Chapter 4 ~ I didnt expect that

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~~~~~~~~~~Romantic walk through the Castle~~~~~~~~~~

*George's POV*

''well this is the last of them, do you wanna head back?''

''Na, I think we're got a little time til Seventh Heaven. Could you show me the lake?''

Phoenix says with an excited expression on her face. Making her look like a child going on holiday.

We walk out onto the Castle grounds and towards the lake. I feel

Phoenix's fingers entwine with mine as she takes my hand. The sun is just setting across from the lake, creating the most romantic atmosphere.

We sit at the base of an old tree and watch the sun set from across the lake.

Before we know it its nearly 7, so we head back to the common room. I forgot that Phoenix hadn't yet been in to the common room, because she gives me a weird look as we stop in front of the portrait hole.


''Fortuna Major''

The portrait swings open and I again take Phoenix's hand and guide her into the common room, there are only a few first, second and first years left in the common room, including Hermione and Ginny.

Ginny starts talking toPhoenix and takes her up to her bedroom. Not long after, Phoenix comes back down in just a simple purple t shirt and some skinny jeans and ugg boots.

Her t shirt is so skin tight I swear I can see the outline of a six pack. No joke.

~~~~~~~~~~Seventh Heaven. ROR~~~~~~~~~~

*Phoenix's POV*

George and I walk through the Castle and he stops in front of a big blank wall.

I shoot him a confused look, and he starts pacing back and forth in front of the walk.

Slowly the outline of two massive doors appears, then all the tiny details fall into place and the doors swing open revealing a massive room full of 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th year guys and girl from all houses.

Oh shit, my brothers here! He sees me and ushers me over and I go sit with him as George joins his brother and his mate.

''Fancy seein' you ere Phoe''

Cedric says with the cheesiest grin on his face.

''yeah urm, I got invited by Angelina I think her name is?''

''don't worry. I've been doing this since fourth year, it's all good''

Just as he says that, Angelina jumps up and calls for everyone's attention.

''Right guys, I thought to kick things off, we would let the new girl from Gryffindor take a lucky dip first''

She says glancing around the room until her eyes fall on me. She walks over to me and drags me up to the front towards a box full of folded paper.

I awkwardly take one, feeling nervous about the fact that everyone's eyes are on me.


I say, hearing a few exaggerated sighs from the audience. I look around the room, hoping either Fred or George will stand up. But instead there friend stands up and walks over to me.

He shoots me a reassuring grin and I shot George an apologetic look before stepping into the cupboard.

''urm hey, I'm Lee. Fred and George's mate. Can I just say I know George is head over heals for you, but you're fit as''

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