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Beau is sitting on the countertop of Matt's kitchen, eating cereal and contemplating how lucky she and Matt were at avoiding hangovers while waiting for Matt to join her when she hears a key in the front door. Her eyes widen and she places the bowl on the counter quickly, jumping down and rushing past the door before it can open, up the stairs to Matthew's bedroom.

Matt is inside when she bolts through, nudging the door until it is nearly shut, and he jumps when she barrels in but takes on a confused expression when he sees the look on her face. "What's wrong?"

She motions for him to talk quieter as she replies. "I'm sorry for barging in while you're quite obviously not dressed," She motions to where he is standing shirtless and only in his underwear, halfway through pulling on some sweatpants. "But someone just used their key on your front door and I don't think that will look good if they walk in and see me in just your t-shirt to cover my underwear sitting on your kitchen counter, eating cereal."

Matt's eyes widen and he quickly finishes pulling on the sweatpants before moving out of the room and standing at the top of the staircase. Beau follows but stays well out of view.


"Hey, baby brother! You seemed to be having so much fun here in Toronto that we thought we'd come and visit you."

Beau shuts her eyes and leans back against the wall as she realises that Matt's sisters are downstairs and there is no way to get out of this without some embarrassment.

Matt sighs before motioning them to wait while moving back towards his bedroom, catching Beau's hand and pulling her with him. He speaks once the bedroom door is shut firmly behind them.

"I'm so sorry - you heard Alex, they didn't tell me they were coming. I know it's way too early for things like meeting the family - even though I've already met your brother and I'm best friends and work with your cousin, but we weren't really properly doing whatever this is then - but I can't make them leave without making them suspicious about what I'm hiding-"

Beau leans up, wrapping her arms around his neck and cutting him off by bringing their lips together. He huffs but gives in, placing his hands on her hips and leaning into the kiss. She pulls back, smiling when he chases her lips and melts into another kiss, initiated by him, before breaking the kiss again and leaning her forehead against his.

"Stop freaking out for a second. Let's take this one step at a time." She murmurs, tracing his collarbone as she speaks. "I need to change and you need to put your shirt on. Then we will go downstairs and I will have to introduce myself."

Matt moves, kissing her again. "It would be easier to introduce yourself if we had a label." He makes a soft noise as Beau runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. "I'm going to ask you properly, not as some rushed thing because my sisters are here."

Beau smiles, bringing their lips together a final time before moving away from him. "You're adorable." She gathers her clothes before turning back to face Matt, avoiding his hands when he goes to bring her back towards him. "Get dressed, Matthew. Your sisters are still downstairs and waiting for you."

She notices the stutter in his breath at the use of his full name, storing the information for a later date but not making any comment about it, and waits for him to pick up his shirt before turning and entering his ensuite to change.


Beau fiddles with the cuff of her sleeve as she makes her way downstairs. She may have put on a brave face for Matt but she is actually really nervous. Beau doesn't know much about either of his sisters and it is already going to look bad enough that she is coming downstairs, coincidentally the same place both women will have seen their brother coming down from. Part of her is nervous that they'll think she's a one-night stand or something, and won't accept her because of this first impression.

She keeps her head down, making her way back to the kitchen where she can hear them, shuffling nervously in the doorway and looking to Matt since the girls have their backs to the doorway. He smiles as she steps into the room and moves towards him, causing the girls to turn and spot her too.

"Hey," He brings her closer to his side, handing her the mug of coffee he had been holding. He points to each of the girls across the counter as he introduces them. "These are my sisters; my big sister, Alex, and my little sister, Cat. Girls, this is Beau." Beau waves after sipping from the mug and placing it on the counter. "Beau is Dom's cousin, and we've kind of been seeing each other since not long after she came here."

"Wait, you mentioned you've been hanging out with someone during the Skype chat a few weeks back." Cat comments.

"Yeah," Matt nods, looking to Beau.

"So, you're not his girlfriend?" Alex asks, looking between Beau and Matt.

"Not officially, but I'd definitely say we're exclusive." Beau replies, nudging Matt. "I think he just wants to make a big deal out of asking me to be his girlfriend, just so he can say he did something romantic or impressive."

Matt huffs, kissing her temple. "Damn right."

She rolls her eyes with a fond smile at him before leaning on the counter, after passing the mug of coffee back to Matt since it is his after all. "So, are you guys staying here or do you have a hotel?"

Cat shrugs, "We came straight here, we usually stay with Matt but I don't mind finding a hotel if-"

Beau shakes her head and cuts her off. "If you're about to say something along the lines of it being awkward or something then it's fine. I'm basically living with my cousin right now – in fact, there's Dom, me, my brother and my best friend living there right now."

"Oh, so it's a full house then?" Alex laughs.

Beau nods with a smile, seeing Matt smile as he watches them talk – probably happy that everyone is getting along so well. She glances at him, pulling a silly face to make him laugh before standing up straight again, brushing down her clothes as she looks at the time on the kitchen clock.

"Talking about the madhouse, I really should get back before Flynn sends Dom around here - whether he's nursing a hangover or not."

Matt huffs in amusement but wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her to his chest so their fronts are pressed together, both fully aware that his sisters are watching their interaction. "But I can drop you off later. Can't you text one of them and let them know you're staying here?" He pretends to pout.

Beau laughs, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. "I can't stay here forever, and you know what my brother is like." He groans when she points that out. Beau pulls back, looking up at his face. "Spend time with your sisters, who came all this way to see you, and I'm going to go take care of my cousin who drank way too much last night."

He hums as if thinking about it before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. "Fine, but only because I know how much of a baby a hungover Dom is."

Beau pretends to push him away, giving in and letting him kiss her one last time. She pulls away from him, waving to the girls before heading to the hallway to put on her shoes and leave, after picking up her phone from the living room coffee table.

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