Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The ghost girl turned her head left and right, peering down the hallways one more time, and then took my hand and quickly floated down the hallway to the left.

"Do you know where you are going?" I asked her.

"Of course," she responded. "I have been here before."


We soon came up to a black door. A sign was hanging on the door. It read:


"This is it," Lean said, both quietly and proudly. She grabbed the doorknob and started opening the door.

"Wait," I protested. "What if somebody is in there? We will get caught."

She smirked. "Neither of us will get caught in the act as long as I am around. Not with the skills that I was born with."


Lean pushed the door open.


I took a good look around. The room was fairly small. The walls were dark blue, and the floor was green - with splats of red.

I gulped. I hope that the red stuff was not blood. Otherwise, I would be very uncomfortable being in this room.

The room was pretty empty, except for a chair, like the ones that the dentists let their clients sit in, a medium-sized tray that looked to have sharp and deadly tools and other objects in it and was resting in the chair - and a man.

Yes, a man.

The man was behind the chair and on his knees. I do not know what he was doing, but my senses told me that he was trouble.

"Hey," the ghost spoke, getting the man's attention.

He stood up. The man had short, brown hair and was wearing a lab coat, brown pants, and black shoes. When he spotted us, a creepy grin spread across his face. "So...we meet once more," he said creepily.

Lean nodded and frowned. "And we will keep meeting like this if you do not stop. Maxwell."

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