nineteen: normally

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When the heart sees something it likes
The brain gets left behind
The brain is sad but it tries to understand
But it also wants to yell at the heart
For the heart is stupid
It falls for anything that gives it even a little bit of attention
The brain wants to push away the uneeded attention
Most of the time the brain wins

My heart and my brain have come to an understanding
One who shows you love,
You are terrified of; you don't want. The heart and the brain tear it apart if the love does happen. It makes the body they are in ruin the relationship somehow in some way. It ruins me. It fills them. 
One who shows you lies,
You adore. They make you want them even more than any other person. It drives me mad. It drives them murderous. Hungry for all the lies and fake love.

Normally that's not right
But for me that's how it is
That's how it'll always be

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