Wait...Who Are You?

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**Reader POV**
Wait...holy shit someone actually wants to know about 62???

"I'm sorry, who did you say you are?" I forced a smile as a man walked in behind the blonde.

"That's a little above your paygrade," the man smirked as water dripped from his hair, "don't you think?"

Agent Dunham flinched as she looked at the man. She shot a look of sympathy my way as she grabbed the arm of the man and walked to the corner. I couldn't hear anything, but I made out a few words like 'only way' and 'let me talk' and 'be nice'. The man only put his hands up and shook his head.

**Peter's POV**
Olivia pulled me into a corner that probably hadn't been cleaned in a looooong time. My eyes wandered over the filthy desk next to me and I felt the urge to run my finger across it and see how much dust there was. I was about to do this when Olivia pulled me back into the reality of it all.

"Peter were you even listening to me?" Olivia glared.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Olivia opened her mouth to reply but I went on, "This place is a bust and I'm soaked. Can we go now?"

"Peter, listen to me. We've tried every other lead. They were dead ends or they turned out to be dead, so you need to let me talk."

I shrugged in response and sighed.

"Peter?? She is our only hope right now," Olivia said slowly, "and I need you to be nice. I want this investigation to go smoothly. Do you think you can handle that? Or do I need to babysit you?"

She paused in hopes of letting it sink in. Whatever...a few days never hurt anyone. I could feel Olivia's eyes burning a hole into me, so I purposely responded in the vaguest way possible. I threw up my hands and slightly shook my head when Olivia shot me a disapproving look.

"Whatever Peter."

She turned to head back in the chick's direction. I followed after her.

**Reader POV**
Agent Dunham turned back in my direction as I was leaning in their direction with my face scrunched up. As I locked eyes with Agent Dunham my hand slipped and I faceplanted on the hard floor. I heard Dan burst out laughing and my face heated up as I slowly lifted my head.

"If I'm not mistaken, the goal is to not let people know you're listening to them," the man had a bored/annoyed expression as he folded his arms across his chest. "You don't get out in the field much I take it."

Agent Dunham shot an almost unnoticeable look in his direction. The man just rolled his eyes and turned away. I slowly lifted myself off the ground and apologised.

"Don't worry about it," Agent Dunham smiled. Her face became serious. "Can we talk about Case 62 now? If you don't mind."

The embarrassment from earlier fell away as I took on a professional demeanor. I glanced at the bored looking man and the supposed Agent as I recalled something from earlier. I straightened my coat as I looked the agent dead in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"

I could hear the heavy scoff of the man next to her, but I didn't break eye contact. She slightly nodded and pulled out her badge.

"Agent Dunham, FBI."

"And this," I motioned my hand the man's direction, "is who exactly?"

"Oh, that's Peter. I guess you could say we're partners."

"And is Peter FBI as well?"

"Not exactly but--"

"But the point is I have clearance," Peter cut in, "or I wouldn't be here."

"You have clearance...huh," I slowly turned my head to face him as I crossed my arms and smirked. "Alright, prove it. Show me a badge or whatever."

"Fine," Peter's eyes narrowed as he reached deep in his pocket.

He pulled out what I assumed to be a badge and flashed it in my direction.
I clicked my tongue in annoyance as a smug look clouded his face. I quickly glanced at the badge and my face scrunched up.

"What the hell is 'Fringe Division'?" I read the words out loud and I heard clattering behind me as Dan dropped his coffee mug.

"Oopsie," Dan chuckled as his face turned red. He scratched the back of his neck as he grabbed some paper towels to clean up his mess.

"5," I raised my eyebrow at Dan. "Dammit Dan that was number five this week."

"Everyone drops a coffee mug every now and again," he retorted.

"It's not even Friday," I glanced at the people sitting across from me once more and cleared my throat. "Anywho, back to this important business. What the hell is it?"

"That's on a need to know basis sweetie," Peter raised his brow and slightly smirked. "OWWW!"

**Peter's POV**
"OWWW!" I shot up and glared at Olivia. 'She fucking kicked me. That actually hurt. What the hell does she eat for breakfast?? Branflakes and souls?'
I opened my mouth to say something to Olivia, but I quickly shut it. She had that look again. The almost motherly look of 'say a goddamn thing and I swear I'll kill you later'. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the table. There's no way I'm sitting next to Bigfoot again.

**Reader POV**
Agent Dunham cleared her throat and slightly leaned forward.

"What Peter was trying to say is that it's classified."

Dan of course dropped another coffee mug. "HOLY SHIT-STACK. CLASSIFIED?? (Y/N) YOUR CASE ACTUALLY MATTERS!!"

I shot a glare in Dan's direction and he immediately started grumbling as he grabbed some more paper towels. I cleared my throat and raised my brow at Dunham. I wanted her to continue, but I wasn't sure if she would. She cleared her throat and opened her mouth as if wanting to go on, but her cell's high pitched ringing broke her train of thought and she reached in her pocket.

"We'll continue this later," she smiled apologetically as Peter rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we'll see you later sweetheart."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The door to the lab clanked shut and I could hear the retreating footsteps of the agents.

"Weeeeeelll," Dan poked my cheek, "what do ya think?"

"I don't know what to think. This is weird."

"Weird? It's not like you've NEVER worked on anything classified. There was that one Guatemalan prostitute that turned out being classified."

"Yeah, I know. I worked the case for 6 hours before the feds showed."

"Sooooo, then what's the big deal?"

"I've been working this case for almost a month and now they show up. Something doesn't add up. Why have I never heard of the Fringe Division? Who the hell are these guys? That Peter guy didn't seem professional."

"Who cares?" Dan boredly bit into his apple.

"I do, it's my case. I think I'm gonna do a little more research on them," I sat down at the computer and typed in Agent Dunham's name.

"Uh huh, well you enjoy that. I've got an unidentified body to deal with."

I waved my hand in response as he went on with his work. 'Okay, time to find out if you guys are who you say are.'

Ooookay, it's been a while. Sorry about that. I didn't think anyone actually read this so I ended up forgetting about it. I did this chapter in like half an hour, so sorry if it sucks. I wanted to update asap though. I'll do another one today to try and make up for making the people who actually read this wait. Anyyyywhooooo if you guys actually like it then feel free to comment. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

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