Meeting Relatives

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Made Up Last Names are Boboiboy & Ying.

Ms. Yah - Yaya's Mother 
Ms. Yinan - Ying's Mother
Ms. Belle Binju. - Boboiboy's Mother

Meeting Relatives

Part 1: The Chaotic Return

In the Cocoa Shop of Tok Aba, Ochobot returned after sending Papa Zola back for the third time that month, helping Tok Aba with his business as he did some fancy tricks with the coco before serving it to the customer who'd been amazed. "You still remember your tricks, huh?" Ochobot turned to the side to see Tok Aba moving back into the stall after serving someone, the robot chuckled, saying, "I can never forget. I made sure to set up my own area in your name back at the station, Atok!" "Oho? Do I get many customers in outer space?" The robot nodded, making him amused.

"Atok! Good morning!" They heard, turning to see a woman wearing a hijab. "Mrs. Yah, hello~" The woman smiled at the robot's greeting, waving hello as she sat by the stall.

Tok Aba knew her well enough that he'd gone and served her usual drink, earning a quick thanks and payment from the woman, but he himself knew her tension. "What's wrong, Mrs. Yah?" He asked, making her give a sheepish smile. "Well, I was wondering if you have some contact with Boboiboy? I didn't get any calls or anything from my daughter. It's been a month." She stated when a woman soon sat by her own seat. "She's right for once, Atok." Mrs. Yah gave an irritated gleam at Mrs. Yinan, Ying's mother whom simply gave a smile.

The shared a small smile, Mrs. Yinan stated while turning to Ochobot, "Ochobot, can you perhaps call them? We'll be fine if you can't and just send them our regards instead?" The robot put down the mugs, "Oh it's possible, I think they don't have much work today anyway." Ochobot said as he soon dialed them through himself.

In a few minutes a holographic screen appeared as Boboiboy was shown. "Ochobot! Hey!" He greeted with a wave as the robot waved back, soon Tok Aba came into view, making the male beam, "Atok! How're you?--Ack!" As the male fell over with some boxes, Gopal peered over with a sheepish smile, "Ah, hehe? Hi, Atok!" Gopal said as the old man gave a knowing grin, chuckling as he knew the boys would be troublesome. "Gopal! Get them off him! And Fang, clean this up!" "Ow!" Yaya and Ying appeared from the door, Ying throwing a pillow to her boyfriend who was lounging. Boboiboy's head popped out from the boxes, glaring at Gopal who rushed to hide from him as he got out, following him.

Yaya came to the camera, smiling. "Ochobot? Hello~ did anything happen there?" "Well." Ochobot called the two ladies over, Mrs. Yah coming first. "Yaya! How are you? When will you be able to come here?" "Mama! And I was gonna say to these guys we can go home." Ying peered by her side, asking, "Mrs. Yah, is my mom there?" Mrs. Yah nodded as she gave way for Mrs. Yinan to see her daughter. "Mom! Hey, I'll see you in a bit! Ochobot, have you recharged enough to teleport us?"

The robot sigh. "Yes, Papa Zola had troubled me a lot. Tell me when to teleport you." The girls looked at each other, glancing to the side while chuckling, Ying saying, "How about you ask Gopal?" In a spur of the moment, they heard a loud scream, "OCHOBOT, HELP! TELEPORT US NOW!"

After a few minutes, Ochobot finally opened a portal as Gopal was the first to run out, going behind Tok Aba as Boboiboy followed, electric sparks emitting from his body as he was transformed as Thunderstorm, glaring at Gopal. "You..." "I was totally not intending for ALL of them to fall on you." "You know he totally did." Fang said as he came with Yaya and Ying, the portal shutting behind him. Boboiboy huffed a breath and changed back, moving to Tok Aba, "Atok," he gave the elder a hug, "Sorry about that." He added as the others chuckled, Gopal hiding behind the counter of the stall.

Ying and Yaya both greeted their mothers as Fang went and sat by Boboiboy and Gopal at the stall. "So what's gotten you all to visit anyway?" Ochobot asked as Gopal pouted, "Some stuff..." He sighed, making Fang yawn, munching on some of the donuts Tok Aba had prepared, he gently took Boboiboy's arm, seeing the bandages as his grandson scratched his nape with a small smile, "Don't worry, Tok, I got checked at the station. My job makes these sort of things normal." Boboiboy said as the older one nodded, letting him go as he went and served Gopal his drink. "Tok, you don't need to scold him too, his girlfriend had done that already~" Gopal said as the orange-cap wearing male sent him daggers.

Tok Aba was shocked, gasping, "You are seeing someone?! Who is this girlfriend?!" Gopal turned to him with a mischievous smile. "It's Yaya, Atok!" "YAYA?!" Tok Aba exclaimed as Bobiboy held his face in his hands, blushing as he saw Tok Aba giving him an amused gaze.

"Yes, Atok?" Yaya asked as she flew over after bidding her mother a goodbye until she went home. 'Why did you come over here?!' Bobiboy thought as he looked up towards her, giving her a defeated gaze, much to her confusion. "Yaya, you didn't tell me," she peered in, "that Boboiboy was your boyfriend?" She felt her cheeks turn red as she caught Boboiboy averting his gaze elsewhere. "Um... Yeah, I am Atok." She uttered, flustered but was shocked when her mother was now standing by her, asking, "You are dating Boboiboy?!" The male turned as he gave a sheepish and defeated gaze, "Y-Yeah... Mrs. Yah." He uttered as the woman looked at her daughter with widened eyes.

"Boboiboy Binju, when have you started dating?" The soft tone sent shivers down Boboiboy's spine, turning behind them as he saw a familiar brunet. 


To Be Continued..,

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