let's make a deal...

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We drove to the nearest diner and ordered some good food. The place was quiet and nice. It's my type of place. There were few people, just having little conversations here and there nothing noisy and loud. It was cozy to say at least. We sat by the window, the sun illuminating our shadows in the window.  I intitiated the conversation just to prevent awkward silence.

"So What's up?" I asked 

"Nothing much, really. Can I ask you a question?" He asked

"Um, sure, anything." I said preparing myself to answer the inevitable. 

"What's up with the dude a white ago?" He asked genuinely interested, with the face he was showing I couldn't say no, I guess now is the good time to tell him about me and Cameron. I think I trusted him, and I guess we're friends so there's nothing wrong opening up to him. I'm just internally wishing I could really trust him because I can't handle any more shits in my life. 

"Uhh he was my ex, he broke up with me months ago....." I started blabbering but right now I couldnt give two shits. "you know the cliches? player turns good for the good girl and finding out the player never turned good, you know playing the good girl and that? I guess we aren't really meant for each other, but Im not going to deny that I thought we were, I guess those sappy romantic shit that happens in the movies only stays in the movies. I genuinely cared for him you know?, what hurts the most is that he didn't even apologize, he didnt even showed any remorse at all, he didn't even cared at all. I guess once a player, always a player. He was such a good actor i'd give him that. I fell under his tricks, he got me wrapped up under his little finger. I just want to move on you know? start over? but it's just fucking hard, He's always there, people are always there to show me that I was useless and nothing to him.." 

Jack's POV 

 When she started talking about the jerk of a face Cameron I started getting angry, not to her but to the douche bag. Who could do that to her? She was so unreal it was just impossible. Any guy would be so lucky to have laid there eyes on her. To say that I was starting to have feelings for her was an understatement, even though I keep reminding myself not to fall for another girl again I just couldn't help myself. I realized that I was probably just looking at her weirdly now because I noticed her expression tensed a bit so I started talking. 

"I'm sorry. You don't derserve that, you deserve better. But I guess we all do, that's just what they say to someone but I truly am Sorry, you don't derserve him. You deserve someone to be there for you, genuinely care for you. It was his loss playing you like that, he was a fool for letting you go. Your existence in this world would make any guy have those stupid butterflies just like what Im feeling now.You make people nervous. You're a great girl, and  someone somewhere is made for you, and someday you're going to meet him, he'd be mending your broken heart, there would be a few more heartbreaks but I promise you Lisa that you're going to find the half of you and you're going to be completely and endlessly happy." I told her. God I was such a freak, Why did I even told her about the butterflies and those shit. She probably thinks I was such a freak for you speaking my thoughts out loud. 

She sat there not talking, my words still processing on her head. After a second or two she just sat there and smiled at me, It made my heart flutter, and I swear the butterflies in my stomach were so high that they wouldn't stop. 

she stood up and sat baside me, she hugged me sideways while laying her head in my shoulder. She was hugging me. It felt good. a hundred butterflies erupting in my stomach, and jolts of pleasure electriying me by her touch. 

She tilted her head upwards facing me.

"Thank you, I really needed that. I guess I was just so naive thinking that he's going to be the prince in my silly little distress. Haha sorry for being so emotional." She stood up going back to her seat.

"No problem, Let's make a deal. I'll help you out getting back at Cameron, while you help me umm, probably with nothing, I just want to help you I guess. Deal?" I asked 

"How are you going to help me get back at Cameron?" She asked with one raise brow. 

"You could be my pretend girlfriend, make him jealous, show him you've moved on, let's see if he cares, if he cared get back to him, play him then dump him like what he did to you. You see boys like challanges and girls they can't have, sure he once had you, but you got to be a different person this time, show him he was stupid letting you go" I explained. 

"Id be lying if I told you that wasn't a good plan, it's pretty good. So yeah deal." She replied. I mentally pumped my fist in the air while doing a little happy dance. I dont know what came over me but I feel so obssessed wanting to help her out. Maybe because I knew what it felt like, having someone mean the world to you in one second  and in the next second they'd leave you like you're nothing."

Back to Lisa's POV

I was beyond shocked, who knew little bad-ass Jack would help me. I just couldnt help but feel a little excited about his plan. It's genius if I may say so myself. It felt so unreal having Jack around, He was begging to be one of the few people that I would probably care for. 

After a few good minutes we head back to my house, He thanked me for a good day and he head back home. I enjoyed this day so much that I wanted it to never end, but I guess everything has its ending. I know I could do this, I know it probably isn't the right thing to do, but I dont care, All I want now is to get back at Cameron for making me 100 times worse and screwed up as I was before.


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