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Beau wakes slowly, feeling movement and warmth against her back and across her side. It's not too bright when she opens her eyes, thankfully also free from any traces of a hangover, and a quick glance at the clock on the side tells her that it is still early - just before 5 AM. She looks around the immediate vicinity, seeing nothing that belongs to her, before turning her head and biting back a smile when she identifies the body behind her as Matt. Since they both stayed pretty sober, she still remembers everything from the night before and is fully aware that she slept in Matt's shirt and a pair of his boxers and how that situation came about.

She stretches out her muscles, being careful not to jostle Matt too much, before reaching over for her phone on the bedside table. She smiles as she goes through her notifications and text messages, most of the latter being from Flynn and getting increasingly frustrated before eventually stopping with a simple "Be safe, bug. I'll see you in the morning Xx".

She ignores Matt shifting for a moment, replacing her phone on the side,  before twisting her top half slightly, rolling her eyes as the shirt rides up her stomach a bit.

"Good morning," Matt mumbles, obviously having felt her shift around, his arm around her waist tightening slightly before releasing again as his fingers trace patterns against her stomach unconsciously. "What time is it?"

Beau turns her head and reads the time, "Quarter past five, or thereabouts."

"For someone who claims to not be a morning person, you're pretty awake right now." He replies before nuzzling his face down against her shoulder and yawning. "I don't want to get up yet."

She huffs, shuffling closer to his warmth and ignoring his mumbled protests about her moving so much. "You have work today so you have to eventually."

He hums, waking up a little more now that they're talking, shifting around and going as far as to lean his hips away. Beau, of course, notices but holds back on commenting for the moment since it might make their current conversation awkward.

"I have to go home too," She points out, "Flynn, Rio and Dom are probably waiting for me to come back."

Matt huffs, mumbling something that just came to mind. "Your brother and Dom probably didn't have this in mind when you said you were out last night with a friend."

Beau chuckles, stretching again, properly this time now that she doesn't have to worry about waking up Matt. "Oh, but I have no doubt the girls would have a lot to say if they knew, especially about me sleeping here with you."

Matt laughs, unwrapping his arm from her and sitting up to see the clock before grabbing his own phone, leaving it still plugged in for now. "If I don't start moving soon, I'm never going to leave this bed."

Beau hums in agreement, rolling over onto her back and again ignoring the shirt that doesn't agree with her plan since it's caught underneath her and bunches up again. She chuckles when she sees Matt's eyes dart down to it quickly before going back to her face, shuffling again.

She reaches out for his hand, squeezing it lightly. "Thanks for last night, Matty. I had fun."

Matt hums, "Enough to do it again some time?"

Beau hums as if thinking it over. "I think I'm amenable to that."

Matt laughs before motioning for her to go and get ready since he has to start getting ready soon and told her the night before as part of their plan that he will drop her off at Dom's on his way into work.

Stuck In Your Head  |  Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now