an unwelcoming welcome

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where has my mind gone?

i sit back and unknowingly watch it slink away.
first slowly, just out of reach i guess.
then quickens the pace.
and whatever is filling its place,
is eating me alive.
oozing through my body,
because it doesnt fit where my mind should be.
the sludge is sinking,
pulling me
way deep
into the ground.
yanking my limbs to my side,
making them so unbelievably numb,
i turn to rage.

rage is my new best friend.
and i lash out
and lash out
until im sitting alone hidden from the crowd full of my old friends.
they dont know what to do.
i can see it in their faces.
concern and fear DRIP from their faces.
and i know im being laughed at. i just, dont know where its coming from.

but when i stand up, quite shakily and slow to be honest,
standing beneath me,
behind me,
beside me,
in front of me,
is me.
i did this.

im the thing inside my head.

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