An Enemy, Ally and Ticking Time

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An Enemy, Ally and Ticking Time

As the girls returned from their mission, they went towards the Admiral's office. "Oh my–" They gasped upon entering as the room was a mess. Papers on the floor, files floating in the air and two figures seemingly sat amongst the piles of papers. "What is going on here?" Ying asked as she made her way inside, seeing Fang peer up from the stack of books he had beside him, waving hello to her, "Hey, sorry for the mess." He said as he knelt back, looking for the papers he needed.

Yaya looked towards Boboiboy, seeing the odd clothing, 'Transformed?' She thought, approaching it as she held the male's shoulder, making him flinch and look up, showing Solar wearing a stern gaze before softening. "You busy?" She uttered and gently cupped his face in her hands, making him lean to her touch, gently nodding. Yaya soon saw that Cyclone and Metal were out, helping him out. "Mimi~" Cyclone called as he excitedly tackled her into a hug, the two elements sighing. Yaya gave him a smile, looking at Fang who gave a nod, saying, "Yeah, we've been here for a few hours. Cyclone's getting forgetful."

As Ying was about to grab a nearby file, they were alarmed by the noise, red lights blaring around them, "Emergency Alert, Enemy Ship Docking–" They immediately rushed off, Boboiboy combining as they moved down the elevators, moving towards the docks to see a familiar ship. "Adudu?!" Ying exclaimed as they rushed down, Boboiboy turned into Cyclone, ready to push it down, "Cyclone Drill!" He yelled, pushing the ship down when Probe rushed out, Fang and Yaya stood in stance as Ying followed behind.

"Wait! Boboiboy!" The purple robot exclaimed as it lifted a white flag, confusing the two as Boboiboy turned back, landing by the rest as the robot gave him a panicked tone, "Please help us! Mr. Boss got hurt! We need your help!" The ship soon pulled close to the ship, Adudu's computer coming out as it lifted a bruised alien.

In a few hours, Adudu woke up to see Probe by his side and Yaya close by, "Ugh... why are we–did you take me here!?" He exclaimed at the robot who retreated behind Ying. Yaya pushed him back to bed, frowning, "You need to stay still. Your lucky your wounds weren't too harsh." Yaya uttered as the alien gave a glare to Probe and sighed, settling down. "So what exactly happened? Why do you need Boboiboy's help?" Ying asked as she squinted at the male, Yaya nodding. "Or is this one of your new tricks, huh?" She said as the alien cleared his throat.

"Bora Ra is planning to kill us. Because we helped you back then, now he's after us–all of us!"

"How is it possible that Adudu is being attacked already?"

With Fang and Boboiboy stood before Fleet Admiral Kaizo, they were questioning the new 'present' before them. "It's likely that someone was sent to Adudu to attack him. Bora Ra wouldn't let anyone out of his radar, especially to the person who'd defeated him." Fang answered as they now pulled up a holographic file of Bora Ra. "And it's also a possibility that Bora Ra did it knowing they'll come to us for help." Boboiboy frowned as he recalled the ship he pushed out of the station. "Their ship had a tracker on the side." He added as the fleet admiral turned to him.

"Where is that tracker now?" "I asked Ochobot to teleport me back to Atlas Gleam and threw it back." He answered as the taller male nodded. "We'll need to prepare for this, who knows how much that alien knows. Fang, you sort out the offensive take we will have. Boboiboy, gather intel on Adudu and Bora Ra. got it?" They saluted and said, "Yes sir." before getting dismissed.

Out in the halls, they went back to their office, seeing it tidied up. "I guess they cleaned up." Fang said as they went to their desks, Boboiboy grabbed something from the stacks, staring at the picture of Bora Ra wearing the king's robe when he saw a figure close by. He went towards Fang, saying, "Did the Adudu's ship have something on it like this?" The shadow user turned to see a blurred figure holding a forked spear. Both decided to come-up with some sort of plan, not noticing the time passing until the doors opened.

"Here you guys go." Yaya said as they both gave them some food, Fang giving Ying a smile and his thanks, munching on one of the meat. "How's the plan going?" Ying asked, knowing about it thanks to Papa Zola.

Boboiboy grimaced, propping his arm on the table to rest his head on it, saying, "We have a plan, but it won't be the prettiest." The girls turned to him and Fang, confused. "We'll have to bring the fight to Bora Ra and we don't know if we'll take him on or not. What we do know is that you'll be the ones to lead the main attack with the rest of the army." Fang concluded as the girls gave them a worried gaze. "Don't worry, I have something in mind. And Boboiboy had trained his element pretty well enough." He added.

To Be Continued...

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