PB&J and Charlie

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**Reader POV**
"Danny I'll be back," I smiled, "I've got a sandwich to visit."

"Alright," Dan replied, "I'm leaving early today, though. I'll probably be gone by the time you get back (Y/N), so don't forget your keys."

"Look who's talking Parsons," I mumbled as I hung my white coat on the hook by the door, "if I ever forgot my keys then I don't know what sort of hell was unleashed. Where would that leave you?"

Dan chuckled as I grabbed my black coat and my keys. I turned around and gave Dan one last small wave before heading out the door. I mentally racked my brain as I tried remembering where PB&J had his office moved. 'Let's see, he got that promotion a while ago ... So then where did they put the head honcho's headquarters? I think it was...no...yeah, it was definitely a corner office. But which department? Manhattan? I think...hmmm' My arms slipped into the sleeves of my coat as I began to think harder.

"Wait," I spoke to no one in particular, "the card. All the info should be on the card. What am I doing with my life?" I facepalmed and looked down at the card.

Phillip Broyles
Phone Number: ***-***-****
Email: colonelbroyles@gmail
Office Number: 4290

Notes: Call if you have questions.
Don't waste my time.

"Oooh," I ran my hand over the laminated card, "classy PB&J. Whatever, I'll just call him."

I pulled out my phone and scrolled until I found the app I wanted. I opened it and glanced over at the card as I dialed his number. The beeps and tapping of the screen filled the empty hallway. I wandered around as the phone rang. RIIING 'okay that was one ring.' RIIING 'Alrighty that was two. Two isn't bad. He just hasn't heard it yet.' RIIING 'Ohmygod please pick up. Pick up pick up pick up. Just lift the flipping phone off of your desk!!' The line clicked and his voicemail kicked in.

"Nooooo. Are you serious? Fine, I'll follow a different lead I guess. Charlie might know something," I shoved my phone in my pocket and crossed my arms as I walked toward the stairs, "so I'll talk to him. He might also know where PB&J's office is."

The door opened easy enough and I stepped into the cold, empty stairwell. The brisk air slapped my face and I quickly zipped my coat. It was about four floors down to the parking garage. I sighed to myself and began my departure down the cold, cement stairs. 'I wonder if Charlie will even want to see me. We didn't exactly leave off very well...hmm'

"What the hell (Y/N)? You took me off the case? I thought we were working on it together," Charlie's eyes locked on mine as his jaw clenched.

"It's nothing personal Charlie," I avoided his gaze. "I just don't think you're qualified is all."

"Not qualified? I'm your senior officer."

"Look, it wasn't just my decision Charlie. The others on the case also agree."

"You're kidding."

"I'm sorry Charlie..."

:End Flashback:

I sucked in air through my teeth and briefly faltered mid step. 'Yeah, that was bad. I hope he doesn't hold grudges. Maybe we can be professional about it? I mean, I know I can...but this isn't about me.' I shook my head and continued on, letting out a big huff as my thumping footsteps echoed off the wall. 'Dang, I hadn't noticed I walked this far already. Time flies. I wish I could say I'm having fun.' I barely acknowledged the door to Tony and Vic's when I passed it. My feet carried me down the last flight of stairs and I almost lost balance as I tried pushing open the doors. A sudden chill went up my back. 'There's that feeling again. I think I'm just being paranoid. No way someone is watching me, right? Wait--oh wow. How did I miss that?' My eyes scanned the words on the door.


I tugged open the door with ease and found my parking space quickly. I opened the door after unlocking it and climbed inside. I set down the file and put my coat on top to hide it. The key slid in and the ignition turned on.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

I pulled out of the parking garage and turned onto the street. I shivered as I felt the familiar feeling of before. 'Is someone tailing me?' I glanced at the rearview mirror and quickly averted my gaze as I noticed there was nobody behind me. It took me around fifteen minutes to get to the place Charlie worked at.

"He has a much better building than we do," I noted. Grumbling I added, "stupid budget cuts."

The door made a muffled *thud* as I shut it. I walked around to the opposite side of my car and shrugged on my coat. I discretely hid the file in my jacket and locked my car as I walked up the cement stairs to the building entrance. Heat radiated in waves once I entered the building and felt the sudden need to take off my coat. 'Not yet. I have to get to Charlie's desk first.' I smiled at the lady at the front desk.

"Hey Deb," I briskly walked by.

She glanced at me and then continued typing. 'At least our security is better.' I took the elevator up to the busy floor and my eyes scanned the room for Charlie. After about a minute they landed on his broad back. I carefully stepped out of the elevator and maneuvered my way over to him. He didn't notice me until I cleared my throat and sat down. His eyes visibly clouded as he put down the file he was reading.

"(L/N)," he raised his eyebrow and motioned to my coat, "what's with the coat? It's hot as hell in here."

I cleared my throat, "that's unimportant."

He pursed his lips and leaned forward. His voice lowered, "what do you want? Sorry, the case I'm on you can't presently take."

"Charlie that's not fair," I huffed. "I just wanted to ask a question."

He sighed and shook his head, "what is it?"

"PB&J--Broyles," I continued, "where is his office?"

"Wait," he laughed, "seriously? Wow. Okay, yeah. His office is on the eleventh floor I think."

"Thanks," I stood up.

"(Y/N)," Charlie hesitated.

"Yeah?" I stopped moving and looked at him.

"Why PB&J?"

A broad smile filled my face, "Phillip Broyles and Jazz of course. I gave him the nickname the first time we met."

Charlie shook his head and slightly smiled, "I'll remember that (L/N)."

I walked to the elevator and pressed the floor Charlie had directed. There was no elevator music so I just rocked back and forth on my heels. The doors slowly opened and my eyes caught sight of Broyles walking out of his office. My heart rate sped up and I burst out of the doors. I ran into someone carrying a box and papers flew everywhere as we fell. This caught his attention and he briefly looked down. He looked away but then suddenly stopped. Realization suddenly dawned on him and he turned to stare at me. A smile tugged at his lips.

"PB&J," I whispered.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," he extended his hand.

This one took a little longer to finish, but I got it done. I'm working on the next part as soon as this gets published.
Vote, comment, follow me if you want. All support is appreciated. 😇 Let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is appreciated always! Baii. 😄
--having some difficulties publishing, bear with me

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