Training Done!

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Training Done!

As Boboiboy packed his bags, his gaze landed on a familiar photograph, his lips curving into a smile. Reaching for it, he saw the young faces of his friends before he left for college. He sighed, 'has it really been 7 years since we saw each other personally?' His memory was cut off by someone knocking on his door, turning as he saw two figures, a red scaled man and a blueish green man.

They stood straight, saluting as the red one spoke, "Vice Admiral!" He nodded with a calm expression, "Oh, Hazer, Eden?" "Sir, we've been told by the higher-ups that you are dismissed for your training here at this station as you've completed it." Hazer uttered, his eyes glossy as Boboiboy chuckled.

"I got told this morning by Admiral Adam. why? Are you gonna cry?" "WE WILL!"

The two pouted, making his chuckle, shaking his head as he patted their backs, 'Man... these guys were the people I first befriended here.' chatting with them as he packed, they soon exited the room. Boboiboy hung his duffle bag over his shoulder, moving over to the hanger, soon seeing a tall man by the elevator. He immediately walked over, saluting to the guy with a cheerful grin.

"Admiral Adam." The orange-alien smiled, "Guess you've finally finished, huh, kid?" He raised a hand as Boboiboy looked at it, soon taking it into his own, shaking it before Adam moved to the side, letting him enter the elevator.

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As Boboiboy turned to see them, he pressed the button, the door shutting as his eyes caught glimpse of the sight of numerous soldiers and staffs of TAPOPS Mirage Station saluted to him, making him wave a hand as the doors shut, loud shuffles came from the elevator as it announced 'going down'.

With a ding the doors cracked open revealing the busy hanger as Boboiboy moved towards his assigned aircraft, receiving some salutes and nods from the other aliens present, him returning it as he soon took the stairs down to the main floor when something was thrown to his head, making him wince, "what the–" he turned back to see a familiar male coming towards him with a smirk.

He squinted for a moment when he gazed into the glass wearing, dark purple haired male as he gasped, "Fang!?" The Shadow user heaved a breath, slightly shaking his head as the male went towards him, holding his sides and shaking his body, "it's really you!" "Yeah, thought you'd forget Mister Perfect." Boboiboy sighed, "Guess you never forgot your rival huh~" The glass wearing male huffed a breath as he shoved Boboiboy's smug face off of him.

Fang moved to his ship, looking more upgraded than what it was when they were younger, saying, "I was sent to pick you up. The whole station is having an Orientation of some sort." The brunet male nodded as they docked the ship. As Fang sat at the main controls, Boboiboy sat by the chair, leaning back and relaxing, lifting his legs onto the dashboard, "Hey, get your smelly feet off my ship's dash!" Boboiboy groaned, 'him and his ship.' and put his legs off, looking out from the window as he saw them leaving the station, immediately going to the main station.

"Are... the guys still there?" Fang heard the concern in Boboiboy's tone, "Yeah, why wouldn't day." He saw the brunet smile from the corners of his eyes, "Just asking. Don;t get worked up about it." He yawned as he stretched his arms, leaving for dreamland as Fang gave him a glance, a smile forming as he turned back to manage the ships' wheel. "Why wouldn't we be? We're still your friend and someone who helps Power Spheres. Just like back then." He whispered.

To Be Continued...

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