Chapter 13 ~ Dreams are a weird thing...

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*Phoenix's POV*

"So did you have a good night love"

"This night isn't over yet"

I say sitting down next to George and leaning into kiss him. He closes the gap between us and forces my mouth open.

I embrace the moment and run my fingeres through his hair and wrap my arms around his neck. George wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

He lays down on the sofa and pulls me closer so I have one knee either side of his waist leaning over him.

I feel George run his hands up my back and start unzipping the zip on my dress.

I quickly slip off the dress and throw it aside, I kneel back over George and start unbuttoning his shirt as he gently kisses my neck.

Oh god he hit my soft spot, I can't hold in the gentle moan as goosebumps erupt all over my body.

He sits up again holding me close as our bare skin touches while we kiss passionately.

It's funny how he really knows how to turn me on, this one moment right here is just perfect for me.

George leans over me holding my hands above my head so I'm laying on the sofa and he's on top of me.

He holds my hands above my head so I can't protest his next move as he teases me by kissing my hot spot on my neck.

I moan in distress, I hate it when he teases me like this, although it's somewhat pleasurable like this too.

I bite my lip as I feel Georges hand run down my stomach, tracing each line of my chiseled abs towards my...yeah.

I moan as I feel my hole body tense from this wonderful feeling.

Then...I wake up. In my dorm no one else is awake...okay that was one fucking hot dream.

"Woah, that was...amazing"

I whisper to myself as I gasp for breath. Why am I so out of breath, I didn't do anything.

Well that dream was a bit steamy.

No wonder I'm out of breath, atleast it wasn't a nightmare anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~

*Angelina's POV*

Me, Phoenix, Fred, George and Lee are all sat at the Griffyndor table in the great hall eating breakfast.

''Hey Phoenix, have any interesting dreams lately?''

I stare straight at Phoe as her eye's lock with mine. She looks slightly worried. I said it loud enough so that only our little group can hear our conversation.

''Define Interesting''

''Well last night, you were moaning, very sexually, in your sleep''

Everyone just laughs as Phoenix chokes on her drink.

''Can I tell you later Angelina. Maybe when were alone and there are less witnesses around''

Phoenix replies with a look that could kill.

''I'll hold you up on that one then shall I?''

I say back in the same blunt tone. She wants to play dirty, I can do it ten times better. Hehe, Challenge Accepted.

~~~~~~~~~~Free Period~~~~~~~~~~

''I'm beat''

Phoenix says slumping down on the ground. We decided to go out and sit by the lake as the boys go off and do their own thing.

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