The Cameron thing

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Lisa's POV 

I woke up with "We are never getting back together" by taylor swift blasting through my phone. I checked it and realized someone was calling, I picked it up without checking the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I said with an obvious sleepy tone in my voice

"Hello lisa, can we talk?" I heard the other person say, the more I think of it, the more I think it was insanely familiar. I put a lot of thought to the voice and I jerked up when I realized it was Cameron. I lingered with the question in my head, 

Will I ever talk to him again? Sure, why the hell not. Will I fall for his traps again? Hell to the NO. I heard him muffled a cough when he realized I wasn't responding. So I decided that was my queue to actually answer him.

"Sure, meet me at starbucks near mine at..." Realizing I do not know what time was it, I checked my clock and it was 8 a.m. indeed. "Meet me at 9" 

"Okay, Sure, See you there." I could sense the serious tone in his voice so I decided to just end the call. I have an hour to get ready, so I headed to the bathroom and do the things I need to do. 

I went out after 10 minutes, and went through my closet. I decided to wear some Black cropped-top, with a high-waisted jean shorts. I applied some black water-proof mascara and a bright red lipstick. I also grabbed my Jean Jacket that screams This just makes the outfit, pick me pick me. I wore my black converse, and checked my appearance on the mirror. Damn Hell this outfit is bloody cute. 

I arrived at the starbucks 15 minutes later and sat at the booth beside the window. I waited for 2 minutes and Cam decided to show up. He wore some Red and black plaid flannel shirt and a dark washed pants. Without him knowing that I checked him out I pretended I was looking at something behind him. He sat down infront of me before greeting me.

“Hello Lisa” He greeted.

“Hi, Umm, I’m a little confused, are you suppose to be mad and ignoring the hell out of me? Sure I don’t care but why do this?” I replied.

“Wow, chill out lisa, before you get mad at me, I just wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“About us, about what happened before, I’m here to explain everything to you”

“Why? Why Now?”

“Because I miss you Lisa, I miss everything about you, you have no idea how you made me feel seeing you with that Jack. At first, after I broke up with you, everything was fine, but when I noticed that you were happy with somebody, It made me mad, Hell mad was an understatement because it made my heart hurt so bad. I want you again and you not wanting me, makes me want to jump off a cliff. I still love you Lisa, and I don’t know whether I stopped, or will I ever stop, but all I know is that I want to be with you!” He exclaimed, so loud enough for the people here to turn their heads on us. But at this moment I could no longer care. I felt everything inside my body hot. I don’t know whether I’m mad or shocked at him more but all I know is that I feel it both.

“Aren’t you a little too late Cam? Aren’t you? You’ve hurt me so bad Cameron, that I thought I was going to die. I honestly trusted you, I gave you everything, I tried to be literally everything to you. I was there when your grand mother died, I was fucking there, to support you while you sulk over your grandmother who was the most important person to you. I was willing to steal the stars for you, in fact whenever I’m with you I was over the moon. You made me feel things Cameron, and it scared me. It scared the hell out of me. But unlike you, I was strong enough to share the world with you. I didn’t gave up on us. You breaking me was a little understatement because you ruined the world for me Cameron. You knew I was broken, and you absolutely knew that you were the main reason why I was breathing. You said you loved me Cameron, that you won’t ever ever ever give up on us.” I wiped the tear escaping my eyes and continued.. “You promised to the moon and back, I believed you Cam, I really believed you. It was tough loosing you, but I managed to get back up. Jack was there, Jack was there to fix me even when he’s broken himself, He fixed me. I was like a broken poetry waiting for everything to be over, but when he came in to my life, he recreated everything again. You were once my everything but you broke me, but thank you nonetheless because with you I realized that I had to love myself too.” I finished. I looked at him, expecting that he’d freak out but he gave no response, I looked around and all eyes were on us. I ran. I ran away from him, I ran away from those people who saw my break down, I ran away from starbucks. I realized someone was running after me so I stopped.

 I was now in a vacant parking lot. I noticed that it was Cameron himself so I faced him. I noticed that it was starting to rain but nevertheless I stood there, waiting for his response.

“I’m sorry Lisa” He apologized. “I love you Lisa, believe it or not. I was scared, I was petrified that I’d have to lose myself to somebody like you.”

“Somebody like me?, who do you think I am?” I screamed letting all the anger out.

“I didn’t mean it that way. I meant that I didn’t think I was the best for you. You were better for me. Heck I see you better than everybody. You managed to surprise me and made me think that there were more to this world than parties and football. You knew I wasn’t that type of guy, you knew I was different, we were different.. from each other. I didn’t left you because it was for my reputation. I lied. It was because I was scared. I was fucking scared Lisa. I thought I was going crazy. I was mad at myself, so much that I went back to my old self again, and blame it on the world. I’m really sorry if I hurt you but now I realized that I shouldn’t be this way, I shouldn’t give up on us. I shouldn’t give up on something that’ll make me happy forever. Today If I have to lose you then it’s okay, but remember that there’s still forever to take you with me.” He said, I was shocked to the point in I zoned out. Thinking of the nights I cried over him just to realized that he really loved all of me. But I couldn’t love him again. Because I’m in love with Jack. I love Jack. A guy is literally infront of me begging me to be with him and give him a second chance, but here I am thinking about Jack.

“I’m sorry Cam, but I can’t just let you off the hook just because you were scared the first time. It’s different this time, because I love Jack. He’s my world now. I’m sorry.” I ran off with my clothes wet and my eyes swelling from the tears streaming down. This was not a good day at all. But at least I know everything know.

Before I drift off to sleep, I received a text message from Jack and it read:

I miss you like the stars misses the morning sun.

This text just made everything better, A complete 360 from what I was feeling a minute ago.

At last I updated!!

This just showed a side of Cameron, that I undoubtly love.

So what are you? Team Cameron or Team Jack?


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