The Mission On Atlas Gleam

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The Mission On Atlas Gleam

As the Earth Mission concluded, the guys flew back to Pulau Rintis and were called to report to TAPOPS, now the two admirals stood before the three fleets, they were shown a holographic figure of a planet. "This planet is named Atlas Gleam. It is part of Sector 349, a highly nomadic city that lives there." Kaizo said as he pressed some buttons showing the situation of the planet, the weird system and their aliens. 

"A few days ago, we detected an abnormal power surge in the planet, something not out of any ordinance." Kaizo said as Ciciko soon came into view, uttering, "The Planet was known to have been in destitute of technological advancements years before now." He faced the two admirals with a stern expression, stating, "Your mission is to infiltrate the planet and gather as much intel as you can."

Fang looked at the planet, asking, "How much are we planning to dig up, sirs?" Tarung faced them. "We need to find out about that power surge and who is there. The planet has been AWOL for quite some time, we need the most of what we can get." He said as the two nodded, "Are we the only two going sir?" "Yes, for the confidentiality of the mission, it's best if few people know and are directly involved, I suggest packing up as you have only a day to prepare." Kaizo said as the two saluted before getting dismissed.

Out in the halls, Boboiboy was thinking of their mission, "It'll be a long while before we come back if the mission is as disclosed as they said." Fang uttered as they turned to their room, the shadow user ready to pull the door open when they heard someone call at the side, "Oi! Where are you entering our room?" Boboiboy snapped out of his thoughts as he peered to their side, seeing two unfamiliar aliens. Much to their confusion, Fnag looked at the area, noting that they were by their rooms. "Eh, are you guys, Admiral Boboiboy and Fang?" Boboiboy asked as the two aliens gave a smug look, the green haired one saying, "Of course we are. You must be pretty new, huh?"

Fang stifled a laugh, turning to Boboiboy who got what his eyes meant, clearing his throat. "Oh~ I guess we shouldn't. sorry. We were actually looking for the training area, would you like to show us how you spar?" Boboiboy said as the two gave a nod, leading them off, unaware of the people they're impersonating being right there.

Arriving at the empty training room, the two guys stood in their places, waiting for the signal. The lines on the floor soon lit red to signal that the room was occupied, the two guys charged towards them. The two admirals wanted to know how they'd fight, dodging for the time. Boboiboy knelt down, seeing the guy irritated, swinging his fist down to Boboiboy as the latter, knelt back, doing a flip as he landed on his feet. Fang meanwhile was easily averting the orange haired aliens attack, seeing his competitive gleam shining through, amusing the shadow user.

"Carving Fist!" Green yelled as Boboiboy jumped up, a loud explosion was heard, seeing a dent on the wall behind him, 'this kid can fight, huh?' He looked back down to Green, seeing his agitated glare, using the move multiple times as he soon landed a hit on Boboiboy. "Hah, that's what you get." Green uttered, seeing the smoke cloud clearing, his eyes widened, seeing a Red Transparent Bubble around Boboiboy. "Boboiboy! Triple Split!" He yelled as from Eclipse emerged Thunderstorm and Blaze came out, landing on the ground.

Fang revealed his powers, calling his Shadow Falcon to come and play. Orange was confused, "Fire Channel!" He blasted a fire laser towards him, only to have Fang call back his shadow and yell, "Light Bulwark!" He summoned a large circular shield, easily redirecting the fire to the side, surprising Orange who was about to attack when he was rammed to the side by Eclipse using his red shield. "Oh, hi, Fang~" Eclipse greeted with a wave as the now light user landed by his side greeting him back, knowing the initial emotion worn by the element.

Orange crawled off, soon reaching before his teammate Green, who was staring right at death's door. Blaze gave him a devious smile, saying, "Let's play with fire–" He coated his fist with fire, "Fireball Attack!" He threw a fireball towards Green who narrowly averted it, falling to the floor as he was in-shock, staring into Orange. He heard something by him, both turning to the right to see Thunderstorm present, holding his spear as he gave a scary glare at him, ready to stab down, they screamed bloody murder as the spear landed just before their figures, causing them to release a breath and crawl to move out the way.

Orange looked at them in fear, seeing Boboiboy revert back. "I guess they weren't the real deal, huh?" Boboiboy asked as Fang was now back to his usual state, laughing with a nod. "I didn't know Admiral Boboiboy can only use fire. Right, Boboiboy?" Fang asked as the two sat before them frozen at the realization. The orange cap wearing male snickered, rolling his eyes as he looked at the two. "Next time, make sure to win. We don't want our names tarnished now."

"W-We are sorry, sir!"

To Be Continued...

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