They know, We're In-trouble!

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They know, We're In-trouble!

They know, We're In-trouble!

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Inside the ship, Boboiboy was sitting by the table with the rest, talking about whatever until the topic took a huge turn, "Uh, Sir Boboiboy, can I ask you something?" A lance corporal uttered, looking concern as the male smiled with a nod, saying, "Sure, ask away." "I just wanted to know–" He cleared his throat as Boboiboy raised a brow whilst Fang and Gopal returned from the main deck. "--if you and Commodore Yaya are dating?"

The two boys who'd just returned stifled a laugh as Boboiboy choked on his spit, catching his breath. "Uh... you–it's nothing like that. Really." "Really~ what did we see yesterday?" Fang and Gopal asked in sync, making Boboiboy blush, turning as he unconsciously turned into Blaze, his eyes flaring out as he gave a glare to the two who kept laughing. "Shut up!"

In a few minutes, they'd managed to land on the base, getting down the ship. "GOPAL!" Two feminine voices yelled as the two Admirals felt chills on their spine, hiding behind Gopal who was now faced with Yaya and Ying, both giving him death glares. "Yah! Why did you bring Boboiboy into such a dangerous place knowing he was injured!?" She stomped on the ground, forming a large crack on it, turning to Boboiboy who was now next to the Captain, "And you, why did you come to that mission, huh?!" She exclaimed as she floated towards him, making the orange cap wearing male scared, giving a worried smile. "I-I can explain! Cutie, I promise I have an explanation!" The people around them, excluding Fang and Ying, froze. 'C-cutie?' She thought, her face turning red, "Y-You shouldn't..." She stammered before her face turned into a tomato.

"Yaya, I actually told Gopal to bring me–" "No excuses! Gopal and Admiral Boboiboy to my office NOW!" She yelled as the two sighed, seeing Ying dragging off Fang to the same direction Yaya pointed. 'Why did I bury myself?' He thought.

As Boboiboy and Gopal sat by Yaya's table, they glanced at the side, seeing Ying giving Fang a glare across from her own table. "Now, Gopal," He turned to her, saluting, "Captain Gopal." "Is it true that Boboiboy had asked you to bring him?" Gopal frantically nodded as she gave a glare to Boboiboy who sighed. She slammed her hand on the table, standing up as she faced him, "Now why did you do that?" "I was really fine! Promise, it felt stuffy inside the clinic." Boboiboy answered with a pout, making Yaya internally coo at him.

"I can agree–" "You aren't off the hook, Mister!" Ying said as she smacked Fang with a file she had in-hand, making him wince, looking at her with a pitiful gaze. "You guys should really listen, they forced me to take them! Your boyfriends were persuasive!" Gopal exclaimed as he raised his arms, surrendering as the two admirals gave a sheepish smile.

In a few minutes, Boboiboy was finally out of the office, stretching his limbs, frowning as he recalled how Fang smooth talked his way out of Ying scolding him. 'The traitor!' he huffed a breath at the thought, moving to the right wing of the station when red lights blared around, "Emergency Alert! Emergency Alert! Unknown Ship Docked In Sector 3!--" He furrowed his brow, looking behind him as several aliens rushed past the hall, making him follow in-suit, heading down to the sector.

The elevator opened, seeing a chaotic area, making him cough at the dust, moving in as he saw a figure being thrown back, he caught it, seeing it unconscious as he pulled the alien to the side, peering up to see a large alien on the rampage, yelling, "hraa! Where is Boboiboy!?"

It lifted a mop-alien, ready to throw it off to a piece of debris on the ground. "Hey! Let him go!" A green figure showed himself before him, in a battle stance, "Who are you?!" "Boboiboy!" He answered as the alien roared before slamming the alien to the ground, "Thorn Lash!" Boboiboy Thorn yelled as he conjured vines and pulled the alien away from impact, settling it to the side. The monstrous alien didn't find it amusing as it started to thrash around, hitting items as stuff flew around. "Iron Redirect!" Boboiboy Iron yelled as he pointed to a large piece of debris, letting it hover just over a group of mop aliens trying to help each other get out.

The Iron element pointed to the alien making havoc, "Redirect." As the debris flew back towards the alien, hitting it with so much force, it stumbled back. Thunderstorm used his Speed to teleport behind it, "Thunder Sword!" He sliced it by the legs, the alien grimacing in pain, kneeling down. "Thorn Pitcher" the thorn element said as multiple vines grew from the ground, gathering to create a large venus fly-trap creature.

As it charged down to gobble the alien, a small voice yelled, "Please Wait! No!" Thorn heard it, but saw that the pitcher was too close to stop the immediate attack. Thunderstorm used his power to rush down, catching the little creature as Thorn managed to pull back the pitcher from touching the alien.

The three elements came towards the alien as Thorn retracted the pitcher, seeing him in distress as the little creature rushed towards him, hugging. The alien looked towards them with desperate eyes, "P-Please... I mean no harm, I was asking for help..." 

To Be Continued...

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