The Talk

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Lisa's POV 

Today was pretty much uneventful considering it was Sunday until Kacey showed up at my door at 1 in the afternoon telling me to dress up since it was our Oh-So fun Bestfriend’s Day. We headed towards my room and decided to just let her pick the clothes I’d wear since we basically have the same fashion sense. She ended up choosing a little pink dress, stopping at my mid thigh, it was the flowy type, At first I didn’t like it at all since it was very girly but I ended up buying it anyway because of Kacey’s  persuasions. I wore some black stilettos with it. You would probably think that I was overdressed but Kacey and I have this thing that we’d dress up as classy as we look since it was our day, it was basically enjoying the life as a teenage girl.

As kacey herself she was wearing a white dress that stopped until mid thigh, and it was back less. She definitely had the body of a model. She wore some red pumps with it. Her hair was curled to perfection while mine was dark and straight. I didn’t mind straight, I much prefer it than the curly look since it suits me more.


Our first stop was at the mall, and shopped till we drop. We’ve had tons of paper bags with us after a few hours of shopping and going around the mall. I didn’t mind shopping; it makes me forget about things specifically The Cameron Thing. I haven’t told her what happened yesterday so I was a bit off the whole time. We decided to eat at taco bell since we were both craving for tacos. We ordered our food and sat by the window.

“So what’s up Liz? Anything new about you and Jack?” She asked casually. 

“Nothing much really besides that he is the sweetest thing” I answered showing her the text I got from him last night. She squealed and eyed me suggestively.  I was grinning so widely I thought that I felt my Jaw broke. He just made me happy even when he doesn’t even do a thing.

“You and Jack are getting pretty serious; I thought this was all just pretending? Why the sudden burst of emotion lisa?” She asked with the tone of seriousness in her voice. She had this thing of guarding me and being all over-protective. She just didn’t want me to get hurt and I love her for that.

“Yes I know Kay, but whenever I’m with him I just can’t help but feel a little hopeful that maybe we’d stop fooling ourselves and actually succumb into this something that we actually have.” I replied

“Okay fine, let’s stop talking about Jack, but you know if he hurts you, I’d kill him right?” Ladies and gentlemen, My Best friend!

“I know I know Kay, thank you and I love you so much for that”

“So anything new, liz?” She asked, I was preparing to tell her what happened yesterday with Cameron so I decided to do so.

“umm yesterday, it was completely shocking and didn’t think it’d happen. Cam called me to ask me if I want to talk, and I go along with it thinking that it was just one of his traps but No kays, It was different, I didn’t knew what to do. He told me he missed me and that he still loved me. He apologized and he just acted the way I didn’t expect him to. It wasn’t the kind of reaction Jack and I thought he’d have. I didn’t know what to do Kay” I finished

“What did you told him?” She asked shocked and a bit of curiosity in her voice. 

“I literally just melt down kays, in front of many people, we were at starbucks and I just didn't know what to do. I told him I loved him and that he was too late. And that I love Jack now and how he is my world now. I told him that he shouldn’t have gave up on us the first time but as always he was regretting it. He was scared Kay. I haven’t seen him that vulnerable since his grandmother’s death. I wanted to hug him but I know I wouldn’t let myself do that. I realized that I didn’t love him anymore but he still has this special part in my heart and I couldn’t let that go, ever.”

“I understand where you’re coming from Liz, but can you honestly say that you love Jack? You can’t just lie to him just because he have hurt you before Liz, nobody’s perfect. He doesn’t deserve that kind of rejection. Sure he have hurt you before but if you really care about him, at least tell him the truth.” She stated. I knew she was right, I knew that Cameron didn’t deserve to be lied like that. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I absorbed everything that kacey said and thought about it.

“Okay enough about me, Kacey is there someone new? I’ve noticed there’s something going on about your smile, have you found someone again?” I asked interested. Kacey has been in a lot of relationships. Some of them ended so badly that she'd cry for days but some of them ended just as good. It was like nothing didn't ever happen. But in any other way i'd still be here for her, just as she is with me.

“Uhm okay there’s this guy in my math class. He keeps giving me this look and at first I thought it was weird and super creepy until  I saw my name scribbled at his notebook. I didn’t purposely look at it. On my way to door I tripped and accidentally his things fell everywhere. I helped him pick it all  up until I noticed my name written to one of his notebooks. I handed him his things and saw that his ear turned bright red. It was the cutest thing Liz, I literally felt myself smiled. He rushed out so fast that I didn’t even got his name. We’ve never really talk before so I didn’t know his name until he asked me out later that day and tonight we’d have our first date. I’m so excited liz, he’s too cute for his own good. He have this breath-taking smile with this perfect sraight twhite teeth. This gorgeous brown hair and the most adorable thing is his eyes. It was blue. So blue that I thought I’d get lost in it. I was surprised I haven’t noticed him before but now I couldn’t be any more happy. Althought I think the cheerleaders were eyeing him after he asked me out earlier and I swear if they do something to him i'd castrate them” She finished catching her breathe. With every word she said I could feel her eyes twinkling she definitely got it good for this guy and I couldn’t be any more happy for her.

“I’m so happy for you Kays, and I hope he won’t ever hurt you. You deserve the world Kacey, you’re so amazing and I swear if he’s thinks otherwise, I’d hunt him down and kill him.” I warned playfully smiling at her, but she knew that I was serious, because if something bad happen to her hell will break loose.

“I know you are Lisa, You’re the best!” She said hugging me.


After we ate, she bid me a goodbye deciding it was time to get ready for her first date with this guy. We drove our separate ways. But all I know is that I need to talk to Jack. I went to the park deciding I didn’t want to go home just yet. I decided to text Jack wondering where he was.

Where are you? I was wondering if we could talk. – Lisa

I’m at home and sure, where do you wanna meet? – Jack

I’m at the park right now – Lisa

Sure, be there in 10 :) –Jack

I put my phone inside my bag and waited for him patiently until I saw him heading his was towards me with this stupid gorgeous smile plastered on his stupid pretty face. He didn’t even know how handsome he was. He walked with so much authority being all mighty in his black leather Jacket owning the place without a care in the world. He was such a prick. My prick. God he’s too good. I’m dying.

Our eyes meeting at every step he took and I smiled there like an idiot waiting for him to actually be in front of me. It was all in slow motion and I hope that it would get slower because I wanted it to stop. It was all perfect. But in a matter of minutes, I’d have to end it.

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