Chapter 1

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Emma packed her rucksack ready for the sleepover she was having with two of her best friends, Chloe and Elisa.
It had been a few years since she had last been to a sleepover, she was excited, but extremely nervous.
The thirteen year old had bad luck that followed her like a bad oder, bad things always happened to her, especially at sleepovers. At sleepovers someone would get grounded, there would be tears, someone gets hurt, the food gets ruined and everyone falls out. Would this sleepover really be any different?

Her mother had agreed to drive her the ten miles into town, but her mother wasn't very pleased and only agreed to take her because she needed to go shopping in town.
When Emma got out the car her mother didn't even say goodbye, she just ignored her.
Her mother had never seemed to like her, she had never once smiled at her, or congratulated her for her achievements, or given her a hug. She was unloved.
Emma was greeted by Elisa, who's house they were staying at, the house she lived in was like a mansion, it was old and it's had lots of rooms. The girls were all going to be sleeping in the cinema room, so they could stay up late whilst gaming, and would be separated from the rest of the family so they could talk loudly and not be heard.
Chloe arrived ten minutes after Emma, when she arrived Elisa's grandmother took them to the KFC drive thru where they all chose to get chicken popcorn and pepsi.
On the way back Emma looked up to the sky, there were ominous grey clouds in the sky, and then the clouds burst and it begun to rain, bad luck really did follow her.
When they got to the house they all rushed into the cinema room to eat their tea. They also had a cupboard full of snacks and drinks so they could have a midnight feast.
They then all settled down to play video games whilst sat on the comfortable leather reclinable couch.
A crack of thunder sounded through the house, and a few seconds later, as the clock struck ten, they heard a scratch at the door.

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