The Mother and Girlfriend

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Part 2: The Mission On Earth

As Boboiboy was silently cleaning the stall, Fang and Gopal remained with him, helping him sort out some of the stuff. The two males noticed the tension surrounding the latter, making Fang sigh before asking, "What's the problem?" Boboiboy stopped from sorting the plates, making him face the two with a blank expression, a bit nerve-wracking for the two who'd rarely seen such an expression. "It's just... My mom is too busy. Now she came here to inform us of our mission back in America. I don't like involving my mom in these things." Gopal frowned, "What about your Dad?" He asked.

In a flash, they were shocked when the Dark element appeared out of nowhere before them, his heterochromatic eyes of brown-purple glaring at them before turning back to Boboiboy. The male held his head with his hand, feeling dizzy. "Ugh... my head." "Are you okay? Maybe we should drop the subject and talk about the mission at hand?" Boboiboy looked at them with a thankful smile, nodding.

Inside the Binju Household, Tok Aba set down some tea for his daughter-in-law and the two other girls. "Will you be leaving immediately? I rarely see you, Belle." He asked in a worried tone, making her smile. "Don't worry, Atok. I'll be staying for a bit. Until I talk with the rest of the parents. Sorry I don't drop by as often, my work piled up." She said as he nodded.

The two older figures soon turned to Yaya who felt heat on her back, turning away from Ying and Ochobot to see the two. "U-Uh." She uttered, making Belle give her hand out, Yaya shaking it. "Hi, I'm Belle Binju. From what i've been told, you are my son's girlfriend?" Her face flared at the word as Ying and Ochobot stifled laughter behind her. "Oh, I-I am. I'm sorry I hadn't reported to you–I mean, Informed–I mean!" Belle gave a boisterous giggle, making her feel small, Tok Aba giving a slight shake of his head, seeing how silly she seemed when Yaya was the most level-headed person alongside Ying in their group.

Belle gently held Yaya's hand into her own, looking amused. "I like you already," she snickered, "you'll be my daughter-in-law, right?" Belle asked as Yaya stammered, her ears ringing at the thought of marriage. "Oh, I should check on the boys." Tok Aba said as he got up with a groan, moving to the door as Ochobot followed. "I'll go with them. I'll see Fang." Ying said, rushing out, leaving the two ladies to themselves. Yaya saw the older woman wearing a solemn expression. "Do you love my son?" Belle asked, looking at her with worry, making Yaya nod, smiling. "Of course, I wouldn't trade him for the world." Belle felt her eyes stinging, sniffling.

Belle heaved a breath as she gently removed Yaya's hand, wiping a tear that fell, worrying the younger. "I didn't spend too much time with my son... he knows I love him, but there are times I wished the situation could be different." She said as Yaya patted her back, making her turn to face the younger girl, holding her shoulder. "I'm sure he showed you most of his sides. The possessiveness when he likes something, the overprotectiveness, even the emotional sides... I'm sure this may be selfish and weird, but please... take care of my son, Yaya." Belle uttered with sincerity, making Yaya give a bright smile despite the tears brimming her eyes. "I promise... I always will." The two hurriedly cleaned their tears off, chuckling as Belle cheered her up, telling stories of how Boboiboy was during their times away.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Binju!"

The group bid farewell as Boboiboy led them out the gates. "I never knew Prince Popular was the possessive type." Fang uttered, finding out from Yaya and Ying, making the latter tug his wrist. Boboiboy gave him a pout, "Right back at you, Mister Tsundere." The two were about to butt their heads, but Ying flicked their foreheads, both wincing as they held their heads. "Enough. Now, I'm going home, bye~" She said, walking off when Fang turned to chase after her, "Hey, wait!" He said. Gopal turned to the two, grinning, "I think I've bothered you two enough. I'll bother them now, see you tomorrow!" "Bye, Gopal." The two were left as Gopal rushed to follow the two.

Boboiboy felt Yaya's hand wrap on his own, looking towards her seeing her doe eyes as he huffed a breath, saying, "Stop looking cute, this isn't fair." She giggled, moving to face him. "I was surprised to know how possessive you are." He scoffed, moving to lightly pinch her cheek, "When I have such a cute girlfriend. I can;t help but tell my mom and the world that she's mine." He said as she failed to hold back a smile, making her look down to kick the invisible rocks by her feet. "I have a pretty cool boyfriend too..." She said in a small voice, but he heard it, making him smile as she looked back at him. "Mr. Admiral, I have to go home," she lifted his hand with hers, seeing that he refused to let go, making him groan and finally. "Fine~ see you tomorrow." She nodded, moving and tip-toeing up to plant a chaste kiss on his lips before moving back and turning her heels to the direction of her house.

Boboiboy turned and felt his blood froze seeing that his grandfather and mother watched him with a knowing grin. 'I saw nothing...' He thought, covering his ears as he moved past them, ignoring Ochobot's questions as he heard his mom's laugh.

To Be Continued...

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