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"I do"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife"


"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, Jade?", asked a black haired man. "Cause I'll pack right now."

"I'm sure, Qrow. Besides, Tai, Summer and Yang need you", said his wife. " It's just a search and destroy, I'll be fine. And as the leader of JADE, I have to go. Besides, I have my team. I promise that I'll call you when I get there."

"Ok, Stay safe and come back in one piece", said Qrow. "I love ya, Little Birdie."

"I love you too, my Handsome Crow. I'm a Branwen now, And Branwens are tough. So I'll come back in one piece. I'll be back in Patch before you know it."


~Jade's POV~

I arrived on the border of Vert and Vacuo with my team members Azul, Daisy and Evergreen. Together we form team JADE, the famous team of hunters in Remnant. We have a well balanced team of two women and two men, Azul and Evergreen are Faunus while Daisy and I are human. I miss Qrow already, I just hope he doesn't drink too much. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at my partner, Azul. He is a Blue Macaw was easy to tell with his cerulean wings, blue hair and chin puff that was pointed like a beak. He also had brown eyes behind yellow hipster glasses and wore all blue.

"What's up Azul?", I asked.

"Missing Qrow already?", he asked sympathetically.

"Yep, I always do", I replied as I looked at my wedding ring. The black diamonds remind me of Qrow's hair and the ruby in the middle is the same color as his eyes.

 The black diamonds remind me of Qrow's hair and the ruby in the middle is the same color as his eyes

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"Newly wed syndrome, huh?", asked Evergreen as he folded his green dragon wings behind his back.

"Yup", I said. "I guess we're still in the honeymoon phase."

"Remember when we first got married, Evergreen?", asked Daisy. "We were the same way."

"Yep, but not very many Faunus marry humans", said the dragon Faunus as he wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Ugh! How come my team members are happily married and I'm a lonely bachelor?", groaned Azul.

"My cousin is single", suggested Evergreen.

"Shh... Beowolves, two o'clock", I said as I pointed.

(play the music)

We got into battle stance and readied our weapons. I unsheathed my Beauty's Thorn katana and Beast Claw. Daisy readied her bow with an arrow and Evergreen gripped his blades while Azul pulled out his twin swords. I screamed to get the attention of the leader, causing they to run towards us at full speed.

"Alright, here's what we're gonna do", I said. "Daisy and Evergreen, double death strike! Azul, fastball sparrow!"

They all nodded before executing the plan. Evergreen combined his blades, forming a double ended spear scythe as he stood back to back with Daisy. I sheathed my katana, transformed into a sparrow and flew into the palm of Azul's hand after he sheathed one of his swords. I nodded to Azul telling him that I was ready to launch. He wound up and threw me like a fastball.

I glided through the wind, towards a Beowulf and transformed mid-air and slashed it in half with my Beast Claw. I landed on the other side of the corpse as it began to disappear. I saw a Beowulf behind Azul. I took out my katana and transformed it into an assault rifle to shoot it before it could kill him. Daisy shot an arrow at a grim and then transformed her bow into twin blades. She and Evergreen locked arms and spun around, killing any and all grim in their wake.

"Go team!", I cheered. "Now, how about some Mochi and Boba to celebrate?"

"Sounds good", agreed Daisy.

"I'm down!", said Azul.

"I could eat", replied Evergreen.

We walked through the thicket to find a hotel and a boba shack in town. Suddenly, we heard a Nevermore screech. I pushed Azul out of the way and I was scooped up by the Nevermore and carried away from Vacuo. I had to get back to my team, so I transformed into a sparrow and wiggled free but when I landed, I was far from a hotel. I flew into and abandoned cave in the woods and built a fire.

~time skip to months later brought to you by Present Mic~

~Qrow's POV~

It's been months since Team JADE came back but my wife never came home. Azul said that she was taken by a Nevermore. I have been searching high and low but no sign of Jade has come up. I started drinking more and more, I know Jade would be disappointed in me but I don't know what else to do! I almost drank myself into a coma, but Tai found me and dragged me to his house.

~Le time skip Brought to you by the magic of Costco pizza~

It's been three years and still nothing. Yang just turned 5 and today is Ruby's third birthday, none of them remember Jade but I guess that's a good thing because they won't ask where she is. Summer and Tai took the girls trick or treating, Yang was a wolf and Ruby dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. I keep in touch with JADE. Evergreen and Daisy have a son named Grover. Apparently Azul started dating Evergreen's cousin Sapphire.

~Extra time skip to 7 yrs later brought to you by PASTA!!~

It's been a decade now, and Jade has been deemed MIA/DIA by the hunters counsel. Today is Summer's funeral, I held the hand of a crying Ruby as they lower the casket into the ground. I shed a few tears, knowing that I could have saved her. I started teaching Ruby how to wield a scythe that she made herself at signal. Jade, you would be proud of the girls.

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