Chapter 2 ~ What the Fuck just happened?!

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I have decided to be jenerous and upload chapter 2,3 and 4 just for you guys. And because I really can't wait to share my story :D

~Pingu x

~~~~~~~~~Truth or Dare~~~~~~~~~

10:30pm and everyone except for the 3 girls are here yet.

''Sorry, guys Birdy over here wanted to 'doll herself up'' Ginny said as Hermione and

Phoenix trailed in behind her.

''I was not 'dollin' meself up, I was tying my hair out of my face, actually''

Phoenix said to Ginny in a mocking way.

''And you were checking yourself out in the mirror for about ten minuets before we could get you away from it, don't worry you got no one to impress here'' Hermione said back, Phoenix started to blush and stutter like a little kid.

Ginny soon caught on but didn't say anything, she decided to save it for truth or dare to make it even more interesting. Fred starts off by spinning the bottle in the middle of the floor, it lands on Hermione first.

''Hermione, truth or dare?''


''Brave choice'' Fred replies and thinks for a moment ''I dare you to spin the bottle again, and whoever it lands on be it boy or girl you have to kiss them on the lips''

Hermione blush's as she spins the bottle again. It feels like forever before it finally lands on someone. Oh great, the person is me. Shit.

''come on then sweet cheeks, I don't bite'' I say throwing Hermione a wink and moving closer to her. She looks a bit scared at first then just gives me a little peck on the lips.

As I pull away I hear Fred give a low whistle as Ron grunts angrily next to me. I catch a glimps of Phoenix's face. She looks a bit upset and she's staring into space thinking about something. Ginny gives her a quick nudge and she snaps back into reality.

Hermione reaches for the bottle and gives it a spin, it lands on Phoenix this time. Hermione gives her an evil grin before asking her truth or dare.


''okay, have you ever full on made out with a girl before?''

I feel a jolt of shock after hearing Hermione ask her this, Fred on the other hand sniggers under his breath.

''Yeah I have and you know what, I fucking loved it, and she was fit as''

Phoenix replied. I never thought I would hear a girl say this and I can tell im not the only one, Fred bursts out laughing, while Ron and Harry have a shocked look n there faces. Ginny on the other hand is looking a little uncomfortable.

~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning, I'm woken up by an unfamiliar sound, its not a bad sound, it sounds like a violin outside. For a second I think I'm dead and I can hear and angel outside playing the violin.

When I walk downstairs everyone else is already up sat around the kitchen table, trying to discreetly look out the window without someone seeing them.

As I approach the kitchen I notice that Phoenix isn't sat at the table with everyone else, that when I realise that its Phoenix that's outside playing the violin and dancing along to the sound in a mixture of break dancing and ballet.

For a moment I really have to think am I dead or not because I have never heard something so beautiful, it was mesmerising to hear such a beautiful sound. As I watched Phoenix dance around to the wonderful music, her bright red hair looked like a flame following her around in the wind.

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