Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I raised an eyebrow. "Colnoxes?" I repeated. "What in the world are Colnoxes? Sounds like a species that gets the cold all the time."

Or some type of medicine that relieves the cold.

The ghost giggled. "No wonder the readers take a liking to you," she stated. "You have a good sense of humor."

I was immediately confused by her statement. What did I say that was funny? All I said was that Colnoxes must be people who are sick with the cold. In what way was that funny?

"The word 'Colnox' has nothing to do with the cold," Lean explained. "It is a name that was given to the creatures years ago, and it means so much more." She eyed my waist - which is absurd because she is blind! - and her pale eyes widened. "Oh, no, Margie. You are bleeding."

Do you know what I did right after she said that?

I panicked.

I stayed where I was, however, I could not keep my body from shaking. Sweat poured down my forehead, and my cheeks were hot. Both of my hands quivered, just like on the day of Show and Tell. But it was not a quiver of nervousness this time.

It was a quiver of fear.

Like I said a couple chapters ago, I have felt worse pain. Hurtful words. Humiliation. Being punched in the nose. Getting thrown down.

Do you feel bad for me now?

My classmates are the ones behind my sufferings. They caused all of those things to happen and are proud of it. They hate me for some strange reason and hurt me every chance that they can get. I do not know why my own classmates despise me so much. I never did anything to them, and yet, they do not want me to exist.

And it is not just them. The teachers do not like me either. Every teacher except Mrs. M. What the heck is up with that?!

The teachers may not throw harsh words at me or cause me injuries, but they sure know how to ignore me. If I raise my hand in class for something, like answering a question or getting permission to go to the restroom, they will not even bother with me and call on somebody else instead. What is really bad is the fact that they treat me unfairly.

They always give me F's! On all of my assignments!

No, I am not lazy. I am a hard worker. Believe me! I am the hardest worker in my entire class and possibly the whole school! But do the teachers care? Nope! I swear that they give everybody an A, so they exclude me out!

My life stinks!

At least Mrs. M. cares for me, and my sister and Sarah enjoy my company also.

"B-bleeding?" I questioned in disbelief. "I am...bleeding?"

"I see dark stains on the sides of your shirt, so you could very well be," Lean told me.

How could she see?! She is blind!

"Luckily for you, we are near the factory," she continued. "There is a medical room inside. I will take you to that room and tend to your wounds myself." Lean carefully lifted my shirt halfway and glanced at the blood wounds. "And we had better hurry."

The ghost pulled my shirt back down and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to her, and we headed to the factory.

I had a good view of the factory. It was a pretty large building. Lights that were on top of the roof shined on the colorful, green grass and reflected the colors of the building, which were blue and white. In front of the factory, I noticed two small windows that were on either side of a gray door. The door did not have a doorknob or a keyhole.

How were you supposed to get in?

I then saw a keypad next to the door. There were about ten to fifteen buttons on the keypad, and they were blinking button by button. The ghost girl floated towards the keypad and pressed a button, and I heard a male voice say:


I was suddenly on full alert. Who said that? Who did that voice belong to?

Lean noticed the expression on my face and giggled again. "It is okay, Margie," she reassured me as she gently patted my shoulder. "That was just the keypad. It needs me to enter a password." She turned to the keypad and smirked. "Good thing that I know what it is." She began pressing buttons rapidly.

My goodness! Was she a superhero or something? 'Cause she was pressing on those buttons awfully fast.

When she was finished, the male voice spoke again.


The door slid up, and we entered. I looked at my surroundings. I had never seen a factory like this before, let alone a factory itself. The inside was so huge! The walls and floors were both blue and white, just like the outside. There were so many doors that led to others rooms, and the hallways were long and somewhat narrow. Lights flashed from the ceilings as if they were directing us to the medical room.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"Shh," Lean shushed me, putting a ghostly finger over her ghostly lips. "You do not want them to hear you."


Before she could respond, the lights went out - and someone grabbed my arm.

And that person was not Lean.

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