Chapter II: Talking with Ozpin

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~Time skip to the next day brought to you by Qrow wielding Spirit~

~Ruby's POV~

I sat on the couch looking through my scroll. I can't believe that I  have an aunt that I never even met. But then again, she was a huntress so there's a chance that it could happen. I don't understand why nobody talked about her. I heard footsteps, causing me put away my scroll and look up. It was Oscar, he looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"Hey, Oscar", I said with a smile. "What's up?"

"Not much, I - well Ozpin thought you needed somebody to talk to", he replied and held up two soda cans. "I brought drinks. That part was my idea."

I nodded and he sat in the armchair next to my spot on the couch and handed me  a soda. I thanked him and opened it.

"So, what's on your mind?", he asked.

"*takes a drink* Well I just found out that I have an aunt", I started.

"Wow", he responded. "That's not news that you get everyday. Tell me more... that is if you want to. I didn't mean to impose."

"It's fine, I just need to vent."

I told him everything Qrow told me and he listened to every word. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed, and I could tell Ozpin was in control. I greeted him and asked if he heard any of it. He said that he was listening the whole time.

"So you opened the box?", he asked as I nodded. "Even though I specifically said not to?"

"Yes", I sulked. "I'm sorry, I was curious."

He chuckled. 

"Are you familiar with the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat'?", he asked causing me to nod. "Well, that curious attitude of yours may be your doom someday."

"I know", I said.

"Miss Rose, I understand that you were curious about your relationship with Jade. Miss Xiao Long knows a little bit more seeing as she was born before you."

"I never knew I had an aunt, Ozpin. I've heard the name Jade Sparrow, everybody has. But I never knew she was my aunt. I can't remember what I never had."

"I understand. But if your intentions are to find her, you best inform Qrow, your sister and the others. The more that know, the better the result of the search. Never be afraid to ask for help on what is bigger than yourself, Miss Rose. Start with the knowledge you initially have and add on it."

 He opened his soda and took a drink. I let his words sink in for a while before answering.

"Well, Qrow said that she was taken by a Nevermore on her search and destroy mission with team JADE", I pointed out.

"Yes, I do recall that day", he said. " I do know the whereabouts of her team. They have scattered around Vale and Menagerie. If I can get my contacts to reach them, they'll join the manhunt for your Aunt Jade."

"Which member lives where?"

"Last time I heard, Azul Ciel lives in Menagerie with his wife Sapphire."

"It's a good thing I knew the guy before Jade and I started dating", said Uncle Qrow as he drank out of his flask. I forgot he was here. "I may know where he lives."

"Well that's a start. What about Daisy Gold and Evergreen Draco?", I inquired.

"I speak with them from time to time. They live around Vale with their son", answered Ozpin as he rubbed his chin and tilted his head to the side. "If memory serves me well, his name is Grover."

"Son!?", I almost fangirled. "They were a couple?"

"Yup. They got married a few months before your aunt and I did", said Qrow. "I met Grover when he was a month old. He calls me his uncle."


"He's three years younger than you, Ruby. And a marksman, you might meet a next generation of team JADE."


~Time skip  to dinner brought to you by Russia trying to kill Hamtaro and Japan holding him back~

We sat in the dining room, eating Spaghetti and meatballs that Ren made. We were reminiscing  about Beacon.

"Remember when team JNPR was did that team dance at the dance?", I asked with a huge smile on my face.

"Yup, we were  so in sync. I still have the video!", cheered Nora as she pulled out her scroll and showed everyone.

"Nice", said Qrow.

"Wow! Who planned it?", asked Oscar.

Nora and Jaune point to Ren, who was eating. I laughed with Yang, Weiss, Oscar and Qrow at the look on Ren's face. Qrow  tapped Oscar's shoulder, causing Oscar to look at him.

"Oz, we need to talk about the search", Qrow said.

Oscar's eyes flashed and Ozpin was in control.

"  What about it?", he asked. 

"When are we going to start looking for Jade?", asked Qrow as he ate more spaghetti.

"First thing tomorrow. There may be Grimm, but it's a chance that she may be around. The forest around here may be crawling with something or rather someone other than the Grimm."


Ozpin nods.

"Miss Rose, may I have some more spaghetti?", he asked.

"Sure", I say as I reach over and pour more food on his plate. He thanks me.

 "Jade?", asked Ren as a meatball falls off of his fork.

"As in Jade Sparrow, the leader of team JADE?", asked Nora .

"Yup", I said.

"Yeah", said Qrow.

"Bingo!", said Yang as she tapped her nose.

"Yes", said Ozpin as he drank some water.

"She's one of the best fighters I've seen in my youth before attending Beacon", said Ren.

"She's like Pyrrha times ten!", Nora fangirled.

"She was on the boxes of Pumpkin Pete's when I was a kid!! I used to eat it and dream of being as fierce as her!! She's so awesome!!!", Jaune ranted.

"Jade Sparrow!? She was voted Huntress of the Year five years in a row!", Weiss said with stars in her eyes, which made us uncomfortable because she's never so cheery. "That woman is the legend! *fangirl squeal* And we're looking for her, this is the  best day of my life!!"

"I knew that!", smirked Yang.

"She and Pyrrha are strong huntresses", I agreed.

"Yeah, well here's  something you probably don't know about your idol, Ice Princess", started  Uncle Qrow as he wiped spaghetti sauce off his face with a napkin. "She's.... *holds up his left hand to show a black wedding ring*  My wife."

"WHAT!!!", everyone except for me, Yang and Oscar/Ozpin.

"Yup. The 'It' girl of Beacon and world famous huntress is my wife!", Qrow bragged. "So out of all the guys, she chose yours truly."

"You're a lucky man, Qrow", said Ren.

Jaune got up and ran to stand in front of Qrow. 

"You are an inspiration to normal guys everywhere", Jaune said as he dropped to his knees and began to bow. "I'M NOT WORTHY! I'M NOT WORTHY! I SUCK!" (A/N: If u get the reference, I will Dab)

Qrow stuck his left hand out in front of Jaune as if telling him to kiss the ring.

"Alright, everyone", said Ozpin. "Let's finish eating, we can faun over Mrs. Sparrow-Branwen's achievements later."

We finished eating and got ready for bed after Qrow showed the others pictures of them together to prove that he  wasn't lying.  After packing up, we all went to bed.

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