Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV

"Flight 636 to New Jersey is now boarding. Flight 636 is now boarding."

My mom, brother, and I get up from the airport seats to get in line to board our plane.

This is it. The new beginning I have always wanted and needed. What I need is to be able to forget about everything and move on.

I guess I should formally introduce myself so here it goes. My name is Skylar. I am 16 and I am going to be a junior in High School. I have lived all my life in Los Angeles, California, but it was time for a change. I live with my mom, Jane, and my brother Andrew. Andrew is 18 and is starting his freshman year of college this fall semester in New Jersey. That is part of the reason we are moving. I have brown hair and blue eyes and I am 5' 2". That's really all you need to know about me for now.

"Skylar, come on," my mom says pulling my arm to get me to walk. I guess I zoned out.

We walk and give the worker our boarding passes. As she scans them, I can't help but worry. What if I don't fit in at the new high school? What if they hate me? What if I can't find new friends? What if... I am pulled out of my thoughts by the lady handing me back my pass.

Mom, Andrew, and I walk down the tunnel into the plane. I take my seat at the window, and put my headphones on. I close my eyes, and soon fall asleep.


The flight went good but was long. As we walk out of the airport, I can't help but feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Nobody here knows who I am and what happened to me. It's a fresh start.

My mom calls an uber, and we jump in. As we are driving down the highway, I watch through the window as New Jersey passes me by.  It has been about 30 minutes, and we get off the freeway and start to drive into the suburbs.  After about 10 more minutes, the uber driver pulls into the driveway of a brown house.

"Here you are."

"Thank you." My mom says as she hands the man, her money. He helps us get our bags out of the trunk and then drives away.

After my mom unlocks the front door, Andrew and I sprint up the stairs to try and get the best room.

I scream as I try to push Andrew out of the way.  This is the one time being extremely short comes in handy. I squeeze past my brother and run into the biggest room. Andrew then runs to the room, right next door.

About a minute later he comes out and says, " Not fair, that one's so much bigger than mine."

"Well, I have a lot more stuff than you do. Plus, I got here first. And it doesn't even matter cause you're moving into the dorms soon." I say smirking.

"Fine." He says walking away defeated.

It's been a week. For the most part, I have been just hanging around the house unpacking. Tomorrow is the big day, my first day of Junior year at a new high school. I am excited, but mostly nervous. I hope I make some great friends.

Disappointed// Ethan Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now