Swing, Sway (June 28)

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You push your feet back and forth on the ground beneath you. You feel the swing slowly swaying back and forth as you stare down at the dirt patch covered in feet marks from the children coming and going on these swings.

You're the only one in the park on this warm June evening. You look down at your phone for the time, 5:31pm, June 28, 2017.

You wish time would move faster, bringing you closer to the end. You've always had depression, but today was one of your bad days.

"Um, excuse me..."

A voice snaps you out of your trance of thought.

You look to see a handsome young man, around his mid to late twenties.

"I'm sorry to bother you but...I couldn't help but see you're the only one here...and you're sitting all alone...are you okay?"

The man asked.

"I-I'm fine."

Those two words are what you've been saying for years, they're the biggest lie you'd ever tell.

"Can I sit?"

The man asked.

"Go ahead."

You replied.

"Uh, I'm Tyler, you are?"

He asked.


You replied with a small smile.

"So, What brings you here?"

Tyler asked.

"I dunno, I just to like to come here and think. I think a lot."

You replied.

"Me too, sometimes too much."

Tyler said with a sigh.

You could relate almost too well.

"I always think too much..."

You said without thinking.

"About what?"

Tyler asked meeting your eyes.

"Oh...ya know...a-anything..."

You didn't wanna tell this guy about your suicidal thoughts and depression and anxiety. You guys just met.

"M-me too. I've always been a major introvert so I usually think and don't talk..."

His voice trailed off.

"Me too."

You said after a moment of silence.

You and Tyler sat on those swings and talked for hours until the warmth of the June sun faded and the temperature dropped from 87 to 65 degrees.

"I should probably go, my parents must be waiting for me."

You said standing up and off the swing.

"How old are you?"

Tyler asked.

"24, but I'm looking for an apartment right now..."

Your cheeks turned a slight pink in the embarrassment of admitting took still lived with your parents.

"How old are you?"

You asked Tyler.


He replied.

"See you."

He said.

"See you."

You replied.

You and Tyler shook hands and parted ways. You went home and tucked yourself into bed without heating up left over dinner or changing into pajamas. You just wanted this day to be over.

Mental//Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now