Chapter Thirty Eight

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*Bucky's POV*

That Red Skull guy and his two minions were a tough bunch, but there were certain moments when they left me alone and I managed to sneak out. Whenever I did, I hid against the wall that was around this damn school.

I watched from afar as she walked, usually with a tall, black haired guy. The brown haired girl with features much like my own. The girl who was supposed to be my twin sister.

Every time I seen her, I could pick out things like the same eyes as mine, the same bold lips; hers a bit pinker than mine. Looking at her, it was no doubt she was my sister, but I don't remember her.

I wanted to remember her. Ever since my encounter with that guy at the wall who told me about her, I've been curious. I had been waiting for the perfect moment to find her. Part of me wanted to approach her and speak to her, but another part of me knew that wasn't a good idea. In a few months time, I had a job to do. I couldn't get close to her. I couldn't talk to her. It would ruin the whole plan.

It was Christmas. I remembered Christmas. I had no memories of my family at Christmas, but I remembered what Christmas was. Red Skull and his minions were off celebrating with whoever they celebrated with and I was left alone. I took this as an opportunity to look for her.

I was in my hiding spot against the wall, waiting for her to walk by on her way to her room. I ran possible scenarios in my mind. Possible ways I could approach her, ask her about her and, therefore, about myself. To connect with the sister I didn't remember. But I knew they'd never come true. And I couldn't speak to her. Not at all. But in a few months time, after my job, maybe. Just maybe.

When she finally walked past, she was with him. And they were holding hands. I don't know why, but deep down inside, I felt a twinge of anger. Not towards her, but towards him. I wanted to tell him to take his hands off of her. Is this what being a brother feels like?

"I'm sorry," the guy spoke. He had an accent. I tried to remember who he was, but it hurt my head more.

"Why are you sorry?" she spoke.

"I'm sorry you didn't have the Christmas you wished for," he said. "I know you hoped to find your brother."

"I knew it was a long shot," she shrugged. "I just don't understand why anyone would kidnap Bucky. He's a good guy. He's never done anything to anger anyone."

There's that name again. Bucky. That guy called me Bucky before. Who the hell is Bucky? It's not my name. My name is Winter Soldier. That's who I am. I'm not this Bucky guy. They must have me confused.

They had to. They had to have me confused with someone else. Sure, I looked like her, but that's just a coincidence. I couldn't be her twin. I wasn't Bucky.

"Maybe it was not something of anger," the guy spoke again. "If what you think is true, then it was for power. You may have actual powers, but you would not be easy to take like that. James...he may have a metal arm, but he doesn't have a mental shield to protect his mind the same way you do."

Metal arm?

I looked down at my metal arm. Another coincidence. I'm not Bucky. Or James. I am Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier.

She nodded. "I know. I just wish Tony and Steve and Bucky would've told me what happened the night Tony overheard Mr. Schmidt. We could've...we could've done something. Started some kind of buddy system. Made sure he wasn't alone the night of the Winter Formal. Or ever. This could've been prevented somehow."

The guy pulled her into a hug. My metal hand clenched. I was itching just to run over there and hit him.

Over his shoulder, I seen her eyes open. I thought for a moment she saw me. She was staring straight at me. If I could, I would've backed further into the shadows, but my back was literally against the wall. I could've inched away and ran for my hiding room, but that would definitely give me away. I just stood there, staring back, looking like a deer in the headlights.

When the guy pulled away, he looked at her. "Are you okay, love?"

She looked up at him. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just...never mind. Let's just go back to my room, okay?"

Why did that anger me more than them hugging?

The walked off again, holding hands. For a moment, I wondered why they even stopped to talk. Did she know I was there? Did she think she was fooling me? Because she wasn't. I knew she was trying to mess with my head. They all were.

I was so angry, I could've hit something. Or someone. If only that goddamn Captain America was still around so I could hit him again. I got some pleasure out of that.

Instead, once I knew everyone was gone, I ran back for my room. I knew if Red Skull or his men were there, they'd put me on ice again for getting out. I don't know how they did it, but whenever I did something that they didn't like, they'd freeze me until they needed me. I hated being froze.

I raced back to the room and sat back in my usual seat. I sat and stared at the door, waiting for someone to come in. I kept thinking about her. Was it true? Was she really my sister?

No. No, they were all playing mind games. Red Skull told me everything. He told me not to trust anyone. I don't. I don't even trust him.

But why do I still want to talk to her?

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