The Phone Call

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**Reader POV**
It had been about an hour since I got home. My fingers swiped my phone screen as I chewed on my lip. 'It's just a minor inconvenience, we can still solve this. Should I call Dan? Nah what would he even have to say about this...he's kinda pissed at me right now anyway. Actually, he still hasn't told me what that fight was about and I could use a distraction right about now.' A heavy sigh filled my empty apartment as I pressed his number on my speed dial. The phone rung twice before I heard his voicemail. I scrunched my nose in confusion.

"Uhhh so you're ignoring my calls now? What's that about?" My voice was unsteady, "we need to talk. I still want that explanation Daniel."

I clicked end call and began to think about what to do next. I decided a warm bubble bath was in order. The warm water washed over my fingers as I adjusted the temperature. Once it was to my liking, I let it run. My ears perked up as I heard my phone ringing. 'Dan??' I jumped up and ran to the table where I left it. I answered without looking at the ID.

"Hello? Danny? You better have a good reason for ignoring me," the words rushed out of my mouth.

Heavy breathing was heard on the opposite end of the line. My throat ran dry and I clenched my palms shut. I waited for them to speak-- who ever it was.

There was a sharp intake of breath and shuffling on the opposite line. Once they spoke, the voice was clearly through some sort of filter, "I advise you drop the case."

The line went dead and I looked at the number. 'They fucking star sixtynined me...' I ran to check my bath as I remembered the running water. I caught it just in time and quickly shut it off. I brought my phone in the bathroom and made sure my locks were in order. I left the door wide open and I kept glancing at my phone as I stripped down. My stomach was doing flip flops and I realised that I didn't really want to take a bath any more. I ran my fingers through my hair and shut my eyes. I heard the familiar notification ding of my phone and almost cried when I looked at the image sent from Dan's number. He was barely visible in the sparsely lit room, but I could tell half his face was drenched in blood. His familiar iron man t-shirt was ripped on the side and his head lulled to the right. His limbs were tied to an old chair and there was a figure looming in the nearby shadows.

"Don't do anything stupid. If you want to see him alive again, you'll drop the case. As soon as your report is filed, he'll be released." the glow of the text burned into my soul.

My hands were shaky as I replied, "How do I know he's still alive?"

Three minutes went by, then two, then ten. I wanted to rip my hair out and puke up my lungs. My whole body was shaking as I sat on my bathroom floor staring at the ceiling. 'Oh god what have I done to Dan. If I left the stupid case, he'd be here telling corny jokes.' My phone dinged and I slowly looked at the screen.

The only words on screen read, "You don't."

Silent tears now flowed freely down my cheeks. I dropped my phone and silently sobbed. My broken cries echoed in the small bathroom. I sat there for hours before slowly dragging myself up and letting out the bath water. I did the only thing I could think of. I put on my pajamas and called Peter. I had entered his contact in my phone after leaving Vic and Tony's. He had said to call when I needed something, and for some reason he was who I thought of in my moment of need. The line rung one time before it was answered.

"Hello," Peter's sleepy voice answered.

I opened my mouth, but all that came out was a tiny squeak and then more sobs. I sounded like a wounded animal. I covered my mouth with my hand and my shoulders shook. I heard Peter move around before he spoke again.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" he definitely sounded more awake now.

My broken sobs once again cut through the silence and I sniffed every now and again.

"That's it," I could hear him moving, "I'm coming over. What's your address?"

My foggy mind began to clear as I focused on his words. My vision was blurred and I quietly said my address before once again breaking down.

"I couldn't hear you," his voice was soft, "do you think you could repeat that?"

The next five minutes or so were filled with me crying and him waiting. I finally managed to take in a deep breath and say my address once more-- this time a little louder than the first.

"Alright," I heard the shuffling of his walking over the small speaker, "that's like ten minutes away. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? Try to calm down, I'm on my way."

I nodded my head as if he could hear me and hung up the phone. The next ten minutes blurred by fast and I soon heard an urgent knock on the door. I shuffled over awkwardly and held in sobs as I looked through the peep hole. Peter was standing in the hall in his pajamas holding a small plastic bag. I opened the door and his eyes met with my red, puffy ones. A look of worry flashed across his face and he stepped inside. My lip quivered as he set the bag down on the nearby table. Horrible sobs broke the silence and he turned around.

"What's wrong?" his soft voice spoke.

My hand pushed my phone in his direction. He slowly took it while glancing up at me. A look of sympathy, shock, and worry flashed on his face. My eyes were squeezed shut and I bawled. I soon felt his arms wrap around me. I stiffened but soon melted into the hug. My sobs got louder and my knees buckled. He caught me and slowly moved down to the floor with me.

"Hey," he whispered, "we're going to find him. Don't worry..."

I didn't catch the rest of what he said and I sat there in his arms until an ear splitting ring cut through the air.

Ohmygod so I've been doing homework and I completely forgot to update. Shoutout to skywinchester1967 for reminding me. You the real MVP ✌✌

Anyway, this part was a little shorter than normal, but I hope it didn't suck too bad. Once again, I'll be updating the weekend. Sooo vote, comment, or follow me if you like. Let me know what you thought. Aaaand goodnight aaall. Baaai 😝

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