Chapter Twelve

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*Rosaline's POV*

I was so heartbroken. I hadn't left my bed all weekend. I thought Tony and I actually had something. I was obviously a fool because only fools fall in love.

I was lying in bed, watching some movie on my iPad. It was called the Nanny Diaries. The main girl, Annie, looked like Natasha and the main guy, "Harvard Hottie", looked like Steve. Weird. But whatever.

Natasha was gone out with her friend (or so she calls him), Clint. Pepper had just arrived from the bathroom. She gave me a guilty smile.

I obviously wasn't mad at Pepper. It wasn't her fault my heart was broken. I was dumb enough to think someone like Tony Stark would ever actually like me more than a friend.

"Hey," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," I expressed. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow. My first period class is with Tony and I don't want to face him."

"Rosaline, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you liked him. If I had, I wouldn't have said yes."

"It's not your fault, Pep," I said. "I'm not mad at you or anything. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up and thought that Tony even liked me the way he likes you. I'm not as compatible with him as you are."

"You know what they say. Opposites can attract."

I shrugged and went back to my movie. Pepper sat on the edge of my bed and took my iPad, making me look up at her.

"Hey! It as just getting to the best part. Annie was hooking up with Harvard Hottie!" I said.

"I want you to get up," Pepper told me, turning off my iPad and placing it on the dresser. "I want you to get dressed. We're having a girls day out. I'm gonna go get Natasha and Peggy and we're all gonna hang out."

"Pep-" I started.

"Up. Now," Pepper demanded before leaving to find Natasha and Peggy. I sighed and rolled out of bed.

I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and my Eminem t-shirt. I grabbed my Converse and pulled my wavy blonde hair into a ponytail. I set off down the hall to find the three girls. My search wasn't long as once I turned the corner, I ran into Natasha.

"Oh. Sorry Nat," I said.

"It's fine," she said. "You okay? Pepper told us everything that happened. Clint is Tony's roommate. He said he's gonna kill Tony."

"Call your boyfriend off, Nat," I said. "I honestly don't care anymore. I just want to get my mind off of him. Let's go have some fun."

"I have the perfect idea!" Pepper said. "There's this pond not too far from here. Let's go swimming!"

"But I don't have a bathing suit," I said.

"Who cares? Just swim in your clothes," Peggy said. "Let's go!"

The four of us laughed and raced off for that pond. Pepper showed us the way. When we got there, she was the first one to jump in. Peggy made her way in slowly. Natasha and I sat on the grass, watching for a little bit.

"Clint and I aren't together," she told me. "Your comment from earlier. He's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet," I said. "But soon. You like him and he likes you. He wouldn't have asked you to the dance if he didn't."

"We're just friends," Natasha argued.

"But you're totally gonna be dating soon."

Natasha playfully pushed me. I laughed and pushed her back. Suddenly, I felt the freezing cold water being thrown on me. I let out a high pitched squeal as I looked up to see that the culprit was Peggy. She was now laughing hysterically.

I got up and ran into the water, splashing Peggy as revenge. Soon enough, we managed to get Natasha in the water and now we were all having a fun time. I had completely forgot about Tony and I was happy once again.

"Who's that?" Peggy asked. Everyone paused and turned to see a figure walking towards the pond.

"Loki?" I questioned. "What's he doing here?"

"Well, I sort of told him we were meeting here and that he should come by and talk to you," Pepper said then shrugged. "No biggie. Girls, let's give these two a little alone time."

Pepper, Natasha and Peggy all climbed out of the pond. They said goodbye to me and Loki and went off. Loki walked over to the edge of the pond and offered his hand to help me out of it.

"What did Pepper say to you?" I asked him.

"She told me what happened on Friday," he replied. "I am so sorry, Lady Barnes. I vow that I will rip his head from his shoulders for passing up a girl like you."

"No, Loki. You don't have to do that," I said. "My brother and his friend have already promised to kill Tony and I can't talk them out of that. I don't need you literally killing him."

An October breeze passed through. I shivered. Loki was quick to take off his jacket and put it around my shoulders as we sat on the ground together.

"He is a fool," Loki told me. "He obviously did not see the true beauty that is you and that is his own loss."

I felt myself blush through the cold of the water and the wind.

"Thank you Loki," I said. "You're a really nice guy. I don't understand why you have such a bad rep."

"Well, I did try to destroy all of humanity when I found out I was adopted and not heir to the throne, but that's a different story for a different time."

I giggled. We sat in silence for a moment. I looked out at the water. It was now calm. A single leaf fell from one of the trees above and slowly made its way onto the pond and landed safely on the water.

I began to think about what happened two days before. The guy that I thought I was in love with, Tony, had broken my heart and now the guy that was in love with me, Loki, was here comforting me. How could I be so blind?

I turned to look at Loki. He was looking out over the water as well, but once he felt me eyes on him he turned to me. I wasted no time to quickly jump forward and attach my lips to his.

Loki was surprised at first, but he soon relaxed into the kiss. I put a hand on the back of his neck, holding him close to me. I felt the sparks that they always said were there when someone was the one for you. Loki was the one. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it.

When I finally pulled away, I had a smile on my face. Loki looked into my eyes.

"Lady Barnes," he began. "I've been waiting to ask you this for a while. Will you go to that Winter Formal dance with me?"

"Of course I will," I said and leaned forward to kiss Loki once more.

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