Chapter 9 ~ Story Time

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~~~~~~~~~~Back in the common room~~~~~~~~~~

*Fred's POV*

''Phoenix and George have been gone a long time''

Lee says sound like he doesn't know what we all know they're getting up to.

I give him a disbelieving look and he looks at me confused.

''Do you seriously not know what they're actually doing, if they've been gone this long?''

I ask in a sarcastic way thinking that Lee is just messing with me. Again, he looks at me confused, just as I'm about to reply, the portrait door opens and George and Phoenix step through holding hands and giggling like little school kids.

''Why don't you ask them what they were doing Lee?''

Phoenix looks at me confused before turning to look at George.

''I'm going to take a shower''

She says while walking towards the stairs.

''Mind if I join you?''

George says and Phoenix just laughs at him while walking up the stairs.

''what did you wanna ask me Lee?''

George asks Lee. Lee looks at him slightly confused.

''Why were you and Phoenix gone for so long?''

He asks George looking genuinely serious. George just laughs it off thinking that Lee was just messing with him.

''what's so funny?''

Lee asks looking left out, George looks at me confused and then back at Lee.

''why do you wanna know?''

Just as Lee was about to reply, Phoenix walks back down the stairs with her damp red hair in a ponytail.

''What you guy's talking about?''

She says sitting down on George's lap and curling up into his chest like a little kid. They're so cute together. Woah, what was that, I sound like a freakin' girl saying that.

''I'm just curious as to why you and George were gone for so long, why won't anyone tell me?!''

Lee says sounding lightly pissed off.
Phoenix sits up and looks straight at Lee.

''Okay, to put it to you bluntly, we were having sex''

Phoenix says, the look on Lee's face is priceless, I can't help but laugh.

''Are you...No you didn't?!''

Phoenix and George nod with a smug look on their face's which makes me laugh even more.

''I'm going to bed, Oh and you're banned from ever staying in our dorm''
Lee says to Phoenix while storming off upstairs.

''Jealousy won't get you nowhere, if you want me to set you up with one of the Bauxbatons all you gotta do is ask!''

Phoenix says as Lee storms up the stairs.

~~~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~

*Cedric's POV*

I'm happy for my sister to have finally found someone she can trust. Although I didn't really need to know, at least she didn't go into detail.

As I walk through the school, I get a sense that something bad is going to happen.

Not right now, but that something serious is going to go wrong with the tournament.

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