Is this "bump" day?

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Lisa's POV 

It's crazy to say that I had so much fun today than any other day in my life, not even when I had my first car, or when my parents took me to Disneyland, it just was. Today was inevitable, it's not even over yet. 

I learned so much about Jack. but I wouldn't keep my hopes up, he isn't going to be the prince where in, in this situation, he'd save me,  the princess from a misery, no, it wasn't going to be like that. Sure he seems different but he's way out of my leauge, like I said earlier, no one deserves me-- the girl with tons of baggage. He wasn't arrogant, or manipulative. He is Jack, and being Jack himself would make any girl fall over heels in love with him. 


I'm here, laying in my bed, my mind wandering to the thougts of this day with so many questions. I have never felt like this before, sounds cheesy right? but I really do, not when I was with Cameron, or any other people. I felt free and I felt so carefree. I didn't had to worry about my hair, or the way I looked, I was comfortable and It made me happy, not because of Jack, but because the idea of having him around and being really happy.

It was simple, I like him. But I can't like him. Heck he was a stranger, I just met him like a few days ago? he isn't a stranger anymore you monkey-head monkey. My mind battling with the thoughts of a stupid-handsome-faced Jack. 

 After our long day earlier, I drove us back to Maccas, where my car was, we went to our seperate destination. It wasn't awkward or anything, There was nothing to say, he muttered a Thank you, and I did too, and then he left, I guess he didn't enjoy this day as much as I did. My mind longed for so much answers. Maybe he had a girlfriend? or Maybe he was serial killer or something? There were too much questions and I longed for answers. I felt my phone buzzed in my pocket, and gladly opened a new message with an unknown number.

I had fun today. Thank you, I really needed that. 

Butterflies in my stomach danced merrily and I had this enjoyable sinking feeling. I was glad he enjoyed  this day, what should I reply? I mean I have nothing left to say. But how did he got my number? maybe I should ask him that, yep maybe I should.

I'm Glad. But How did you got my number? 

I asked waiting for an answer. In less than 30 seconds I felt my phone buzzed again. 

A stupid wink was all his reply? wow so much for answering my question. I didn't reply anymore, knowing how much I tried he wasn't giving in. I let my thoughts and today's daydreams driftt away and longed my way to my awaited sleep.


It's a sunday morning, which Is Bestfriends day, hey don't put the blame on me, it was all Kacey's idea. 

It's 7 in the morning, and I head my way into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, took a cold shower, and after 20 minutes, I went to my walked-in closet

I grabbed a black running shorts, and a blue tank top. I wore some Nike running shoes, tied my hair in a pony tail, grabbed my ipod and headed my way out for a morning jog.

 After running around the subdivision I bumped into a tall mascular figure, which quite resembles to Cameron, and I internally wished it wasn't him. To my utter shocked expression it was him, Oh Joy! see me sarcasm there? 

"Morning lizypoo" Cameron greeted in his husky yet annoying voice. The voice that used to drive me crazy and it usually send chills down my spine, but now all I feel is coldness and anger towards it. 

"What do you wan't cameron? and don't call me that" I snapped. 

"wow still the fesity one are we?" he said his voice dripping with annoyance,

Play it cool Lisa, show him he didn't affect you. Show him he has nothing to with you anymore. 

"Only for you" I said winking. I jogged as fast as I could knowing that I'd get a somewhat strange reaction for him, after I uttered a flirty comeback. I was praying he wasn't going to make any reponse but sadly he did. 

"Glad to know love" he shouted 

I ignored his reply, and continued jogging until, once again I bumped into a mascular structure. What's with me bumping to people this morning?

The structure cleared his throat, and I looked up to see who was the well-structured fella. I was beyond shocked to notice it was non other than Jack Hollows himself.  He was wearing Black pants and a grey tank top, with his black nike shoes. He seemed to noticed I was checking him out so I quickly averted my gaze and looked at him in the face. 

"Um hi" was all I said. I was sure he watched the whole scene with me and cameron, heck who wouldn't. His voice was firm and loud, I was pretty sure the whole california heard it. 

"Good Morning beautiful" He said, a grin spreading widely across his handsome face. I hated that he looked this gorgeous. My stomach groaned, which means that I was beyond hungry. 

"Uhh Umm doyouwannalikegrabsomebreakfasttogether?" I asked wishing that he didn't understand any of the word I just uttered. 

"What?" He asked grinning 

"U-hh No-thing" I stuttered 

"Sure, I was just messing with you" He said grinning, showing off his pearly whites

"Let's jog our way back to my house, I only live a couple blocks away" I offered. Wow two days in a row good job Lisa! 

"Sounds good to me" He said smiling. Why did he have to smile? Ugh he's so gorgeous it hurts.

We jogged our way back to my house and when we arrived, we decided to take a shower first, then drive our asses to the nearest diner. We were in the living room, until i finished the comfortable silence.

"You could use the guest bathroom, it's down the hall, then make a left" I instructed. 

"Okay" He replied 

I went into my room and grabbed some white denim shorts, my black matching undies and bra and a loose black  tank-top, I put them in my bed, and headed my way to the bathroom to take a quick 10 minutes shower. 

After forever, I wrapped the towel around my body, and headed towards my bed. I made sure to put lotion on every single inch of my body, and I wore the clothes I have chosen earlier then I wore some loose grey cardigan and  some light green converse. 

I dried my hair using the blow dryer. I didnt bother to wear make-up because I couldn't care less. I tied my hair into a loose bun. I went outside and noticed that Jack wasn't done yet. I lend him earlier my cousin, Ethan's c;lothes. They're almost the same age, though I think Ethan was older, so I think it would fit him. I waited in the living room patiently and finally after ages, just kidding He was finally done. He stood there looking good as always, whats new? I checked him out. He wore a denim Khaki shorts, and a black shirt. 

"You look good" he complimented, looking at me from head-to-toe, I didn't mind. I was comfortable with him, so there isn't any reason for me to get shy and all. 

"I wish I could say the same" I joked

"Haha Very funny, you know I look good, I mean look at me" He said smirking 

"Cocky now are we? I didn't knew you have that in you" I replied 

"Well I'm just full of surprises" He said then winked. 

I rolled my eyes at him, and ignored him anyway. We headed out and headed our way to my baby-- my car. 

Sorry for not updating for so long, It was just so busy and my laptop broke, so it needed to be fixed, well it's fixed now soo... Another chapter. xxx

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Lisa ♥♥♥♥♥  ily all! No more ghost readers please :( 

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