Dead End

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**Reader POV**
I glanced at the clock as Dan tapped my shoulder. 'Lunchtime already?'

"Yeeaaahhh, (Y/N), I know you're super into that," he squinted at the article and rolled his eyes, "whatever that is. You need to eat though. Don't even lie to me, I know you skipped out on breakfast. Come on. We can stop at McDonalds."

I groaned, "Daaaann no. I need to finish this article. It's about the blonde agent. Apparently she used to have another partner but he died. Weird, huh? It doesn't really give the specifics."

"Uh huh," Dan clicked his tongue, "that sounds like heaven. I'll pick you up something I guess. You better not be sitting there when I get back though, or I'll eat your fries."

"Empty threats again?"

"It wasn't a threat," his keys jingled as he opened the lab door, "it was a promise. Don't think I won't discipline you (Y/N)."

The door clicked shut and I leaned back in the uncomfortable metal chair. I let out a loud groan and briefly rubbed my shoulders. 'Maybe Dan is right. I could use a nice walk. My friggin legs are killing me. Uggghhh I got nothing out of that stupid search. Just a whole lotta vague info about Dunham's last gig. Although, she is still an agent so at least she wasn't lying about that....there was nothing on Peter though. That may have something to do with you not knowing his last name (Y/N).' I mentally facepalmed myself as stretched out my arms. Of course I would forget to ask for his full name. God forbid I remember an important detail.

"Mmkay let's see," I pulled out file 62 and scribbled a note on a sticky note for Dan.
~Went to check out the body again. Don't freak alrighty? You better not have eaten my fries.~

I glanced at the time '12:53' and shoved my ID over my head. With the file in hand, I grabbed the doorknob. The warm air in the hallway enveloped my body as I locked the lab behind me. The coroner was only two floors down, so I took the stairs. I hummed absent mindedly and ran my hand over the smooth railing. Nobody else was on the stairs so it was quiet. A little too quiet. It was weird. It felt like I was being watched. 'Creepy. Okay just one more flight, I can do this.' I saw the door to the lower level and shrugged it open. Tony and Vic were arguing over some body again. I cleared my throat.

"Hey guys," I looked at them. Nothing.

"Shut the hell up Tony. You think everything with a fucking broken jaw was in a fistfight. This was clearly a damn crowbar!" Vic threw his hand up.

"Come on Vic, that's not fair, I don't think everyt--," Tony finally registered my presence, "oh hey (Y/N). We didn't see you come in. What do you need?"

Vic gave me a slight wave as he covered up the body he had just been yelling about. I gave him a questioning look and he just shook his head in response.

"Yeaahh," I slowly turned to Tony as Vic wheeled off John Doe, "can you show me body 738? The one from Case 62?"

"You seriously haven't given up on that yet?" Vic strolled into the room and looked at me.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'.

"Well," Tony glanced at Vic, "I'll pull it out for you."

I nodded as I watched the tall blonde walk over to the wall-fridge of surprises as I liked to call it. Tony was an intern that started working here about seven months ago. He had dark brown eyes and freckles that dotted his pale face. He wasn't scrawny, but neither was Vic. Vic was buff and had jet black hair. His eyes were a gray that matched his tan complexion. He normally wore his contacts, but today he had on his thick-framed glasses. Everyone thought they hated each other, but they actually got along quite well. Vic was only a couple of years older than Tony and was normally pretty nice to him. It wasn't their fault everyone walked in on them arguing. In fact, I swear I'm the only one that has seen them laughing with each other. Nobody else really came down here. People normally stopped by once a week to check their cases. I was different in that way, though. I wanted to look at every angle of a case before filing my report. 'Maybe that's why my success rate is so high?'

"Helloooo Earth to (Y/N)?" Tony's brown eyes locked onto my (E/C) ones. "You okay there? You were spacing pretty hard. Vic was about to bitch slap you."

Vic just shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "It worked last time."

"Yeah, no. No slapping necessary. I was just thinking. Chill you guys. Anyway, you get my tub of mystery yet?"

"Yeah I put it on OT7," Tony answered.

"OT7? Tony if that's code for something, you'll have to explain," I tilted my head to the side.

"Operating Table 7," Vic cut in. "Tony deciding he'd start using OT now. Don't ask me why. He's a goofball."

Tony blushed and gave a small smile. "Y-yeah, anyway your crazy body is out. We'll leave you to it."

I nodded and headed over to 'OT7'. I set the file onto a chair near the table and pulled on some latex gloves. I reached for a face mask and was pulling it on as my cell rang.

"(Y/N) speaking," I hit answer and pulled the mask over my head.

"Uhhhh I kinda left my keys in the lab and you aren't in there?" Dan's voice spoke through the phone.

"Dan, I'm in the middle of something right now. Why would you leave your keys in the lab. I keep telling you to bring them with. You never listen."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just get your butt to the lab would ya?"

"Yeah, no. You get your butt down to Vic and Tony's if you want my damn keys."

There was an audible sigh and I heard the shuffling of his feet.

"Okay," he quietly replied. "But this is because I want to, not because you told me to."

"Uh-huh, yeah well I'll see you in a few then," I hung up and grabbed a scalpel and test slide.

I gently set the glass slide on the table next to me. I huffed through my nose as I looked for a pair of safety goggles. My eyes lit up as I walked over to a box near Vic. I grabbed a pair and went back to my body. As I adjusted the strap, I glanced at the body. ' Okay. Here goes nothing. Well where would the best place be? I think somewhere on the face would be the best sample. Okay Mr.Wellford lemme cut a chunk of your face off. Don't worry, it won't hurt. Ohmygod I'm talking to a dead body in my friggin mind. Yay me. Anyway lemme just...there we go. Smaaaall incision Aaaand done.' I smiled at myself as I carefully put the sample on the test slide.

"Hey, guys?" I call out.

Vic grunts and Tony looks up from a body he was cutting open. I pointed to my slide and Tony jerked his head to the side. I followed the direction his head went and found a small box. 'Perfect. This case should hold it, right? Yeah, no worries.' I finished putting the slide in the case as Dan opens the door. I look at him and smile.

"Keys," he deadpans.

"Hold on I'm finished here," I say as I pick up the file and slip the slide in my pocket. "Tony? Vic?"

Vic gives me a thumbs up and Tony nods.

"Alright, cool. I'll see you later guys. Come on Danny let's go eat."

"Finally, I'm staaarrrving," he groans.

I look at the door I came through and decided to take the one on the opposite side of the room--the one that went directly into the office building.

"Stop being a baby," I shut the door behind me and look at Dan.

"What? Is there something on my face?" he gives me a weird look.

"No, it's nothing, can we take the elevator?" I shiver as I remember the feeling from earlier of being watched.

"Uhhh sure I guess. You cold or something?"

"Yeah, just cold," I quickly nod and walk to the elevator.

As the doors shut I get the same feeling from earlier and shiver again. Dan doesn't notice and presses the button to our floor while humming a song. My face pales as I notice the same agents as before. 'What the hell are they doing on this floor? Were they the ones watching me?'

I'm working on the next part, I know this one didn't really have much of Peter or Olivia. I'm trying to build a plot though (failing but that's okay).
Anywhoo I hope you liked it, constructive critisicm is always appreciated. Also I do reread over things to make sure I didn't make any mistakes, but if I did then just lemme know. Byeee \('~')/

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