Chapter 5

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Skylar's POV

"Come on, Skylar. Let's have some fun for once!" Vanessa and the girls are begging for me to go to the party that is at some guy's house tomorrow.

"So you are saying that our gossip sessions and going out for ice cream isn't fun?" I say sarcastically. I am not really sure that I should go to a party. I mean it would be fun, but it just sounds like a recipe for disaster.

"You know that's not what I am saying," she says rolling her eyes, "It is not like you'll being going alone. You will have us three plus Cameron." Cameron is Taylor's boyfriend who is a senior.

"Okay, I will go. Under one condition---if I want I can leave! Oh and don't ditch me." I say.

"Of course we wouldn't ditch you," Katie says laughing.

"Okay, guys...IT LOOKS LIKE WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY!!!" Taylor yells.

"SHHHHHHHHH," Katie, Vanessa, and I say. We were in the cafeteria eating lunch, and half of the cafeteria turned to look at us.

We all laugh hysterically. Wow, am I glad I moved.


It is finally friday and I have survived my second week of school. It is funny how it has only been two weeks because, it feels like months. The girls and I have grown so close and I can already tell we'll be friends for a long time. Everyday after school, we've been going to Starbucks or the parlor for food and drinks. They are amazing Best Friends. My mom doesn't really care as long as I am being social (which was a rare occurrence back home) and I am making smart decisions.

It is the day of the party, and it feels weird because I am excited. I don't know why cause it will probably be lame. I have never been to a high school party; even back in L.A. so this will be a new experience.

After school, everyone came over to my house to get ready. I had NO CLUE what to wear. Do I stay casual like jeans and a shirt? Or do I go with a dress?

All the girls are already dressed since they came over to help me get ready.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I say to nobody in a particular.

"I'll find you something!!" Katie says entering my small walk in closet. Vanessa and Taylor are not far behind.

After about 15 minutes of them throwing around by clothes and digging through the packed boxes, they all say, "We found it!"

They tell me to come in and try it on.

They picked out gray body cotton with black vans and layered jewelry. (Outfit above)

I try it on, and to my surprise I actually really like it. I bought this dress last year but it didn't fit then. I kept it anyways.

"Okay I have it on!" I say to the girls.

"Lets see it"

"Come on already!" Gosh, I chuckle to myself. They are so impatient.

I walk out hoping they liked it as much as I did.




They all squeal and their reaction was just what I needed!

"Thanks guys!" I all pull them into a group hug. I know it's cheesy but I am so happy right now.

We all pull apart, and then Taylor says, "I think we have a party to get to!"

And with that we grab our phones and head out the door.

I can already tell, that tonight is going to be fun!


Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Short chapter I know,
but they will get longer as the story progresses! Don't forget to vote and comment! Hang in there cause Ethan comes in soon! 💓


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