Chapter 15 ~ The final task...

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~~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~

*Fred's POV*

I havnt seen George or Phoe for about a day now.

I was planning on asking Angelina on a 'Double date' on the next Hogsmead trip with me, George and Phoenix, if they wanted to too.

"Hey Fred you seen Phoenix?"

The lovely sound of Angelina's voice rings through my ears.

"No I haven't, I don't even know where George is either."

Just as I say that the portrait hole opens up and the love birds walk in.

I notice George looks like he hasn't slept in days and Phoenix looks I'll.

"Where have you two been?"

Phoenix walks past everyone and makes her way up the stairs looking really tired.

"It's not really my place to say, it's Phoe you gotta ask"

George says slumping down in the seat next to me. Angelina takes this chance to go and talk to Phoenix.

Before long she comes back down the stairs.

"She said she'd be down in a minuet, she just taking a shower"

Okay, now I'm slightly worried.

"Are you and Pheonix alright? did something happen?"

George turns to me in a slight shock/surprised look.

"No me and Phoe are alright. She, there was one very important thing she didn't tell us..."

"...What on too of everything she's been through, it gets worse, that poor girl"

I but in, not really believing what I'm hearing, this poor soul has been through a lot and there's more.

Just as were about to carry on, Phoenix walks down the stairs looking a little bit better than what she did when she walked in.

She walks over to George and huddled herself into a small ball like a little kid nustling her head into his chest and pretty much falling asleep there and then.

"Tired Phoe?"

I say in a sarcastic way, in return I just get a one eyed glare from her.

She sits up awkwardly looking around the room, checking to see if anyone else was around.

"I, I have a heart condition. Since that age of three I have had this really bad condition, I don't know what it is, and I don't want to know, all I do know is that up to the age of fourteen I kept if having random relapses, caused by mainly stress. I haven't had a relapse since I was fourteen and yesterday something triggered it, I don't know what but if it wasn't for George, I would be in a worse state, more than likely a coma, with no way of telling whether I would wake up again"

I know she isn't my girlfriend or even my blood related sister, but this really broke my heart hearing this. Of all the things she has been through, there's just more and more that keeps getting thrown at her.

Angelina is crying lightly sat in the chair opposite us. Phoenix notices and walks over to her giving her a hug.

We leave the girls alone for a few minuets to cry on each others shoulders.

"Well I have been meaning to ask you all something, mainly Angelina. Would you like to go with me on the next Hogsmead trip. And was wondering if all four of us could do like a double date kinda thing, if you want to?"

Clipped Wings (George Weasley Love Story/Book 1 of 4)Where stories live. Discover now