forty eight

16 2 0

i feel like a complete fool
i sit in my room everynight crying your name, hoping, waiting for you to come back
im foolish because i know that you are never coming back
you wont ever
just tell me you arent coming back so i can just stop hurting
that wont stop it but at least i can try and let go of this false hope
i want to stop hurting
and i do not care how much you have hurt me, i do not care at all, i will always love you with all of myself.
all of my heart will love your heart forever
all of my mind will love your mind forever
all of my body will love your body forever
youre imprinted into my skin still, and its been a month.
all of your words are in my head still, and its been weeks
all of your love is deep inside my heart still, and even with time, that will never change
you showed me what love is and for that i will always be thankful to you
i will always thank you for loving me
i will always thank you for showing me all of these new feelings
its not your fault just know that much
it isn't your fault im hurting, its mine
i just dont want to let go of the thought of you, i dont
the amount of you that is inside my mind is far too strong to just up and leave
if it left, it would take my whole self with it

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