One Month (July 28)

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You woke up and realized that today was a special day. You felt Tyler's arms wrap around your waist lightly and try to hold you down when you sat up. He pressed his head against your upper thigh and mumbled, "please don't leave me."

You laughed.

"Tyler I'm not leaving you! I wanna make you breakfast!"

You exclaimed.


Tyler asked.

"Because silly! Today is the anniversary of the day we first met!"

You replied.

"It is?! Already!"

Tyler sat up.

You nodded and smiled big before giving Tyler a big kiss on the cheek.

The two of you got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Tyler sat at a stool and you began to make him some pancakes.

"So do you wanna do something today?"

Tyler asked.

"Of course!"

You replied.

"How about we go to the park, and then after we can come back here and just chill for a little while."

Tyler said.

"That sounds good."

You replied.

You placed some pancakes in front of Tyler and you guys began to eat.

"These are so good! Why have you never cooked for me before?!"

Tyler shouted as he devoured the pancakes.

You shrugged.

"Mmm these are amazing."

He said.

You guys ate breakfast and then got dressed and ready before heading to the park.

Once you guys got to the park you sat down on one of the swings and Tyler began to push you. The feeling of the wind in your hair was amazing and although the sun was blocked by clouds you still felt so warm.

You jumped off the swing and grabbed Tyler's hand before you began to run.

"Where are we going?!"

Tyler shouted.

The two of you ran all the way up to the tree house at the top of the play structure in the park before you began to kiss him passionately wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

"I'm so happy I met you."

You said between kisses.

"Me too."

Tyler replied.

It began to rain heavily and drops began to pour through the cracks of the roof on the tree house getting you guys wet.

"We should go!"

Tyler yelled over the loud rain.

You guys ran out of the tree house and back to Tyler's apartment laughing hysterically. You and Tyler opened the apartment door and came in soaking wet.

"Woah what happened to you guys?"

Josh asked.

"We got caught in the rain."

Tyler replied wiping water drops off his forehead.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

You laughed.

You got into the shower and turned on the hot water closing your eyes feeling it hit you in the face.

The shower curtain opened and you quickly opened your eyes to see Tyler.

"Tyler what are you doing?!"

You laughed.

"Joining you."

He said as he stepped into the shower and closed the curtain.

"Hey I need a shower too."

He smirked.

You playfully rolled your eyes as you began to rub shampoo into your hair and so did Tyler.

Once you guys got out of the shower you and Tyler both changed into a pair of his sweat pants and one of his T-shirt's and watched movies and music videos on the couch for awhile. All day it was a thunder storm outside.


Tyler said after a little while of you guys sitting in silence.

You looked up at him from his chest.


You said quietly.

"Can I show you something I've been working on? A-A song?"

Tyler said.

You nodded and the two of you walked to Tyler's bedroom.

He sat you at the foot of the bed and began to strum chords on his ukulele.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul. But it takes someone to come around, to show you how..."

He sang softly.

"She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive."

Tyler sang as he looked you in the eye.

"She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire. She's the tear in my heart, take me higher than I've ever been."

Tyler sang.

He put the ukulele down and grabbed your hands.

"That's all I have so far b-but I'm still working on it...I-I was thinking of you when I started it..."

Tyler said shyly.

You placed your hands on Tyler's cheeks making him look up at you.

"I love it."

You smiled and planted a small kiss on his lips.

A/N: Hey guys so yes I used Tear in my Heart and I know it's about Jenna and NO DISRESPECT TO JENNA SHES MY QUEEN I JUST LOVE THE SONG OKAY OKAY

Mental//Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now