Hook Remembers

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Hook/Officer Rogers POV:

I had been ordered by Victoria Belfrey (the woman in charge of the estate which is called Hyperion Heights) to find her granddaughter named Lucy and her mother who is named Jacinda. Belfrey instructed me to bring her other daughter, Ivy. After we had found Lucy and Jacinda, Ivy took Lucy's book and handed it to me telling me to destroy it or something as it had caused enough trouble which is what she told me.

After I took everyone home, I headed back to my car. I still had hold of the book so I thought I would have a look at it. At the end of the day it is just a fairy tale book so what harm can be done, right? So I opened the book but what I saw felt more like memories that had been long forgotten and I didn't understand this. Then I turned the page and then what I saw was probably the most shocking/disturbing thing I could ever imagine.

What I saw was an image of what looked like my wife Emma Swan, but how could be in Henry's book that he wrote? She died in a fire long before the book came out which was why I was both confused and disturbed by this. That was when it hit me. I started to get what seemed like a lot of flashbacks from the past. That was when I realised who I was and what happened and that these stories are indeed true.

Now that I was awake from the curse, I thought it would be best to lay low and not let anyone, including Lucy know that I was awake from yet another curse. My first thought was to figure out what happened to Emma without making it obvious to anyone. Then I started to wonder, if I pretended to still be affected by the curse, I could hopefully figure out who this Belfrey woman was back in the enchanted forest and what her plan is. My next thought is, I needed to tell Lucy she is doing the right thing in trying to make Henry believe. The only question was, how do I do that without letting on that I am no longer cursed?


It has been an hour now and I think I have finally figured out how to tell Lucy to get Henry believe without making it obvious I am no longer cursed. I will tell her to keep telling him to believe because as long as there is hope in this town, everything will be fine. At least that is what the Charming's and Swan always say. Also in that hour while I was figuring this out, I headed back to the police station and I have been promoted to detective.

Now that I have been promoted to detective, it will make things easier for me to start figuring out what is going on. And I was quite surprised that the crocodile is also a detective. I always thought if he was going to be cursed, he would have more power than just detective. Like he would partly own the town or something because that is usually what the dark one would want but clearly he doesn't remember or else he would be where he is now. Then I started to wonder if Regina was awake from the curse or if she was even here because I haven't seen anyone else from Storybrooke.

After a lot of thinking, I started to check my pockets searching for my bottle of rum. Then I remembered I am a cop in this town and I can't be drinking lots of rum. So I decided to get into my car, well a police car and drive around town looking for anyone who looked like they could be awake from the curse. I didn't have very much success so I pulled over and noticed a sign that said Roni's bar. So I got out of my car and went inside. The woman asked me what I wanted but before I saw the woman I knew her voice to well it was Regina. She has been cursed as well which makes things trickier.

I was kind of hoping for the former evil queen to not be cursed because then she would know exactly what to do but I guess that doesn't matter now. So I asked if she had something not very strong and she did... after I'd had my drink I figured out what my next move would be.

This was very hard to write, I got this idea when hook was looking in Lucy's book and I was wondering if he remembers so I wrote this fanfic. Sorry if not accurate to episode, like I said it was had to write.

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