Chapter Eleven

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At the sound of his voice, Scarlett and Sarah turned to face him. "Mr. Hawk?" Sarah questioned.

The man appeared from the shadows. He wore a top hat and black jacket with black pants and dress shoes. His entire body stood stiff, and both of his hands were behind him.

I tried so hard to stay calm, but how could I when I knew that he would eventually do something horrible to me, my sister, and Sarah?

A grin - creepy looking - spread across Mr. Hawk's face.

Oh, no. That is never good.

If someone smiled like that, then they are up to something sinister.

I wanted to run. Run as far away from this guy as possible. I wanted to grab Scarlett's and Sarah's hands and run with them.

I wanted to do something. Anything! Punch the guy's nose! Poke his eyes!

But my body would not let me.

It was terrified. I was terrified. I could not even speak up. Tears formed in my eyes as I realized this. I was a chicken. A big chicken.

"Yep. That is correct, young lady," Mr. Hawk said, looking at Sarah. "Now, which one of you is Margie Morgan?" He looked over us, deciding who was me.

"You mean, my sister," Scarlett stated. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up next to her.


Mr. Hawk gave me that same creepy grin. I shuddered. This was a total nightmare. If only it could be a nightmare and nothing more.

However, this was real. All of it.

"Are you Margie Morgan?" he asked.

I hesitated before answering. ""

"Margie!" my sister snapped. "Do not lie!"

Did I mention that Scarlett hates when I lie? She really, really hates it.

With no other options left, I finally answered with a resounding "Yes."

"Nice to meet you, Margie." Mr. Hawk held out a hand for me to shake. I took a step back, not wanting to touch him in any way, and that included shaking his hand.

"Margie, do not be rude," Scarlett spoke.

Rude? Of a bad person? If anything, I am protecting myself!

She took and shook his hand. "I am Scarlett Morgan," she told him.

Sis, what are you doing?! What happened to the whole "stay safe from strangers" thing and talking with them?!

"And this is my sister, Margie, and my best friend Sarah." She then whispered to him, and I heard every bit of it. "Margie is shy around people that she does not know. That is probably why she is acting the way she is right now."

That is true, but I was not shy of Mr. Hawk.

I was scared of him. So very scared.

The man nodded. "That is quite alright," he said. "I used to be shy when I was young, so I get the feeling."

He gets it? I do not think so! Especially for somebody as evil as he is!

"Why do you not grab your things, and we can all head to the mansion?" Mr. Hawk instructed.

"Wait, you live in a mansion?" Sarah asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Along with some of my friends, yes."


"Are you rich?" Scarlett wondered.

He chuckled. "Well, not in the way that you are thinking of."

Sarah jumped up and down excitedly.

Dang. She must have had a lot of sugar before we left home.

We grabbed our bags and followed Mr. Hawk to the mansion.

Hold on. Where were my bags?

Then I remembered. Oh, crub.

I left them on the bus!

I looked around and saw the bus driving away.

No, no, no!

I started running after the bus, waving my hands frantically in the air, trying to get Paul's attention, but it was no use. I stopped and took a breath as the bus disappeared into the distance.

All of my belongings were gone. My books. My journals. My video games. Everything.

Gone forever.

I was to going to cry - and then remembered something else.

I had left my stuff next to Dr. O'Connor. He would know that all of those extra bags that were not his belonged to me. The doctor would keep my things safe until he had a chance to return them.

And he could save me. From Mr. Hawk.

I slightly smiled and rubbed my eyes. I had a plan. To stop Mr. Hawk from whatever he was up to once and for all.

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