Calm Before The Storm

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Calm Before The Storm

After ensuring the city was safe and some local authorities settled to clean up, Boboiboy Mayhem left to the ship, seeing the group staring at something, making him confused as he hopped off his hoverboard. "You okay?" Fang asked him as he gave an ecstatic smile, nodding. "Yeah, but what are the others looking at?" Mayhem asked as he moved towards them, peeking in to see the man shivering off in the corner, not prepared to face Mayhem again. They locked eyes as Mayhem gave him a grin, making a motion over his neck like it was sliced, the man getting scared as he hugged the wall.

Yaya looked towards him, making Mayhem give an endearing gaze, smiling at her. "Yaya~ did you get hurt?" He asked, concern present on his face as he gently cupped her face, making her turn red, giving him a cute smile, "I-I'm fine, don't worry." She uttered as he nodded. They heard someone clear their throat, looking to the side to see Gopal, Sai and Shielda giving stares of disbelief.

Landing back at the station, Ying was transferred to her room as she woke up during the ride back. Fang stood by her bed, holding her hand as she saw him sigh. "You okay?" She asked, making him frown, stating, "You can't ask me that when you took a heavy blow for us." She gave a weak chuckle, seeing him lean close, planting a kiss on the top of her nose, leaning a bit away. "Next time share the pain, okay?" "Okay, if you say so." She uttered in a meek voice as he gave her a stern glare, making her snicker. The moment was ruined when some shuffles were heard from behind them, both looking back to see the guys looking in, Probe tumbling on the floor as he was also peeking in from the door.

Fang stormed out as he shut the door, leaving the rest laughing as Boboiboy had reverted back to his human form, soon seeing Adudu giving a questioning gaze between him and Yaya. "What is it?" Boboiboy asked as he approached the alien, giving him an amused gaze, "Huh, so you are finally dating, huh?" The words made him flustered, giving an irritated smile before saying, "Why do you need to know?"

"Well, Mr. Boss and I were staying here for a bit and saw Yaya's closet filled with your clothes. Ying's closet has a lot of purple clothes."

Probe stated as Gopal gave a knowing gaze to the girl, making her pout. "I knew you'd date some day!" "If you want to fight Bora Ra on your own, I can throw you out of the station now." Boboiboy said while cracking his knuckles, threatening them as the two panicked, making Adudu raise a hand, "Wait! I have something to warn you about." He said as the group gathered by the dining table, Fang came out of Ying's room to let her sleep. Adudu stood on a chair, giving them a serious look, stating, "Bora Ra is among the strongest power sphere collectors in the universe. Before he joined Tengkotak Gang, he had an apprentice, Ciar."

Probe felt afraid by even mentioning the name as Adudu continued, "Ciar is now Bora Ra's Right-hand man, or guard even. By doing errands for Bora Ra, Ciar is rewarded handsomely–his rewards are power spheres." They were shocked. "Power Spheres?! That means he has many of them at his disposal!" Yaya exclaimed as Fang sighed, uttering, "I knew it was suspicious that we couldn't find Sinarbot on Earth despite being located there." Probe nodded as Boboiboy soon tried to recall the power sphere they missed. "Not only that, Ciar was hunting us down and simply let us go saying something about 'preparing for battle'." Probe said as Gopal chimed in, asking, "Then if he let you go, why'd you not just flee or maybe just trick him away?"

Adudu groaned, crossing his arms over his chest, "He doesn't mean let us go. He simply wants us to surrender something to him." Turning to Probe the robot nodded, rummaging in his helm and fetched out a Power Sphere, "I had retrieved this power sphere, Dimensibot and it originally belonged to him." "WHAT?!" The group exclaimed, making the two former enemies chuckle. "You see, I can surrender this power sphere immediately, but you all must promise to keep me safe from Ciar!"

Fang grumbled, seeing Boboiboy give him a 'just do it' gaze. "Fine. but the moment I find something suspicious about you, I'll be your next hunter, got it?" The two nodded, immediately giving the robot to Yaya as Fang stood and turned to them, saying, "I have a plan. We'll be going through with it alongside Admiral Kaizo."

Exiting the girls room, the two were quick to realize the attention on them. Fang had internal face palmed as he looked to see that the people outside knew this room belonged to the girls. Boboiboy caught on quick, immediately rushing off as Fang looked down ot hid his face as if he wasn't standing all mighty before they'd exited the room.

To Be Continued...

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