Mission in Planet Lystemia

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Mission on Planet Lystemia

Mission on Planet Lystemia

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As Gopal dropped by the clinic, he entered to see Boboiboy holding onto a large teddy bear while eating with one hand. "Eh? What's with that teddy bear?" He asked as he went to the side of his bed, Fang currently in the bathroom. The brunet looked back up at him with a stupid smile, "Yaya gave it to me." "And now he won't let go." Fang said as he came back from the other room, moving to the brunet's side, leaning on the edge of the bed for support. Gopal rolled his eyes, hands on either side of his hips, "You are currently the definition of a Golden Retriever Boyfriend." Boboiboy furrowed a brow, asking, "What's that?"

Fang sighed, "A boyfriend who tails his girlfriend like a loyal puppy in-love." Boboiboy pouted at his words, "Why is THAT a problem? I didn't see people complaining that Fang isn't a tsundere cat style of boyfriend." "You shut–" Gopal cleared his throat, not wanting to hear their flame wars, both soon taking in that the male was going somewhere. "Where are you going?" Fang asked as Gopal sighed. "A mission." Feeling dead inside.

"Where to?" "A nuclear-hazardous planet. I think it was called Lystemia." Boboiboy nodded, humming when he and Fang locked eyes with each other, turning to Gopal. "Take us with you." Gopal was wide-eyed. "WHAT!? No! You both are still injured!" He argued as the two frowned. "But I feel fine~ Please~" Boboiboy said while fittingly enough, making puppy eyes. "Yeah, won't it be better to take us? You won't be alone then." Fang said, persuasively as it worked. The male felt tired as he sighed, "Fine you can come with." Gopal said as the two cheered, thanking him. "But!" They turned back to the Captain, "if something happens, you two are the ones getting it, okay?" They shrugged and hummed to the response, suiting up.

Narrowly escaping the Commodore's Office, the two males rushed inside Gopal's ship, entering into the main deck to see a group of aliens manning the stations and wheel. Boboiboy looked inside from the upper area, watching the aliens chatting until the door opened to reveal Gopal, the members immediately saluting at his presence. Fang raised a brow with a smug grin, "I guess you are actually a Captain now, huh." The taller one gave a wide smile, laughing as Boboiboy leaned on the rails. "Awesome, Gopal. You made it." He gave him a thumbs-up before letting out a sigh, making the two look at him with concern, but with the cadets and corporals asking for instructions, Gopal simply shrugged it off for the time being.

"Uh, so, who are they?"

A Corporal whispered, pointing back at the two who were bickering about how to properly locate a power-sphere. Gopal puffed his cheeks, turning to the rest as they looked at them curiously, he spoke, "they're my friends. The orange cap wearing one is Boboiboy and the other one is Fang." The two turned to him upon hearing his name, seeing the crowd gathering with confusion. "What;s going on?" Boboiboy asked, letting go of Fang's collar, the other doing the same. "They don't know who their Admirals are." It took a second of silence before the group exclaimed, "They are the new Admirals!?" The three chuckled as the group immediately apologized for their attitudes. The light beep for the monitor snapped them out of their banters as Fang and Gopal went towards it, Boboiboy moving to the large glass window, seeing the planet in view.

Like a switch turned on, the three had different auras, "Be ready to depart!" "Yes, sir!" A few minutes into landing and walking around the dystopian planet, Fang summoned his Shadow Falcon and surveyed the nearby areas as Boboiboy transformed into Cyclone, flying into another area, spotting a large crater. He hovered in the air, talking into his watch, "Guys! There's a crater over here, north-east!" "Moving towards you." Gopal answered as he led his men with Fang to the former's location.

Fang turned to Gopal, seeing him nervous, asking, "What's exactly our mission here, Captain?" The male turned to him with a slightly disrupted expression. "To contain a nuclear core. It's.." Gopal coughed as he pulled up an oxygen mask, "It's making the area hazardous and unless we contain it, others are gonna get hurt." He added as Boboiboy landed by them, shifting to his original form, looking at the group when he noticed something, sensing that Fang realized it too. "Something wrong?" Gopal asked as Boboiboy turned to him, "We aren't getting any effects from the land... no poison, not even lethargy." Fang stated as he lifted his hand, snapping his finger as white light flickered.

"We can ask someone back at the station, let's take advantage of this and find the core." Boboiboy said as turned to the hole, yelling, "Boboiboy! Quake!" transforming as he jumped down, the rest baffled as Fang sighed, lifting a hand, "Light Eagle!" He summoned and rode it down, letting the others follow suit.

Entering the caves, Boboiboy had secured their paths as he soon felt blinded by a glimpse of light, squinting as he approached it, soon seeing a large white and blueish ball. Fang arrived with the rest, seeing the ball with slight awe. "How exactly do we neutralize this?" Boboiboy asked, hearing Gopal come over. "I can shift the exterior to metal, but once I do, we'll need to completely destroy it–air and its properties" "Sounds like a plan." Fang uttered, looking back to the team, "We'll need to secure our exit, though Mr. Popular did most of the work," Boboiboy grumbled with a pout, "we can't tell how it'd affect the area when we destroy it. I'm giving you all the command of ensuring everyone's safe escape, got it?" "Yes sir!" They saluted before reading their gears and entered the hole they came from.

Gopal stood in front, "Ready?" He asked as he focused. Boboiboy raised his hand, transforming, "Boboiboy Elemental Split!" and Quake, Cyclone, and Redmoon appeared staring at the large ball of light. Fang prepared to engulf the possible debris, Gopal counting down from three, two, "One! Now–Metal Transformation!"

"Light and Shadow! Shifting Barriers!"

"Cyclone Sphere!"

"Earth Punch!"

"Red Shatter!"

The ball crumbled slowly, the core melting down as Fang managed to contain them, Gopal shifting them into rubble. With the cavern becoming unstable, Boboiboy recombined, saying, "we gotta go!" They exited the cave, catching glances of the area behind them being covered with piles of rocks and sharp steel from Gopal. In a few minutes, they'd gotten out and saw Gopal's team waiting with the spaceship nearby to ensure their safe exit.

To Be Continued...

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