Chapter Thirty Four

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*Rosaline's POV*

I banged on Tony's door as hard as possible, uncaring if he was asleep or if anyone else would hear me. I needed Tony's help.

The door swung open and there stood a half naked Tony in nothing but his boxers. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but stare for a moment.

"Liking what you see?" Tony joked.

"No. Loki is better," I teased. "Anyways, not the point. I need your help. Steve saw Bucky."

"What? Where? How?"

"Around the wall. Bucky knocked Steve out. Steve said he didn't seem like he knew who he was or-or anything. Like he was brainwashed. It's Mr. Schmidt, I know it's Mr. Schmidt. I need your help to find where his room is and see if he has Bucky."

There was a moment before Tony closed the door and then another before he opened it again, this time, he was actually dressed.

"He stays in his office until he knows everyone is asleep, then he returns to his room," Tony explained. "I followed him one night. I know where his room is. I'll stand and watch, you look for Bucky. I say you have about half an hour before he leaves his office and another 10 minutes before he gets to his room."

I wasn't exactly surprised at Tony's knowledge. He was pretty smart, so him having the idea of following Mr. Schmidt one night and timing how long it took for him to get to his room was wasn't surprising at all.

The two of us took off, trying to be quiet and unseen by Fury, who was doing his usual rounds to make sure no one was out of bed at the late hours. Tony's Reactor shined bright enough through his shirt so that we could see where we were going.

The teacher's dorm was half way across campus, behind the main office. It was usually locked, but we timed it perfectly so that we could slip in behind Odin as he returned.

The teacher's dorm was the same as the student dorms, long hallways with doors on either side, labeled. At the end of the hallways was a staircase leading to a second floor.

"Third door on your left," Tony whispered before passing me a flashlight he had taken with him. "Be careful. In case Bucky is in there, you don't wanna scare him or anything."

I nodded and slowly pushed the room door open. I tried to be as quiet as possible so that none of the other teachers heard me.

"Bucky?" I whispered. "Buck, if you're in something."

I paused for a moment. There was no response. I turned on my flashlight and looked around the room. I expected it to be riddled with blueprints and evil plans, but it looked normal. A bed, a desk, a bedside table with a lamp. Except the teachers had bathrooms in their rooms. That had to be it. Bucky was in there, right? No one would go into someone else's bathroom, right?

I knew I shouldn't be so hopeful. Maybe Mr. Schmidt didn't take Bucky. Maybe it was some other evil person in the school. I didn't like that Von Doom kid very much. But the only thing I really had was hope.

I moved slowly and quietly towards the bathroom. The door was closed. I turned the knob and lightly pushed before flashing my flashlight into the bathroom. A toilet, a sink, a shower, no Bucky. I didn't understand. Where else could Bucky be?

I didn't have enough time to ponder. Before I knew it, I heard someone saying, "Get out of here before I report you to the principal for being up after hours!"

"But sir!" came Tony's voice. "I have a question. About-About the homework you gave us-"

"Ask me in class tomorrow!"

Just as I began seeing the light from the hallway flood the room, I quickly shut the bathroom door and prayed he wouldn't have to come in here.

I heard the floorboards creak as Mr. Schmidt entered. I seen the light turn on from under the door.

"Stupid kids," I heard him mutter. "Why'd it have to be kids? Why'd he have to go to this school?"

Who was he? Bucky? Steve? Had to be Steve. Definitely Steve.

I heard the bed creak before Mr. Schmidt spoke, "Armin. How is he?"

There was a pause and I realized he was talking on a phone.

"Of course he's out of control! I just brainwashed him! You have to keep him tied to the chair until we're able to knock some sense into him."

Him? Brainwash? Bucky! That bastard!

Suddenly, my flashlight slipped from my hands and hit the hard floor, making a loud noise. I froze, and so did Mr. Schmidt. There was silence. Crap! He's gonna find me! He's gonna find me and he's gonna kill me! I'm so screwed, I'm so screwed!

I heard footsteps and knew Mr. Schmidt was moving towards the bathroom. I had to act fast. I had two options: find a way out or face Mr. Schmidt. Option one seemed the best to keep me alive.

I looked around for anything; a vent, a window, a trap door. Anything!

That's when I noticed the one window. It was above the toilet, meaning I could just climbed on the toilet and jump out. Thank God we were on the first floor.

I quickly and quietly climbed onto the toilet and slid the window open. I looked down to make sure there was nothing I could fall on and seriously hurt myself. I could heal myself, but I couldn't reverse death and sneaking out of my evil teacher's bathroom was definitely not how I wanted to die.

I seen the knob beginning to turn and hurtled myself out the window without a second thought, leaving the flashlight on the floor of the bathroom. I landed on the ground and held back a groan, knowing the window was still open and Mr. Schmidt would probably hear me.

From my spot on the ground, I could see the bathroom light turn on. I decided not to stick around anymore and took off. When I was a fair ways away from Mr. Schmidt's room, I electrified my hand as my source of light.

I rounded the corner and came to the front of the teacher's dorm to find Tony was waiting for me.

"There you are!" he said. "I was worried he found you. What happened?"

"I dropped the flashlight, which of course made a huge noise, and ended up having to climb out the window and make a run for it," I explained. "I didn't find Bucky, though. But I heard Mr. Schmidt talking to someone named Armin and he mentioned something about 'him' being out of control because he was brainwashed. Whoever this Armin guy is must have Bucky and they could be anywhere at this point."

"Armin. That's who Schmidt was talking to about you, Steve and Bucky when I overheard him before your birthday. He must be Schmidt's partner."

I ran my fingers through my hair. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't find Bucky, but I knew there was nothing else we could do tonight.

"We better get back before we get in trouble," I decided.

"Ross, I'm so sorry-" Tony started.

"Don't be. We still have 6 months to find out what's going on. I'm staying here over Christmas break, so I can have a look around while everyone else is gone. Mr. Schmidt has to have some hint as to where Bucky is."

Tony nodded and decided on giving me a hug before the two of us made our ways back to the dorms. Lucky for me, Miss. Hill had finished her rounds of making sure no one was up, so I didn't really have to sneak back in.

I came up to my room, expecting to find Natasha, Pepper, and Steve still there, but instead, I found someone else.

"Lady Barnes."

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