His Phone Call

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***Peter's POV***
My phone's ringer cut through the silence like a knife. I could hear Walter stirring in the room over. Without thinking I answered it. 'No way in hell I'm going to risk having Walter wake up at this time of night. He's gonna be a pain in the ass tomorrow as is. I don't need him being grouchy on top of that.'

"Hello," my voice was still a little hoarse from the sleep I had just been pulled out of.

I heard a small squeak on the other end of the line and then suddenly sobs. I pulled the phone away from my ear and immediately recognised the ID. 'Shit.'

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" the hoarseness from a minute ago was gone and I was definitely awake now.

An audible pause on the other end of the line made me nervous before her pained sobs cut into my ear again. 'What in the hell is going on?? Is she hurt?' Thoughts swarmed my head as I waited for her to say something-- anything.

"That's it," 'I have to make sure she is okay. I need to...' "I'm coming over. What's your address?"

She sniffled and hiccuped before breaking down yet again. 'I think she actually said something...? Maybe? I'm not sure. She's definitely in shock.'

"(Y/N)?" My voice softened. I didn't want to scare her any more than she obviously already was, "I couldn't hear you. Do you think you could repeat that for me?"

I waited patiently for her relay her address again. While she sobbed and cried, I was slipping on my coat and shoes whilst grabbing my keys. The sobs softened and I could tell she was going to say something. I had already walked to my car and I was opening the door as she once again spoke up. I swiftly turned on speaker phone and entered the address into the GPS of my car. Once again her broken wails split my heart.

"That's about ten minutes away. I'll be there as soon as I can okay? Hang in there (Y/N). I'm coming," I heard her sniffle a reply and she ended the call with a brief *click*. 'She's like 5 minutes away if I take backroads, so that gives me time to stop at the grocery store.' I mentally calculated the time it would take to reach her before I pulled out of my parking space.

"I hope Walter doesn't freak out," I mumbled under my breath.

A sudden knock against my window made me jump and I looked up. 'You've got to be kidding me...'

"Peter," Walter stood next to my window without a jacket on, "where are you going at this time? Is it about the case? Can I come?"

"No," I huffed out, "Walter it isn't about the case. And no you aren't coming with me."

"Oh...b-but Peter please," Walter squeezed his arms against his chest in attempt to keep warm. "Don't leave me alone Peter."

"Oh for the love of-" I rolled my eyes, "hurry up. Get in. You're wasting time."

Walter's eyes lit up and he quickly went around to the opposite door. As soon as the door shut I sped of to the store.

"Stay here," I left the engine running so Walter wouldn't freeze. He was about to protest but I walked away before he could speak. I quickly found what I was looking for and paid. I ran outside and sped the rest of the way to (Y/N)'s house. "Walter I'll be back. Don't come out until I come and get you, alright?"

"Oh, but Peter I would much rather go wherever it is you are going. I prefer to-"

"Not now Walter."

The door slammed shut as I bounded up the concrete stairs leading to her apartment complex. The security guard told me which room I was looking for and I ran once again. 'No time for elevators right now.' I pounded against the door and waited. There was shuffling on the other side and then the slide of locks. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as soon as I saw her. Her hair was dishelved and her clothes her wrinkled near the seams. My eyes glanced at the wet sleeves of her shirt and the puffy redness around her eyes. I quickly stepped in and her lips quivered. My hands dropped the bag I was holding onto the coffee table nearby. Sobs echoed across the floorboards and I whipped around.

"What's wrong?" I silently took one step toward her. She shook her head and pointed at her phone that was not too far away. My eyes were glued onto the picture that had been sent not even an hour ago.

'Don't I....is he...I feel like I should know who he is? Wait, he's her lab partner right??'

The pieces fell into place and (Y/N) started to break down again. I didn't say anything as I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her. She stiffened. 'Shit should I let go?? What do I do? I shouldn't have-' My thoughts were interrupted as her arms slowly wrapped my frame. She sunk into my chest and her sobs were muffled. (Y/N)'s knees buckled and I caught her silently. I opened my mouth about to say something when a ringing interrupted me. We both turned to look at her phone expecting whoever it was to have called again. Her screen looked the same though. I reached into my pocket as she stared at her phone almost confused that the anonymous dickbag hadn't contacted again. The ID showed up as clear as day:

Walter Calling...
Swipe right to answer
Swipe left to ignore

"Who?" (Y/N) cleared her throat and wiped her eyes with her already soaked sleeve. "Who is it? Agent Dunha-- I mean-- Olivia?"

"No," I scolded at my screen and reluctantly answered. "What Walter?"

"Uh- uhm Peter can I come in now? I don't like being alone."

"Okay I'll come and get you now," I glanced at (Y/N) and she nodded.

"Oh okay. Good. I'll see you then Peter."

"He's so difficult," I hung up and looked up at (Y/N).

"It's okay Peter. You can bring him up. Maybe he can help too," she forced a smile.

'I doubt it...' I frowned as I turned the knob. Before I could open the door, though, a bullet sailed past my ear and nicked me. "(Y/N) GET DOWN NOW!"


I didn't give her time to finish. I pushed her down and pulled her behind the couch as bullet rained through the windows. Glass flew everywhere and (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes were wide as she covered her head. I pulled her against my chest and tucked her head under my chin as the furniture around us seemed to split open. The bullets stopped and I reluctantly opened my eyes.

"Peter is it over? Should we call someone??"

A dull thud prevented me from answering. I barely opened my mouth before the grenade caught her eye. The next couple minutes went by in a rush. Running across the room, jumping behind the counter, and then BANG before it all went fuzzy then black.

Okay this part is now uploaded. I'm starting on the next part. Ummm I haven't been on in a long while and I apologise guys. If you liked it then feel free to vote! Constructive criticism is always appreciated guys. If I ever make a typo or something then don't be afraid to comment. Go ahead and follow me if you want ✌

For now, though... I'll be "seeing" you guys soon!!! Thanks for reading 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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