Chapter Two- Part One

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That is how I see Theo(His name I already exposed! Sorry!)

Tears from my eyes touched my tray and I realized I had not eaten any nice food.

I wondered why they treated me that way, with disgust, contempt, like I was a vile creature. They sneered at me as I passed but the person's actions that pained me most was that of Darcey.

She was my cousin, no, my sibling and my name meant 'siblings are unique' so why did she treat me like I was nothing to her?

She was so fake, so filled with enormous hatred for me, for a reason yet to be understood.

When Aunty Jennifer called my mother and broke the news, though i was scared and sad, I was beyond elated to be going to the 'land of the free', the place people dreamt to be, to meet the people Nigerians and general Africans considered perfect.

But today, as I sat down on the stairs, staring at my untouched food, I realized everything was a mirage.

It was not what I wanted and envisioned it to be, it was not the perfect conpubtey with good people and citizens who helped a lot,

It was not all those, it was worse. It was a dirty and corrupt place which hid its darkness form the world and put up a facade to please other countries.

It wasn't as golden as it portrayed, there were no humane people here, they were all bitter and vile, with the need to feel superior just because they were called 'The whites' and we 'coloured', much more worse than that, 'The blacks'

"How was school dear?" Aunty Jennifer asked Darcey as we both walked into the house together. With my stomach rumbling, I badly wanted to leave for my room

"And you Iniovosa?" She asked smiling at me and tears fought their way through, but I was stronger and with power

I shot her my beat smile "Super excited but I need to sleep, bye" I said and ran up the stairs and to my room, slamming the door, throwing my bags away and slumping on the bed

Tears drizzled down my eyes, as I changed into a comfortable night gown, laying on the bed as I cried out my heart.

Most people cried when they lost a loved one, when people betray, lie and play with another's feelings or worse, bully people and this, was what I honestly felt.

I mean this colour is just a colour, so what happened of we and different skin colours! Were we letting it define us? Define our character?

I decided that fresh air would do me some good so I picked up my not so teal jacket and walked out of the not so warm house.

"Hey pretty girl! Mind smoking with us?" I turned and saw a few black kids smoking and drinking. I had wandered to a place I didn't know.

I stared at the kids, at least they were like me, the same skin look and that look in their eyes like they just wanted to be loved and noticed by someone

I felt that way too. That similar desire made my feet's walk up to them "We wouldn't bite ya ass. So what a fine gyal like you doing here? You black alright but you ain't looking like us"

A girl said as she gulped down her drinks and eyed me suspiciously "Wandering seems to be the only thing I van do to keep my mind off things" I replied truthfully and I heard a deep chuckle and I saw a handsome boy staring at me, a cigar on his mouth, his hands in his pocket

"You can do more than wandering little girl" he said, his voice husky as he relaxed more on his chair. I raised a brow and urged him to continue

"Join us. Let the pain fade away with every every drink you take, drown yourself in a self proclaimed fake bliss even if its for a moment" he said, his words having a deeper meaning.

I swallowed hard, staring at the drugs, the drinks, the cigars. Could I bring myself to do all these? To waste my youthful age trying to forget pains for a moment?

I would live with every pain I feel, so they could teach me and then I knew my answer "No. Unlike you, I don't need to fake bliss, I am already in one" I said smiling at them

"Nice meeting you guys but I guess I wandered too far" I turned on my heels and started walking away "One day. One day you'll be back, you'll ask for it but we would make you beg" the handsome boy said as I wlaked away, knowing he might be right in his thoughts.

"Where did you disappear to?!" Aubty jennifer asked, fury written all over her face as she tapped her foot on the ground waiting for an answer

"Went out" I said and started walking away when she yanked my arm glaring at me "Do not walk out on me! I am your aunt! I picked you up! I brought you from your disgusting little underdeveloped village with your poverty stricken mother! I made you who you are!" She yelled throwing her hands up in exasperation

I flinched at her tone and then I realized "That's right, rub it in. Rub it all in! You picked me, yes! You brought me, yes! You saved my mother, yes! But making me, is a no! That is not your decision to make aunty, its mine! I know I am supposed to be grateful, you don't remind a servant who his master is right?" I did and removed her hands from my arm, before walking away angrily

I sincerely hope no one feels discourage to read this, all hate towards America and Americans is not personal, its just Iniovosa's thoughts, so no hate comments about her and anybody, I would mute you!

Who loves Ed sheeran? I sure do! Heard his album yet? Get it! So tell me, Who do you think are those dudes? Pay attention to them, they play important roles... Soon!

So if you feel this deserves votes, do so lovelies! So quick question for this chapter: Would you ever give up principles just to belong? And why if yes or no

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