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Beau turns her head when she hears the director call "Cut" for the scene some of the cast have been filming for half an hour now, pausing her peanut throwing contest with Alberto for a second while she listens to see if they're done with that scene yet. She huffs when she sees that the various crew members are setting up for another scene.

"If I had been told that I would have to sit here all day watching Dom being an idiot, doing fight scenes and jumping off things then I would have chosen to stay back at the house and slept for longer." She turns back to Alberto, rolling her eyes when she sees him eating some of the nuts from his own bowl.

"Well, I wish I had the option," Alberto replies, throwing one of the peanuts in the air and catching it in his mouth. "I get wanting to spend time with your cousin but this isn't the most exciting thing to do - but he's only got today and tomorrow then he's off for the weekend so I suppose that's something to look forward to."

She nods, beginning to pick at the peanuts too since their game is apparently over now. She jumps when someone touches her shoulder but lets out a breath when she turns her head and sees Matthew.

"You made it then." He smiles, moving to sit down with her and Alberto, conveniently in between them.

"Barely," She replies, nudging her bowl of peanuts towards him a little. "How's filming going?"

Matt huffs as he reaches over and picks up a couple peanuts to snack on. "It's going. Taking a little longer than usual because of the fight scene but we'll get there."

Beau smiles, turning in her seat to look at where the filming for the scene being shot now is taking place, spotting her cousin now standing on a high platform and nodding to whatever is being said as other people set up the stuff he is apparently going to jump into. "That looks fun, I'm not going to lie, but I don't think I could do it."

"It is," Alberto replies, "Sometimes when the scenes involving it has been shot, they allow us all to have a go."

"Why couldn't you do it?" Matt jumps in, having been watching Dom as well for a second.

"Oh, I'm not good with heights. It's a sort of love-hate relationship; they look fun but I freeze up if I have to be that high up."

Matt nods in understanding, pulling out his phone and starting to do something or other while Alberto pulls out a script to start going over lines for a scene later on. Beau shrugs to herself before turning to watch her cousin again, chuckling when Dom looks up and pulls a funny face at her before winking and going back to what he is meant to be doing.


"And, that's a wrap on that scene." The director of this episode calls before motioning to the whole structure. "Have at it, guys. I remember you all wanting a go last time."

Beau giggles as the cast seem to all appear out of nowhere to have a go. She watches a few of them before turning her attention to her phone, scrolling through Twitter and seeing what the people she follows are up to.

"Aren't you going to try it?" Her cousin calls to her as he makes his way over.

She glances up and gives him a tight-lipped smile before shaking her head and holding up her phone. "No, I'm good right here. You know that heights and I don't get along."

Dom makes a face of realisation before reaching over and squeezing her hand. "Just didn't want you to feel left out."

She smiles, glancing over to see that it's Emeraude's turn to jump and both Brits watch and chuckle to themselves as the actress squeals as soon as she jumps. They watch another two jump before starting up a conversation between themselves.

"Don't you want a go?" Kat calls over after a while, gaining the attention of a few of the crew that are watching the whole thing and making sure nobody gets hurt, replacing the boxes they're jumping into after each person.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm okay with just watching from here." Beau replies, before shaking her head when Harry jogs over and goes to grab her to carry her over. "Please don't, I would really prefer just watching."

Harry let's up and steps back a bit. "You're scared."

Beau rolls her eyes before nodding, "Why is it so hard to believe that I don't like heights?"

The guys chuckle before leaving her alone again as they go over to watch from a spot closer to the action. She huffs when Matt comes over and stands in front of her.

"Just once." He pouts, holding up one finger for her to see.

"I really don't want to," She protests.

"I'll even go with you." Matt continues, reaching out for her hand.

Beau hesitates at that; it does look like fun for everyone else but she really doesn't want to go up there and jump because it's still pretty high. But, with someone else there, she might be able to do it. After all, you never know unless you try.

She breathes out a shaky sigh. "Once and then I'm out." She slips her hand into his as his face lights up.

Matt walks with her over to the stairs that lead to the platform, gaining the attention of the others who step back to watch what is about to happen, Dom amongst them. Matt climbs up first and she follows after, shakily climbing before allowing Matt to help her up the last bit.

"I'll hold your hand the whole time," Matt whispers in her ear as they get closer to the edge, squeezing her hand that he hasn't let go of since helping her up onto the platform.

Beau hears Dom encouraging her as they step up to the edge but she ignores him for the moment, tightening her grip on Matt's hand and looking up at the roof.

"Ready?" Matt asks, obviously having felt her squeezing his hand more.

Beau takes a deep breath and nods once, stepping forward with him and letting gravity take over. She squeals, grasping onto Matt with her eyes closed as they fall before the impact knocks them apart, making them land in different places which is probably for the best in order to prevent injuries.

She hears the cast whoop and a chuckle from who can only be Matt before she peels her eyes open, Matt popping into her line of sight as he crawls over and reaches out to help her off of the landing area so someone else can go once the boxes and stuff have been replaced.

"Well done," Dom comments, hugging her quickly before stepping back."I don't know how you convinced her to do it, Matt."

Matt smiles, shrugging his shoulders as Beau shoves her cousin for his subtle teasing.

"But, in all seriousness, are you going to hang around all day?" Dom looks around before motioning around. "I'm here all day and I know that won't be fun at all for you."

Beau shakes her head, "Rio is going to pick me up in, like, half hour and we're going to go do our own thing for a while."

Dom nods before both boys have to head off to work again. Dom hugs her quickly, pressing a kiss to her forehead, and jogs over to where they need him next, whereas Matt hugs her and whispers that he is proud of her for facing her fears before pulling back and sending her a wink then starting to follow after Dom.

Beau catches his wrist, going up on her tip-toes so that she can reach him and kisses his cheek. "Thanks for being there with me, Matt." She smiles before turning and making her way to the front of the building to meet Rio, resisting the urge to look back at Matt's reaction.

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