Chapter 12 ~ Yule ball

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~~~~~~~~~~Hogsmead with Hermione and Ginny~~~~~~~~~~

I officially Hate dress shopping or any kind of shopping.

Hermione and Ginny have dragged me around a million and one shops, I give up, I thought ahead and sent a list to my friends Jinx and Iris of what I wanted for the Yule Ball and they sent it all to me last week.

It's just less than a week till the Yule Ball, And they decide now, to go dress shopping.

''What about this one?''

Ginny twirls around in front of us in a pastel blue frilly dress and a pastel pink bow around the waist of the dress.

She looks gawgeous in it but still doesnt look sure about it, Hermione chose her dress so thats all sorted, its just Ginny. She's a little more fussy than anyone I've even been clothes shopping with.

''You look amazing Ginny''

I say trying to sound interested, insted I just sound tired and exausted.

''Sorry guy's excuse me, I need to get some fresh air''

I say walking out of the store. I catch sight of Angelian, Fred, George and Lee walking out of Honeydukes and decide to hang around with them for a while.

''Hey Phoe what's up?''

Lee asks as I aproach everyone.

''Nothing much, Hemione and Ginny have been dragging me around Hogsmead for the past 4 hourse looking at dresses and I can't take anymore of it. I'm trying to sound like I'm instrested but insted I just sound bored. Poor Ginny she's struggling to find a dress she likes.''

''I wonder why?''

Angelina asks me as everyones looks at me confused.

''I dont know, I think she might be a bit self - consious. She's at that age where she'll start to worry about, her weight, the way she looks, the way she dresses and what everyone else thinks about her. I spose it was kinda easy for me because I never cared about what other people think of me but she's a little more shy than I am''

George wraps his arms around me confertingly pulling me into a hug. I feel bad for Ginny in a way, she's like a sister to me, but I've never been the older sister, and I sound like I'm mothering her alot though.

''She'll be fine Phoe, Ginny's a Weasley after all, strong hearted. She'll be fine''

Fred says trying t reasure me. I guess I'm just scared of what I went through, that I don't want anyone close to me go through it too.

Yeah, I definitly feel like a mother figure towards her.

''Yeah, but if she ever gets a boyfriend, I'll give him a piece of my mind. If he hurts her I'll deck him so hard he'll be six feet under the surface of the earth. Just saying''

''You know, you relly scare me sometimes love''

George says to me looking mock scared of me, although that's what I think he's only joking, everyone else looks a little scared of me. Hehe I like this power I have over people, I don't know why but it feels good knowing people are scared of me.

And I havnt even done anything yet. Bonus.

''Anyway, I think it's time we head back to Hogwarts''

Angelina says, we're soon joined by Ginny and Hermione. Ginny looks really happy, I spose she did get the blue dress in the end.

''So Ginny, did you get the dress in the end?''

I ask eagery looking at Ginny's happy face, I have never seen her smile so brightly before.

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