Chapter Thirteen

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*Bruce's POV*

I had been pretty isolated ever since what happened between Loki and I. I was too afraid to leave. I had changed into the Other Guy. I wasn't supposed to be able to do that in the school.

I had stayed in my room all day. I only got up when I had to use the bathroom or get a shower. I didn't want anyone to see me. I didn't want to face the scared looks I knew I'd get because I turned.

One day, I was sitting in my room, reading over the book that Rose had given me, when there was a knock on the door.

For a moment, I thought it was Ben. He was known to go off without his room key every now and then. So, I got up from my bed and went over to answer. But it wasn't Ben. It was Tony.

"Tony," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been looking into some things," he told me, brushing past me and into my room. I closed the door behind him and followed him. "The force feild on the school has weakened."

"What?" I questioned in surprise. "How is that even possible?"

"I'm not sure," Tony replied. "I'm trying to figure that out myself."

"Have you told your dad?"

"My dad? He's not gonna believe me. He's gonna think I'm just making it up to get attention or something," he said. "No, we need to get the evidence first. We have to find out what's weakening the force feild."

"Wait, if it's weakened then why hasn't Ben Grimm turned into The Thing?"

"It's not that bad. Yet."


I was completely dumbfounded. How could the force feild be weakened? Wasn't it supposed to be indestructible? On top of that, Tony was telling me it would possibly get worst.

"It has to be somebody inside the school, right?" I asked. "I mean, they could be outside the school, but wouldn't they have an easier time getting at the force field if they were inside the school?"

"That's what I was thinking," Tony said and sat down on Ben's bed. I sat across from him, listening to his thesis. "I think it was possibly weakened from the outside and whoever is doing this is probably going to try to make his way into the campus to finish his work."

"So it could be a teacher?" I questioned.

"Most probably," he replied. "I wouldn't shut out any students as well, but not every student knows how to weaken the force field the way a teacher would. A teacher would more than likely learn all about the force field when he first get hired."

"We have to look into this. We have to find out how to save the force field and make it stronger."

Tony smirked. "There's the Banner I met."


*Peter's POV*

I was in my room, alone. Thor was God knows where and Loki was out with his new girlfriend, Rosaline. I was happy for Loki. He seemed so nice and happy now that they were together.

My mind wandered to that girl I met the first week of school. M.J. She was so beautiful. I didn't have her in any of my classes, though, which really sucked. I hoped I would see her again. Maybe I could go find her and ask her out.

I was pulled out of my trance by a knock at the door. I jumped onto the floor (yes, I was hanging on the ceiling. It was something I did when I was bored) and went to answer. It was Harry.

"Hey Harry," I said. "What's up?"

"Look what I have," he said and held up a key. I tilted my head in confusion. "It's the key for the teacher's files in the office. I stole it from my dad. We can use it get the files on Mr. and Mrs. Parker."

I looked at the key for a moment before looking back at Harry. He had a proud smirk on his face.

"How much trouble can we get in for this?" I asked. Yeah, I wanted to learn what the connection between Mr. and Mrs. Parker and me was, but not if it meant I could be suspended or expelled and have my Aunt May disappointed.

"Lots," Harry replied simply. "If we don't get caught."

I smiled. "Then let's go."

I grabbed a dark hoodie in order to be able to blend in with the darkness if someone came close to catching us. Harry and I made our way to the main office.

"What if Mr. Lee catches us?" I asked. "Aren't the files in his office?"

"That they are, but Mr. Lee is gone out on a conference with the principal of DC Academy. He's gonna be gone for a week, so we can have that file until he gets back," Harry explained. "I planned this whole this out. There's no way we're gonna get caught."

"What about the secretary?"

"Easy. I'll distract her and you go in."

Wow. He really had planned everything out.

Harry told me to stand outside the main office door until he gave me the signal to sneak in. He entered and began talking to the secretary. She said something and then turned to her computer, which made her back on to Mr. Lee's office. Harry gave me the signal and I quickly snuck in.

Unfortunately, the door made a noise when it opened. Harry pushed me to the floor in front of the counter where the secretary couldn't see me.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What was what?" Harry asked, playing coy.

"It sounded like the door opened," the secretary said. "But I don't see anyone. Huh. I must be losing my mind."

I heard her computer chair roll and Harry waved at me to tell me to go.

Mr. Lee's door was open, luckily. It was dark, so I pulled up the hood on my dark hoodie to help me blend in. I took my phone out of my pocket an shined the light. The filing cabinet was in the back behind his desk.

I quickly raced over and looked at the letters on the four drawers. A-E on drawer one. Nope. F-K on the second. Nope. K-Q. Bingo.

I unlocked the drawer and slide it out slowly in order not to make any noise. I looked over the names on the files to find the one I was looking for.

Lee, Stan. Nope.

Odin. What kind of name is that? Must be a God like Thor and Loki

Osborne, Norman. No.

Parker, Richard. Parker, Mary. B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his nameo.

I grabbed the two files and closed the drawer again. I walked over to the door to see Harry standing at the desk. He gave me a look and nodded. I raced towards the desk and fell onto the floor again.

"Well, thank you anyways," he said to the secretary. "You tried your best."

"I'm sorry, dear," she said.

Harry waved and went to leave. I crawled next to him until we were out the door. Harry turned to look at me.

"You get it?" he asked.

I held up the files. "I got it."

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