with a friend. I'm not about to tell him I'm out with a guy - he's way too overprotective for that. What he and Dom don't know won't hurt them."

Matt raises an eyebrow but nods in acceptance. "I can't say much since I'm pretty much the same with my sisters."

"It's a brother thing," Beau points out, running her finger over the rim of her glass. "It's rare that I can spend any time with guys, friends or otherwise, without him or Dom poking their noses in."

Matt listens, not commenting since he's already admitted that he does the same with his own sisters. "Hey, why don't we forget overprotective brother antics. Come and dance with me."

Matt downs the rest of his drink, not that there was much left, before standing and offering her his hand. Beau huffs in amusement and finishes her own drink, taking a moment to mentally thank her somewhat high tolerance for barely giving her a buzz and allowing her to relax, before letting Matt bring her away from the table and into the crowd once more.

They dance together for a while, occasionally joking around with each other but mostly having fun and enjoying the atmosphere of the club together. They slip back out of the crowd to cool off after some time; Matt goes back to the table, promising that he will wait there, while she veers off to go to the bathroom. When she comes back, she hangs back slightly when she sees him leaning back against the table and laughing with some girls but realisation dawns on her when one of them moves next Matt while her friend takes a picture.

Matt moves his head, catching sight of her and sending her a quick smile before standing up properly again. The girl next to Matt follows his gaze before waving with a smile as Beau makes her way over.

"Hi Beau," The girl that took the photo for her friend greets her.

Beau smiles, nodding when they ask if they can hug her too and sticking her tongue out at Matt when he pretends to be angry. "Hey girls."

The girls hang around for a short while, chatting to them and also taking photos with Beau before voicing that they didn't mean to interrupt her and Matt's night. They leave after thanking both Beau and Matt profusely for the pictures and time.

Matt smiles, joking that Beau is stealing his fans before they go back to dancing together. The second time, they dance closer and even dance with Matt's arms around her waist with hers around his neck at one point, Matt murmuring the lyrics close to her ear as they move together.

Stuck In Your Head  |  Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now