Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Hey," Dr. O'Connor said, appearing from behind.

I jumped a little upon hearing him and turned around. "Dr. O'Connor?" I said. " did you get here?"

"The same way that I left the Forlot airport. By bus."

"I figured that, did you know that I was here? In the middle of the woods? You were looking for me, right?"

"Yes, I was." He held up a backpack and motioned to a suitcase. "I believe that these belong to you."

I gasped. "My backpack and suitcase!" I had forgotten about them. I was so caught up in finding Lean's eyes that forgetting my belongings completely slipped my mind.

Lean. Where was that girl?

"Thank you," I thanked him as I grabbed my suitcase and backpack. "I do not know what I would have done if my stuff never got returned."

The doctor smiled. "It was my pleasure, Margie."

I raised an eyebrow. "Did I ever tell you my name?"

"No, however, you have tags on both your suitcase and bag that say 'Margie Morgan,' so I assumed."

I slightly smiled. "Of course."

Dr. O'Connor surveyed the woods as if he were searching for something in particular. "So what was going on?" he asked.

"Going on?" I questioned.

"I heard two people arguing. What was that all about?"

My smile faded as he stated that. "Oh. My sister and I."

"You and your sister were fighting?"

"Not necessarily." I rubbed my arm. "Not at first at least."

"Please tell me."

"I do not know..."

"I insist. Perhaps I can help with your dilemma. I may be the Monster Protector, but that does not mean that I cannot help people who have nothing to do with my job. Besides, you might feel a bit better if you talk with somebody on the matter, especially with somebody who is as trustworthy as me."

I thought of what he just said. The doctor was right. I needed to talk with someone on what I just went through, and I did trust him. Plus, he was the Monster Protector. He would probably understand what I was getting at.

"Alright, Dr. O'Connor. I accept."

"Good. First, let us get out of these woods. The Colnoxes could spot us from a mile away and attack us any minute." He took my hand as we exited the woods. I was going to ask him how he knew about the Colnoxes, but then I remembered that he was the Monster Protector. It would not surprise me if he knew as much as what Lean told me.

Hold on. Lean.

We just got out of the woods when I jerked my hand away. "Dr. O'Connor, wait," I said. "I have not seen Lean yet."

"Lean? Lean Share?" the doctor responded.

I nodded. "I was helping her in getting her eyes back."


"And...well...I used my crossbow and arrow to deactivate a laser system..."


"...but I accidentally hit the wrong button, which was the self-destruct button..."


"...and boom! The factory exploded."

"Well, that would explain why the factory is on fire."

My palms were beginning to feel sweaty. I was worried about Lean. "What if...what if I killed her? What if she did not make it out in time?"

Dr. O'Connor rubbed my back. "I am sure that you will see her. She could not have died in the factory. She is a ghost after all."

I looked down. I wanted to believe what he was saying was true. I then remembered what Lean stated on ghosts being born.
"Mr. Hawk and Stanley have it all wrong. They think that ghosts are dead, but that has proven to be incorrect. You see, there are ghosts in this world who are born as ghosts. Researchers believe that the reason could be because the ghosts died right away after they were born. However, the scientists here in Forlot disapprove of that theory, and I agree with them a hundred percent. Not every ghost is dead. There are some who are born into this world as ghosts. Simple as that."
There was a good chance, I hoped, that Lean was okay. However, something told me that she was gone forever.

Dr. O'Connor led me to the edge of the hill, and we sat on the nice, green grass. The tiny stars sparkled and danced in the night sky, and the full moon casted white light on me and the doctor.

"Tell me the adventure that you have had," he encouraged me. "From when we last met to now."

So I did. I told him everything that I admitted to Scarlett. If you do not remember what I told Scarlett, then check the last chapter for a quick review.

After I explained of the fight that my sister and I got into, which was the last thing on my list to talk with him about, Dr. O'Connor took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You have been through a lot," he stated.

"You can say that again," I replied.

"You have been—"

"Not literally."

He chuckled. "Just trying to lighten the mood." I sighed, and he gently patted my shoulder. "I know what it feels like to have a sibling. I have a brother."

"You do?"

"Yep. He was adopted, but boy, is he annoying. He is jealous because I am the oldest and the smartest."

"Sounds like me and my sister. She is the smart one, and I am more of the goofy one."

"I also have a granddaughter."

"Really? What is her name?"

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.

"Margie!" Sarah called, hurrying over to me and the doctor.

"Sarah?" I glanced at her - and she shoved me off the edge of the hill.


I was rolling pretty fast on that hill. I tried to stop myself, but I could not.

The last thing that I overheard came from Dr. O'Connor.

"Good job, Sarah, my lovely granddaughter."

Forlot: Monster Protector - Book One {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now